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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Fish must be going through a midlife crisis.

Burner Prime

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Burner Prime »

Guest wrote:Fish must be going through a midlife crisis.
Word, brother...

Posts: 1313
Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:07 pm

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

Burner Prime wrote:
FishbellykanakaDude wrote:
Burner Prime wrote:
Who was the author of "calls for" in the "title" above?

What do you think the author meant by that phraseology?

Trump did not "call for" ending lockdowns by Easter.

He meant (whatever the actual words were, which I'm FAR too lazy to look up right now) that it would be "GREAT" if that were to happen.

How does ANY media outlet have ANY credibility with ANYONE ANYMORE!?

I'd sooner believe the verbal musings of the possum that lives under the dead log down by the creek than I would the media or any politician.

..and her babies are WAY cuter! (the creepy little vermin)


I purposely ignore the insane Tourettes-syndrome, continuous verbal ejaculations from "Fish" but for this one I couldn't resist. A bit too fast on the draw, jumping in and criticizing everyone and everything, pathetically and hysterically trying to convince folks of his brilliant mind and relevance.
Anyway Fish, the author of that line,if you paid any attention before prematurely ejaculating all over yourself, was John Xenakis himself. Read the World View article then maybe the context will make sense, but somehow I doubt it.
I (obviously to the observant) don't care who the "author" was.

The point is that the phrase, as constructed, says something that is blatantly untrue.

If we delve a little deeper into WHY John worded that "title" that way, I'm pretty sure that his construction was to highlight THE MEDIA as saying that Trump DEMANDS that we "reopen" on Easter.

John COULD clarify that. I'm guessing he will. I don't THINK that John is stupid enough to construct a title phrase that states HIS (John's) belief that Trump actually does DEMAND that the US reopen on Easter.

By the way, Burn-it-DOWN Prime, I'm not unimpressed with your descriptive composition of your opinion of me. :)

It was a bit 8ᵗʰ grade,.. but ya' have start somewhere.

Kudos, little boy..!! <chuckle!>

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Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:07 pm

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

John wrote:** 26-Mar-2020 World View: Coronavirus lockdowns

I've watched most of Trump's coronavirus press conferences. These
press conferences go on for one or two hours, and Trump answers
hundreds of questions. Often he answers the same question many times
the same day and on consecutive days. Trump said that he wants to
start putting the country back to work by Easter. Sometimes he used
different words, sometimes he hedged, but the intent was always
obvious. At today's press conference he said that people should start
going back to work in some parts of the country by Easter, and that he
would provide further guidelines on Monday. It was clear that he was
strongly urging this, though not ordering it. To say that "Trump
called for ending coronavirus lockdowns by Easter" is, in my opinion,
the best and most precise summary of all the different ways he
described his intent. Anyone who did not see the actual press
conferences, but instead depended on mainstream news media reports,
would not be likely to have any idea what's going on.
Quite true! ..on the "not be likely to have any idea what's going on" point.

I'll have to disagree that "Trump called for ending coronavirus lockdowns by Easter" is the most PRECISE (or best) summary of what happened. He made known his DESIRE and HOPE that things would be good enough to allow that, but that's WAY too long a "title" for a short article. :)

A sensible person (so few of those these days, it seems) would see the irony, and the "MUST oppose Orange Man!!" attitude of the press, in what THEY (the press) were trying to do in their commentary related to the incident.

What's funny (sardonically) to me is that NO ONE is actually interested in listening to "persuasion" by anyone regarding their opinion about the Orange Man. Confirmation bias is running absolutely rampant.

And that's not necessarily a "bad" thing! It IS an unfortunate thing, but (nearly) anything that propels us forward through and beyond this "weird time" is, if not good, at least "forward motion".

Stagnation would be REALLY bad, in my opinion. I remember the 70's. Rip the bandaids™ off...!!

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Re: Jokes

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

Magic from behind the Magician!

..looks simple enough. Let's make a MOVIE, kids!

Ian's crazy.. but lovable, in that whacked out professor kinda way.

..and no, I get no recompense for this "Blender" promotion stuff.

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Re: Jokes

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

John wrote:A number of posts have been moved to the "Jokes" thread,
where they're more appropriate.
Hear hear..!!

Posts: 1313
Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:07 pm

Re: Jokes

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

Come in South Koreans, Come in Please!!

John has important questions for you.

Tell us all you know.

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 27-Mar-2020 World View: Fishing
Guest wrote: > People get the government and country they deserve.

> I left. I'm better off.

> So long and thanks for all the fish.
To FishbellykanakaDude:

The above was posted anonymously, but I assume it was from you.

Back in the 1980s, I joined one of the world's first online forums,
called "Participate on The Source." I was going through a very rough
time personally, and I became emotionally addicted to Participate, and
started attacking people irrationally. I hurt some people's feelings,
and got a number of people mad at me. Some of the things that I
posted could only be described in retrospect as near-psychopathic. I
began to realize that I must be going crazy, so I finally turned off
my modem once and for all. I was actually afraid to turn on my modem
again for any reason, for fear that just that just flipping the switch
to "on" would suck me back in. It was a long time before I was online

So I have the feeling that you're going through something similar, but
with a difference that when I left it was permanent, but I hope your
leaving won't be permanent, as you'll be missed by me and a number of

Please take some time off to evaluate, and then come back, when you'll
be welcome. In this crisis, we need all the friends we can get.


Posts: 1313
Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:07 pm

Re: Jokes

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

John wrote:** 27-Mar-2020 World View: Fishing
Guest wrote: > People get the government and country they deserve.

> I left. I'm better off.

> So long and thanks for all the fish.
To FishbellykanakaDude:

The above was posted anonymously, but I assume it was from you.

Back in the 1980s, I joined one of the world's first online forums,
called "Participate on The Source." I was going through a very rough
time personally, and I became emotionally addicted to Participate, and
started attacking people irrationally. I hurt some people's feelings,
and got a number of people mad at me. Some of the things that I
posted could only be described in retrospect as near-psychopathic. I
began to realize that I must be going crazy, so I finally turned off
my modem once and for all. I was actually afraid to turn on my modem
again for any reason, for fear that just that just flipping the switch
to "on" would suck me back in. It was a long time before I was online

So I have the feeling that you're going through something similar, but
with a difference that when I left it was permanent, but I hope your
leaving won't be permanent, as you'll be missed by me and a number of

Please take some time off to evaluate, and then come back, when you'll
be welcome. In this crisis, we need all the friends we can get.

Actually, if I post anything, I post it as myself. That was not my posting (as should be obvious as I'm NEVER that concise! <chuckle!> ).

It was one of your precious unregistered unaccountable "Guests".

I'll be here, or not, as I wish. As I find it interesting, or not. :)

Thanks for the concern for my mental health. I really do appreciate that, sincerely. As everyone SHOULD know by now, my "habit" (and philosophy) of never making my happiness contingent on ANYTHING prohibits my contributing to this forum, or not doing so, having any effect on my mental health whatsoever.

I would suggest you "alter" (improve?) your philosophy to be more "tragicomical", than the flat-out full bore "tragedy" that it (may be as informed by word from you yourself) seems to be, as I get the feeling (quite probably an illusion on my part) that you are FAR more tragicomic than the "tragic" that you let on being.

..then again, I could be wrong. I VERY often am. :) And I prefer it that way, as I tend to imagine worst case dire and truly tragic scenarios from the revealed facts of life on this planet.

See!? I told you I just CAN'T be succinct! <chuckle, chuckle, chuckle..!> :)

At any rate,.. Hurting people's feelings does not concern me in this venue, as the implicit contract between participants in forums is that being "insulted" is merely the starting point for further clarifying conversation that will reconcile the conflicts/incongruities that led to perceptions of "insulting behavior".

I don't "insult". I "propose". :)

..and the corollary of that is that I'm not capable of being insulted. You wanna talk t' me? I'll TALK t' ya'..!! Know whadduh MEAN,.. do ya',.. do ya' pal...? <chuckle!>

Posts: 11491
Joined: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:10 pm
Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Jokes

Post by John »

** 27-Mar-2020 Forum purpose
FishbellykanakaDude wrote: > At any rate,.. Hurting people's feelings does not concern me in
> this venue, as the implicit contract between participants in
> forums is that being "insulted" is merely the starting point for
> further clarifying conversation that will reconcile the
> conflicts/incongruities that led to perceptions of "insulting
> behavior".
If that "guest" post wasn't written by you, then it was most likely
written by someone complaining about you, which wouldn't be
surprising, since I've had a couple of other complaints about you.

The concept that you don't seem to understand is that as a member of
"this venue" you're part of a community. When you live in a town, you
don't go around gratuitously insulting your neighbors or throwing your
garbage in the streets. This is not a place to serve your needs to
insult people, but is a place where extremely serious subjects are
discussed. And whereas a certain amount of comic relief is welcome,
you've gone way overboard in repeatedly insulting other people for
no reason whatsoever, which apparently is your desire.

If you wish to remain in "this venue," then please respect the other
members and their opinions.

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