Religion and Vaccine Arguments

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim »
Edward Dowd
🚨🚨The US disability data for November is up 299K for population 16 and over and up 199k for Civilian labor force 16 and over.

The bad news is that it appears the breakout in June for population 16 and over is holding and we are 230k from the June high. Morbidity leads mortality

“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... w-ed-dowd/
Cause Unknown: What Explains Excess Death Among the Healthy? – Part1 w/ Ed Dowd

Ed Dowd answers the question, “Have the mysterious deaths in the youngest and healthiest people slowed down here in 2023?”
You asked and I finally delivered an interview with Ed Dowd, the former Blackrock portfolio manager and author of Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022.

In Part I we discuss this phenomenon, why it’s such an obvious thing that’s being studiously ignored by our “society” and what the implications are going forward. Ed Dowd, of course, is a special guest for the upcoming can’t-miss event of the year, our live (but also recorded) webinar exploring the power elites by stepping into their shoes and steelmanning their arguments. You can obtain tickets here.

In Part II (for subscribers at this stage, as always), we delve into his financial experience to explore the mysterious actions of Wall Street and the Federal Reserve. Ed can really connect the dots like very few others across the many dimensions of our current predicaments.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... -vandaelle
Canadian Journalist Ian Vandaelle, who pushed COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine passports and wanted unvaccinated Toronto Police Officers fired - died suddenly at age 33 on Dec.5, 2023
33-year-old Canadian MSM journalist who heavily promoted the Covid-19 vaccine, advocated for vaccine passports, and the firing of those who refused the jab has died after being hospitalized and “declared neurologically dead.”

Ian Vandaelle, a 33-year-old Canadian business journalist, worked as a reporter and editor at the Financial Post and was previously a producer at BNN Bloomberg for over a decade.

Stephanie Hughes, Vandaelle’s partner, shared the news of his death on her X account on December 5, 2023, stating, “I haven’t been on Twitter for a while because my partner, @IanVandaelle, has been in the hospital since Nov. 18. It’s with a heavy heart today that I say he was declared neurologically deceased this week and taken off life support this morning. He was 33 years old.”

Vandaelle had taken to social media multiple times, advocating for incentives to encourage Covid-19 vaccination, the implementation of vaccine passports, and the termination of those who refused the jab.

In one social media post, Vandaelle stated, “I, for one, advocate we bring the carrot and the stick. Incentivize getting the vaccine however we like - ice cream, lotteries, literally whatever, I don’t care - and require vaccination to do non-essential things. Wanna go to a bar to watch the game? Passport.”

In another post, he urged the Toronto Police to terminate members who declined the jab, saying, “Take the jab or resign; anything else is moral and ethical cowardice. You take an oath to protect citizens? You get vaxxed. Shameful that we have to say this.”

Vandaelle seemed in good health and actively engaged in work, as indicated by various social media posts before his hospitalization.
Yet, it’s clear from his posts that he is also the person who would have volunteered to load unvaccinated women and children into boxcars to be sent to concentration camps or gulags to die, had we gone just a little further in that direction (in Canada).

He supported medical fascism, tyranny and some of the worst abuses of our lifetime and he was proud of it.

He was, in some ways, a monster who saw himself as a good guy, and was seen by others as a good guy.

We are in this strange time, when millions of people acted as monsters during the pandemic, carrying out evil deeds, but because no one was punished, no one was held accountable for their abuses, and the big money was made by those who could, they never had to face that monster inside, that came out.

Thousands of these monsters walk among us, joke around, have fun, think of themselves as the good guys, some of them having murdered many people - and they’re oblivious to it all, because no one forced them to face the evil deeds they committed.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... -cover-up/
Since the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) only thinly veils its links to the People’s Liberation Army, both Dr. Fauci and Dr. [Peter] Daszak and the spooks at USAID must have known that the WIV is the centerpiece of China’s biowarfare/biodefense program.

The State Department issued a fact sheet in May 2020 revealing that the Chinese Communist Party has engaged in a national strategy of “military-civil fusion” intended to eliminate barriers between civilian research and the Chinese military “in order to achieve military dominance.”

As Elaine Dewar told Paul Thacker, “Since Xi Jinping became President, he made it clear that the military and the civilian researchers in strategic areas, such as biotechnology, had to work together. There was no distinction between civilian and military research, from that point forward.”

No one can hold high positions or conduct research at the WIV without being closely involved with, and supervised by, the military. Until late 2019, the Wuhan BSL-4 lab’s manager was Dr. Yuan Zhiming, the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party Committee within the Wuhan Branch.

On January 31, 2020, Pengbai—China’s state-run news outlet—reported that “People’s Liberation Army Maj. Gen. Chen Wei, took over the response to the epidemic,” including “supervision of the WIV.” Dr. Chen is a virologist who “leads the Institute of Bioengineering at the Academy of Military Medical Sciences and [is presumptive] head of biological warfare division.”

As noted earlier, Pengbai described the general as “our nation’s ultimate expert” in biological and chemical weapon defenses, and “a goddess of war.” Her other nickname is the “Wolf Warrior.”

In contrast to Dr. Fauci’s coy reticence, the Chinese are bracingly frank in acknowledging that their gain-of-function dabbling is straight-up weapons development.

In 2015, only two years after Chinese scientists used funding from NIAID and techniques they learned from Ralph Baric to triumphantly facilitate a deadly chimeric bird flu, Chinese military scientists from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and senior Chinese public health officials published a 261-page Chinese-language military manual.

The manual’s publisher is the Chinese Military Medical Science Press—a government-owned publishing house managed by the General Logistics Department of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). The book described Chinese success at artificially manipulating animal coronaviruses to infect humans as the herald of a promising “new era of genetic weapons.”

The 2015 book offers alarming insight into how senior scientists at one of the PLA’s most prominent military universities were thinking about the gain-of-function research that Tony Fauci was already financing in their laboratories. Their thoughts align perfectly with the bioweapons ambitions for gain-of-function science that Ralph Baric unveiled in his 2007 paper.

The Chinese authors giddily proclaim their ability to enhance the military effectiveness of their new GOF pathogens using major advances in bioweapon delivery systems—including freeze-drying microorganisms—that make germ bombs easier to store, transport, conceal, and aerosolize.

A section describing strategies for maximizing impacts of biological attacks recommends the deployment of lab-generated pandemic germ bombs during dawn, dusk, night, or cloudy weather to minimize the weakening effects of intense sunlight on the pathogens. Stable wind direction and dry weather—the manual says—are ideal for delivering biobombs, since rain or snow can cause the aerosol particles to precipitate.

The book advises that favorable climate conditions will allow the Chinese military to float the toxins into the target zone. The authors boast that, in addition to psychological terror, widespread morbidity, and mass casualties, large-scale biological weapon attacks can cause many indirect consequences, including the destruction of target economies, sudden surges of patients disrupting hospitals and healthcare systems, and long-term stress leading to increased chronic mental illness—events all too familiar to Americans these days.

The editor-in-chief of this book, Xu Dezhong, is “a retired professor of infectious disease with the Air Force Medical University in Xian.” A military epidemiologist, Dezhong received the gold medal of the Military Academy Education Award, and praise as an outstanding party member. He did postdoctoral study in the US at Peter Hotez’s Baylor College of Medicine and at the CDC.

He led the SARS epidemic analysis expert group under the Chinese Ministry of Health, reporting to the top leadership of the Chinese military commission and the health ministry during the 2003 SARS crisis.

By 2020, Chinese military researchers, after benefitting from years of NIAID- and USAID-funded research, were developing pandemic coronaviruses that could quickly spread across global populations and were not the least bit embarrassed about it. Even with the COVID-19 pandemic in full swing, Chinese scientists were publicly peacocking these expanding capacities.

In April 2020, seven months after COVID-19 began circulating, twenty-three Chinese scientists—eleven of them from the Academy of Military Medical Sciences, the Chinese army’s medical research institute—boasted that they had used gene-editing CRISPR technology to engineer mice with humanized lungs to make it easier to develop coronavirus strains that could infect humans. In June 2021, Vanity Fair reported that United States National Security Council (NSC) investigators determined that “it became clear that the mice had been engineered sometime in the summer of 2019, before the pandemic even started.

The NSC officials were left wondering: Had the Chinese military been running viruses through humanized mouse models, to see which might be infectious to humans?” Those particular US officials had not yet grasped that this was precisely the sort of research that Dr. Fauci—along with his US military and intelligence agency partners—had been conducting and funding for years at the Wuhan lab. US scientists had developed humanized mice in 2002. NIH-funded scientists like Ralph Baric had been using humanized mice to test human infectiousness of their enhanced pathogens for nearly two decades!
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... data-leak/
New Zealand Whistleblower Released on Bail, Meanwhile Scientists Debate Meaning of Leaked Vaccine Data

Scientists and statisticians continue to debate the accuracy of a large database of COVID-19 vaccine-related deaths released less than two weeks ago by a New Zealand Ministry of Health whistleblower. The whistleblower was arrested and charged by New Zealand authorities with “accessing a computer system for dishonest purposes” before being released on bail.
Whistleblower noticed ‘really big safety signals’ in the data

In his Nov. 30 interview with Gunn accompanying the release of the data, Young said he helped build the very database from which the data were leaked. Access to such data led him to note items of concern that he decided to go public with, he said.

“I helped build it. I implemented it,” he said. “When I was looking up the data, I noted discrepancies with the dates of death. People were dying almost straight away after being injected and that sort of prompted my curiosity and I dug a little deeper.”

According to Young, he previously was vaccinated, but said that whether he’d get another dose was “a different story.” He added that he “believe[s] in fundamental freedoms of humans and [that] we shouldn’t have a procedure forced on us because of a mandate,” calling this “a huge overreach by the government.”

Following his release on bail, Young granted an interview to Infowars producer and host Alex Jones, stating that he noticed “really big red flags” and “really big safety signals” in the data. “Statistically, it may be killing people,” he said.

“I just looked at the data and what I was seeing, since the rollout, it just blew my mind. I was just seeing more and more people dying who shouldn’t have been dying. It was just obvious,” Young said. “I want people to analyze this … We need to open it up and the government needs to have an inquiry about it. Just bring it to the public’s attention.”

According to New Zealand police, Young’s post-bail interview with Infowars did not breach his bail conditions. He has since granted other interviews.
The analysis that has perhaps garnered the most analysis, though, comes from Kirsch, who wrote, “There is no confusion any longer: the vaccines are unsafe and have killed, on average, around 1 person per 1,000 doses.”

Kirsch noted that this figure “is consistent with other careful analyses,” such as one by Canadian scientist Denis Rancourt.

According to Kirsch, one safety signal he identified in the data is a “mortality hump that peaks around 6 months after a dose is given.”

“The data from New Zealand is not perfect; it is not a complete sample,” Kirsch conceded. “But, by using a cohort time-series analysis, it doesn’t matter. There is no possible way that this data is consistent with a safe vaccine.”

Fenton, who analyzed the data on his Substack, took a different position, telling The Defender, “The dataset is a very large subset of those vaccinated in New Zealand, and is potentially one of the most important publicly available datasets for examining COVID vaccine safety. But I don’t believe it is the ‘smoking gun’ as some have claimed.”

He noted the absence of a control group (the unvaccinated) and that “the age profile seems higher than the national age profile of [the] vaccinated, so there is some bias.”

However, he said the data “does provide some evidence of lack of safety of the vaccine, in particular supporting our own previous observations (from U.K. data) that in older age groups, all-cause mortality is higher in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated.”

“What is less clear is the claim concerning batches with exceptionally high mortality rates,” Fenton said. “The claim that these batches were especially deadly due to the contents of the vaccine or its delivery is confounded by their very different age and time of vaccination profiles,” he added.

Chudov, in a pair of posts on Substack, also presented his analysis of the data. In his initial post, he suggested the public “be wary” of the data and noted that Gunn “is misinterpreting it by trying to pass normal nursing home deaths as evidence of ‘super deadly batches’ and ‘mass vaccine casualties.’”

In a follow-up post, Chudov acknowledged that some of his original questions about the completeness of the data were subsequently addressed, stating his belief that “Barry Young was more likely to be sincere than insincere in his intentions and actions.” Yet, he said his questions “about nursing home deaths and data quality still apply.”

Some analysts also pointed to official data indicating that excess deaths in New Zealand continue to be significantly above the long-term average — 17% in September and early October 2023, according to data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Some also pointed to data indicating sharp increases in the incidence of heart attacks in New Zealand.

Yet, Apa said, “We assure people there is no evidence whatsoever that vaccination is responsible for excess mortality in New Zealand and that they can continue to have confidence in the vaccine,” in remarks quoted by the New Zealand Herald.

“We hope that additional independent assessment of the data by credible analysts will lead to further scrutiny of the vaccine rollout in [New Zealand] and that the whistleblower will not have risked everything for nothing,” activist group Voices for Freedom wrote.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... use-death/
Canada Reports 300% Increase in ‘Unspecified Causes’ of Death, Sparking Calls for Investigation

A new Canadian government report reveals a 300% rise in “unspecified causes” of death from 2019-2022 as unknown causes climbed to the fifth leading cause of death in Canada. Some health experts said the stark increase should trigger an investigation into whether the deaths are linked to COVID-19 vaccines.
COVID-19 deaths can’t account for Canada’s 7.3 % increase in total deaths in 2022 compared with 2021 — or for the country’s 17% increase in total deaths over the historic norm of 2019, or the historic drop in life expectancy in Canada and worldwide, Picard said.

Like many mainstream journalists and public health officials in the U.S. examining the U.S. drop in life expectancy, Picard blamed chronic diseases, drug overdoses, opioid deaths, smoking, unhealthy diets and “indifference” for the decline in Canada. “There are virtually no mitigation measures like masking any more, and vaccination rates have fallen sharply,” he wrote.

But Drs. Pierre Kory and Peter McCullough told The Defender they believe the most important and startling fact contained in the report is the 300% increase from 2019 to 2022 in “unspecified causes” of death in Canada.

McCullough, a highly published cardiologist who developed a widely used early treatment protocol for COVID-19, said the dramatic rise in deaths from “unspecified causes” in Canada represents a seismic and disturbing shift in Western medicine.

“Prior to the pandemic, death in Western countries was well understood,” McCullough said, with 40% due to known cardiovascular, 40% due to terminal neoplastic disease (cancer) and 20% due to other known causes such as homicide, suicide, drug overdoses and accidents.”

He added:

“Since the roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccines, we have witnessed unprecedented deaths without antecedent disease. A large autopsy series published by Hulscher et al, found that 73.9% of the deaths after COVID-19 vaccination were due to problems caused by the shots.”

McCullough cited the hundreds of studies examining post-vaccine, spike-protein-related injuries and deaths and the millions of deaths and injuries reported by citizens in the U.S. and Europe to their governments following mRNA vaccination.

“All deaths should be categorized according to the doses and dates of COVID-19 vaccination,” McCullough said. “Unless proven otherwise, ‘unspecified death’ should be attributed to a fatal COVID-19 vaccine injury syndrome,” McCullough said.

Kory, the former University of Wisconsin professor of medicine and president of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, told The Defender the evidence is overwhelming that the COVID-19 mRNA shots caused more deaths and injuries across the Western world than any prior drug or vaccine in history.

“The answer as to why ‘unspecified causes’ are now a leading cause of death is plain and simple,” Kory said. “That cause is the one medical intervention that the world’s governments and media have championed since the start [of the pandemic]. … The mRNA platform technology is and has been a colossal failure in both efficacy and safety.”

Kory and journalist Mary Beth Pfeiffer on Tuesday published an opinion piece in The Hill calling on governments and public health officials to study and address the problem of a global historic rise in mortality thus far not recognized by officials and not reported by mainstream journalists.

On Dec. 13, the essay was trending as the first or second most popular story on The Hill’s website, which claims 32.5 million monthly unique visitors.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Robert Califf on Nov. 30 published an extraordinary thread of posts on X (formerly Twitter) calling for a society-wide “all hands on deck” approach to solve the problem of the “catastrophic” decline in U.S. life expectancy.
But Kory said the FDA commissioner’s post, “which hit on smoking, diet, chronic illness and healthcare, ignored the obvious: People are dying in abnormally high numbers even now and long since COVID waned. Yet public health agencies and medical societies are silent.”

The FDA and mainstream media are ignoring the fact that life insurers have been “sounding the alarm over these unexpected or, ‘excess,’ deaths, which claimed 158,000 more Americans in the first nine months of 2023 than in the same period in 2019,” Kory wrote.

“That exceeds America’s combined losses from every war since Vietnam. Congress should urgently work with insurance experts to investigate this troubling trend.”

Amy Kelly, COO of DailyClout and the program director of the Pfizer Documents Analysis Project, said that for an autopsy to reach a proper diagnosis of an mRNA-vaccine-caused death, “histopathological examination of tissues from all over the body is necessary. Most of the time, even if an autopsy is performed, the histopathological examination of tissues is not.”

She cited an interview with Dr. Arne Burkhardt, who describes the types of testing the coroners must perform but seldom do.

Dr. Robert Chandler, a Los Angeles orthopedic surgeon who taught at the University of Southern California medical school, identified “entire new disease categories” he calls “CoVax Diseases” in his study of Pfizer’s 450,000 pages of COVID-19 vaccine documents, documents the FDA was forced to release via a court order, Kelly said.

“It makes sense that the unspecified causes of death have increased so much,” Kelly said. “When a patient dies with either multiple diseases all at one time or with a previously unseen disease state, both of which happen with ‘CoVax Diseases’ Dr. Chandler has identified, I would imagine many doctors and/or coroners don’t know how to categorize those causes of death. That would lead to ‘cause unknown’ categorization of deaths.”

According to Naomi Wolf, author of “Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith and Resistance in a New Dark Age,” “In the preindustrial world, people died mysteriously. But in the modern Western world, there are no mystery deaths. Every death has a death certificate which by law must identify a cause of death.”

“A minor rise in unattributed deaths is a problem that needs investigation,” Wolf said. “A major rise, such as you’ve identified, does not indicate a mass mystery to doctors and coroners, but rather it is evidence of a problem with state record-keeping — some bureaucratic malfeasance at a grand scale.”
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... nd-the-new
Data from Health New Zealand confirms that the COVID vaccines have killed over 10 million worldwide

It's finally here: record-level data showing vaccine timing and death date. There is no confusion any longer: the vaccines are unsafe and have killed, on average, around 1 person per 1,000 doses.
Key findings
The vaccine is unsafe. Mortality increases dramatically after the shot. This is true for all doses, in all 5 countries we have data on. See Medicare death data confirms the COVID vaccines are killing people. No more doubts. Same anomaly in all 5 countries.

For those under 60, the effect is harder to see because the numbers are low (data is noisy). This doesn’t mean the vaccine is safe for those under 60; it just means we need more data.

An estimated 1 death per 1,000 doses is a reasonably conservative estimation of the excess deaths caused by the vaccine.

The findings are the same in four other countries we looked at: US, Israel, Maldives, and the UK.

The effect is large. I’ve never seen the deaths per day after a dose slope up after the first 21 days. It always slopes down because the fraction killed in a year is always greater than the nominal increase in the death rate over 1 year, even for 100 year olds.

The signal is so obvious to anyone like myself who knows what vaccine curves look like that you don’t even need the fancy time-series analysis to see this is a deadly vaccine. Just graph the number of deaths each week after the shot is given. All the bars should be below the 4 week bar if the vaccine is safe. There is no way to explain this chart. In general, all the bars should be below the red line.
We are done. Nobody wants to go on camera and debate me on this. They would lose. Badly. Those curves should be relatively flat lines, not curves with a hump. You don’t need a control group on that kind of signal. IT IS UNPRECEDENTED.

Even self-proclaimed experts, like David Gorski were unable to find a problem in my spreadsheet or If there are no errors, you have to accept the results. The methodology is proven and accepted, the execution was flawless.

The fact that there are missing doses for a given person is immaterial. We are always comparing dose 3 people with dose 3 people, for example.

And if the vaccine was as safe as claimed, missing doses for anyone is immaterial since all doses are placebo shots and make no difference.

The charts from Medicare are even more extreme than these. For all safe vaccines the line slopes down. For the COVID vaccine, the line slopes up. Nobody has ever seen anything like this. It is unprecedented in the history of Medicare. No counterexamples.

This is why nobody will debate me on camera on this data.

This is why no country is releasing the record-level data (RLD). If the vaccine was safe, they’d be making the RLD widely available as well as the detailed time-series cohort analysis. See anyone doing that? Nope. It’s because they know the vaccines are killing people.

I even offered to take down my data if Health New Zealand showed me that my time-series analysis is wrong and the vaccines are safe. No response. Crickets.

We now have data from 5 countries showing very troubling mortality vs. days since dose:


New Zealand




Guess what? In every single case, the plots of deaths vs. days since dose are inexplicable. It isn’t supposed to go upwards after 3 weeks (the HVE effect). Everyone runs from explaining this.

There isn’t any epidemiologist with higher academic credentials than Risch who will state that the data is flawed, the data is incomplete, the data is insufficient to assess causality to the vaccine. There are people who are unqualified who will make these unfounded assertions.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... -the-covid
Medicare death data confirms the COVID vaccines are killing people. No more doubts. Same anomaly in all 5 countries.

I don't know how doctors can ignore this; it is crystal clear. The slope of deaths per day post shot goes UP. It is supposed to go DOWN. You can't ignore this. You can't explain it.
Executive summary
If you do a simple plot of the absolute number of deaths per day after a vaccine shot is given vs. the number of days that have elapsed since the shot, other than for a brief 21-day period after the shot, the number of deaths per day will always monotonically decline over time in a safe vaccine.

But for the COVID vaccine, it monotonically increases over time for up to 365 days straight.

This happens in every country, after every dose that I have data on! That’s stunning. It’s never supposed to go up unless something huge is happening in the background, and even then, it would be time limited.

A positive slope for 1 year post vaccination is unprecedented. It means the COVID vaccine is killing people. There is no other explanation. Nobody can explain it. Instead, they claim there might be a confounder and that my failure to find a confounder is not proof that no such confounder exists.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... ll-at-once
We know from lawsuits by two US Attorneys General that the White House and CDC already pressured Facebook to censor accurate information I’d posted in 2021, related to menstrual damage from mRNA vaccines. I was blocked from Facebook intermittently for months after that. Due to these prior acts of censorship by Facebook, millions of women have been prevented from learning about potential damage to their bodies and to their fertility — damage which they now suffer as a result of that suppression.

Facebook’s and Instagram’s censorship of DailyClout — and of me personally — yesterday followed my posting of an interview I did with Steve Bannon on his widely viewed podcast WarRoom, in which I explained that scientists had confirmed that the mRNA injections cause ‘frameshifting’, or the production of ‘nonsense’ proteins, with unknown outcomes. It reached 720,000 views on Twitter. (I cannot open it on Rumble). ... 4412401111

My sources were a December 6 2023 article in the peer-reviewed journal, “N1-Methylpseudouridylation of mRNA Causes +1 Ribosomal Frameshifting,” (Thomas E Mulroney, et al), as well as an earlier report by the WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research Team. The sources for that report were the Pfizer internal documents released by the FDA under court order. On May 11, 2022, DailyClout had published “Report 22: Effects of N1-Methyl-Pseudouridine in the Pfizer MRNA Vaccine,” linking drectly to the Pfizer documents.

My reporting is, once again, correct, and once again, the censored finding, this time of of N1-Methyl-Pseudouridine causing protein-related problems, is a matter of public interest. ... ng-fr.html
Dr. Naomi Wolf: "The injections have an ingredient in them that is causing frameshifting"
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... ne-gb-news
Neil Oliver:

It's a difficult time to sum up and to comment on, Dr. Malone. The safe and effective dogma relating to these vaccine products seems to be on increasingly shaky grounds. How do you assess the situation, having been so closely involved in the story for such a long time?

Dr. Robert Malone:

So in my opinion, safe and effective has been repeated as basically a psychological manipulation tool, because it's stated again and again as that pair of words, without any qualification. Let's examine whether or not the two products in particular, the mRNA products, are effective. It's indisputable that they do not prevent infection. They do not prevent replication. They do not prevent spread. They do not prevent disease, and they do not prevent death. Therefore, I assert they are not effective. Pfizer has now come down in this response to the Paxton study that the products have some effect in reducing disease and death risk. That's actually a controversial statement. There are data that say otherwise. And so I assert that by any normal standard for vaccine, these products are not effective.

Are they safe? You just mentioned the excess all-cause mortality, and there are significant signals in a variety of international databases, including in the U.K., Scotland, in Canada, in the United States, and of course in New Zealand and Australia, that there appear to be a unusual number of deaths associated with the products within a short period of time. That's setting aside the longer-term risks. There's no question that we have a myocarditis signal. That's now widely accepted. And that myocarditis signal is not trivial. It's predominantly in younger people, more skewed towards men, but in both genders. And there are many, many other adverse events. And the way this is being handled in corporate media and through governments is to describe these as rare without qualifying what rare consists of, so this is also disputed. Whether these are rare or not is subjective, just like the statement safe and effective is subjective. So I assert that they are neither safe nor effective by any normal standard such as those that have been applied for other medical products historically.
Dr. Robert Malone:

So in particular, there's a scientist in the United States, Kevin McKernan, who deserves a shout-out for this work. There are genomic specialists in the United States and Canada now across the world that have analyzed the contents of the vaccines in terms of their genetic component and found that they have a significant level of DNA fragments in addition to the modified mRNA. And this has now been acknowledged by the European Medicines Agency, Health Canada, and the FDA, so this is not subject to debate. What we're down to is discussing whether or not that level of contamination... I say contamination because it was not previously disclosed, it's not on the label. And the regulatory agencies act as if they were unaware in many ways that this contamination existed. And as I said, we're down to arguing whether the level of contamination meets criteria for this formal term adulteration, which in the United States would trigger a required withdrawal of the product.

And also, whether the level of contamination with these DNA fragments that come from the manufacturing process, whether they are a safe level in the sense that it's well-known and documented and has been a concern of the FDA historically for well over a decade. That contamination with DNA in vaccine products can lead to a problem called insertional mutagenesis, which is to say that that DNA inserts itself into the genome of patients who will receive the product. So this is a known risk, it's associated with cancer. It's specifically flagged by the FDA historically in multiple documents. It's also identified by Moderna in their own patents, in multiple patents, as a potential risk of DNA in vaccine products or other genetic therapy products. And basically, what's happened is that the FDA, Health Canada, and the European Medicines Agency are stonewalling on this issue, asserting that, well, they've done tests to demonstrate that these are safe levels.

Now, what recently happened was that that was challenged in a formal letter from Joe Ladapo, MD, PhD, doctor and Surgeon General for the state of Florida. And Joe wrote a formal letter on the 6th to the FDA, asking them specifically for information to demonstrate that these contaminations... We'll give them the benefit of the doubt, not call it adulteration. These contaminations are in fact at safe levels and they will not impact on things like reproductive health. And what came back just yesterday from the FDA was a letter that basically obfuscates the issue, doesn't answer Dr. Ladapo's questions, and offers misrepresentations, mis-citations, and seems to indicate a willful ignorance towards the problem and a denialism of any significant testing. It appears that the regulatory agencies of the world either were not aware of this problem or disregarded it, and didn't require the normal testing that's been accepted for decades for assessing the risk of this type of contamination.

In addition to the DNA contamination, we have another problem that's come up recently that had not been assessed or recognized by the pharmaceutical industry, Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech, and that is a little more subtle. It's frame-shifting. And that problem, which is driven by the pseudouridine, which the Nobel Prize was just awarded, results in proteins being produced in the cells of recipients that are not the intended spike protein. They're not characterized. We don't know what those proteins really are. We can predict them, as you were saying, from computer modeling. We know that they're occurring based on a recent publication, peer-reviewed, and I believe in Nature or one of the baby Natures. And once again, the regulators are turning a blind eye to this or denying that this represents a significant problem. Experienced pharmaceutical developers of biologics like this, many disagree with this position that this type of an artifact or complication is of no consequence, so that's where we stand right now.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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