Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

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Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by John »

** 14-Nov-2021 World View: Picking on Cool Breeze
thomasglee wrote:
Sun Nov 14, 2021 12:01 pm
> I believe you're unfairly picked on because you say things that
> people just don't understand. For example, the "Synagogue of
> Satan" - those who claim they are Jews, but are not.

> There are many good studies on this subject with solid research
> support and references. But of course, because they weren't
> taught it in school and because the Bible references these vipers,
> many do not WANT to believe or even try to understand the premise.
> They're bound by social constructs more than they are the pursuit
> of truth. They love this world more than they love the Father. As
> such, they're blinded by a vail.
I went back and read the original post:


On its face, the post reeks of anti-Semitism. If you dig deeper and
try to understand what it says, then it's either total nonsense or

A phrase like "Synagogue of Satan" sounds to someone who hasn't
studied Revelations (which includes almost everyone) that you're
making a comment that synagogues, and therefore Jews, are Satanic.
This is not a trivial matter, as Christians have been blaming Jews for
centuries for the death of Jesus, and have justified discrimination
and violence against Jews for that reason. If you're going to use a
phrase like that, then you'd better explain at the point of use if you
want to be understood.

But what's the point of using that phrase at all? Why not just say
directly, "Jews who claim they are Jews, but are not." At least then
you're not invoking Satan.

But once you do that, then the whole argument becomes
incomprehensible. If they aren't Jews, then what are they? Are there
also people who say they are Christian but are not, or Muslim but are
not? Is there any data to support this view of Jews? I assume not,
which makes it a purely anti-Semitic opinion.

From that point on, it gets worse. Are you saying that, in some
sense, people who say they are Jews but who aren't Jews are running
the world somehow? I can't believe anyone would say something so
ridiculous as that, but I don't know how to interpret the post in any
other way.

There's more, and I could go on, but the whole post is, on its face,
an anti-Semitic rant making claims about Jews that are not backed by
data or any other credible source.

Finally, you say, "I believe you're unfairly picked on because you say
things that people just don't understand." I don't think I picked on
him unfairly at all, under the circumstances.

To address the broader point, if you say things in a public forum that
people just don't understand, then it's not the fault of the reader,
but the fault of the writer. Anyone who posts in a public forum has
an obligation to make sure that he's understood, especially if the
material he's posting appears on its face to be questionable in


Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Guest »

Looking at the past several pages of posts, some of the "Guest" posts are provocative. However, some "Guests" make a point that being provocative served a purpose. The purpose as stated by the "Guests" was that the "Guests" were mirroring back to Cool Breeze the same quality of words that Cool Breeze was putting forth. In any case, I choose to bypass any detailed analysis of that aspect and whether the mirroring served a useful purpose.

Moving forward from there, Cool Breeze tried to use the tactic of building an alliance with another poster, Dakardii, who was clearly on the fence. This attempt by Cool Breeze to build an alliance with Dakardii did not appear to gain any support. Later, Cool Breeze attempted to build an alliance with another poster, thomasglee, and was successful in recruiting thomasglee to his cause.

Meanwhile, after being initially provocative, the "Guests" did begin to make some good, though, in some cases, the "Guests" were still provocative in making those points, though less provocative. Some of these points included that Cool Breeze:

1. May not have purchased Navigator's book, which was written to help the owner of the site defray expenses (perhaps trying to imply that he is not a truly cohesive part of the group).

2. May have characterized one poster, Bob Butler, as "This man is a prototype of everything that is wrong with the country. Lies and identity are more important than anything else. A truly disgusting thinker and promoter of all lies and Alinsky's favorite rebel." which Cool Breeze later admitted.

3. Didn't respond to a thoughtful post from Dakardii regarding the Petrodollar.

4. Was inconsistent regarding whether he uses certain language such as "hyperinflation."

5. Told Bob Butler that "Global warming is a farce", then didn't discuss new information that a "Guest" posted from the Washington Post indicating that the world's first country is sinking due to global warming (the Marshall Islands).

6. Called Bob Butler a "diseased imbecile."

7. Told Bob Butler to "stay off the estrogen therapy" and that "a little testosterone" might do his brain some good.

8. Addressed another poster by saying "For the twentieth time, retard."

9. Continued posting in the Financial Topics thread when the owner of the forum told him not to.

Also, one "Guest" implied that Cool Breeze was attempting to "triangulate" on another thread. The implication seemed to be that, while two posters were having a heated discussion, Cool Breeze jumped into the discussion and indirectly criticised one of the posters while, at the same time, praised the other poster - having the effect of "throwing gasoline on the fire." I would need to analyze old posts from Cool Breeze to try to determine if that is a tactic he has used before before drawing any conclusions about this seeming accusation.


Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Guest »

Cool Breeze,

In researching some of your old posts and I have run across this post of yours that quotes Ted Kaczynski's Mainifesto.

viewtopic.php?f=25&t=5966&p=59648&hilit ... ion#p59648

A couple questions about your post:

Why did you find it "amusing" to consider it?

Why did you not identify for the forum the origin of this and did you consider that adding this might "flag" this forum in some way? I'm not sure if it would, just asking whether that thought occurred to you.

Thank you in advance.


Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Guest »

One concern about the post linked directly above and the post about the "SoS" linked above that is these types of posts may be causing the mainline search engines to flag this site and remove it from search results. This would mean that ideas about generational theory may not be able to be found by the general public which uses these search engines. It would also mean many good posters would not make their way here. I may research this further with google to see if they can say specifically what it is that is causing this site not to come up in search results in many instances.


Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Guest »

I won't mention this site specifically but would ask in general what may cause a site to be flagged by google to not appear in search results.


Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Guest »

Cool Breeze,

Please provide your self-assessment as to how well you did with each of the below suggestions from John since they were posted.

Thank you.

John wrote:
Mon Oct 18, 2021 2:22 pm
** 18-Oct-2021 World View: Discouraging others
Cool Breeze wrote:
Mon Oct 18, 2021 9:42 am
> What am I discouraging others in? If you point that I'll out put
> an end to that. Thanks.
If you're looking for my advice, here are some suggestions:

First, hide your racist and xenophobic tendencies. Such remarks anger
me and a lot of other people.

I don't know if you've even thought about this, but this is the
Generational Dynamics forum, and one of the core principles of
Generational Dynamics is that people of all races, religions, skin
colors, and countries follow the same generational patterns and
cycles. In fact, I've written that intelligent species in other parts
of the universe must follow similar generational cycles, based on
reasonable assumptions. So your xenophobic remarks are offensive not
only to me personally and a lot of other people, but also offensive to
the entire purpose of my web site and forum.

Second, learn to stop. Once you make your point, you've made your
point. There's no need to repeat it over and over, and there's no
need to make a personal attack on someone who disagrees with you.
Make a vow that if someone disagrees with you, then you won't respond
unless you have something new to say -- new evidence, new research,
etc. -- and then just present that evidence without attacking or

You do not need to be the last person to post on any particular
subject. Let other people be last, once you've made your point.

Third, stop personally attacking people who disagree with you, even if
someone else is making a personal attack. For the next month, declare
a moratorium on any personal attacks at all. Then, after you've had a
month to think it over, stick you toe in the water again, very

Fourth, for the time being, stay out of the Financial Topics thread,
where you are definitely not welcome. After a month or two, if you
have some actual research or evidence to present, then do so
carefully, without attacking or arguing.

As for the question of how you discourage others, there are two ways.
First, people who find your remarks offensive don't want to argue with
you, but also don't want to be in any discussion with you. Second,
when you make the same point over and over, arguing each time and
making personal attacks, then you crowd out people who would like to
contribute rationally to a discussion.

Imagine if a thread contained a lengthy argument between two people
about which is better -- Sunni or Shia Islam. Would you want to post
something about Bitcoin in the middle of that argument?

I hope this helps.

Cool Breeze
Posts: 2966
Joined: Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:19 pm

Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

John wrote:
Sun Nov 14, 2021 1:12 pm
But once you do that, then the whole argument becomes
incomprehensible. If they aren't Jews, then what are they? Are there
also people who say they are Christian but are not, or Muslim but are
not? Is there any data to support this view of Jews? I assume not,
which makes it a purely anti-Semitic opinion.


To address the broader point, if you say things in a public forum that
people just don't understand, then it's not the fault of the reader,
but the fault of the writer. Anyone who posts in a public forum has
an obligation to make sure that he's understood, especially if the
material he's posting appears on its face to be questionable in
The first paragraph I quoted here shows how you lack critical thinking on some topics, and for some reason, religion is one. There are all sorts of people who say all sorts of things about themselves that aren't what they say they are. This is a basic, self evident truth of just living in the world and encountering it your entire lifetime. Odd that you think you have some kind of point there.

If a reader doesn't understand something, it's not his fault? That's like saying Shakespeare or another literary genius shouldn't use high level words in the English language on the basis that some person might not understand them. More bizarre thinking.


As for all these guests, they keep posting as if someone is going to answer them, when for at least 5 pages we've stated how silly it is to hide behind a guest name and beyond that, expect to have a dialogue or discussion with someone who you can't even tell who he is, or if you are even responding to the right person.

As far as the search engine and listing site, I can tell you that for whatever reason (John probably knows this, but I haven't seen him address it), this site is recognized by all browsers as being "Not secure", certainly chrome labels it that way. Stop blaming me. There are people in the server world and in information tech that in many places have stated this is a "Russian" site. I don't know why, but I know that is the case. I make no claim about any of this, just reporting what others have informed me of, and which people can confirm for themselves.

Posts: 11485
Joined: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:10 pm
Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by John »

** 15-Nov-2021 World View: Bigotry
Cool Breeze wrote:
Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:15 pm
> The first paragraph I quoted here shows how you lack critical
> thinking on some topics, and for some reason, religion is
> one. There are all sorts of people who say all sorts of things
> about themselves that aren't what they say they are. This is a
> basic, self evident truth of just living in the world and
> encountering it your entire lifetime. Odd that you think you have
> some kind of point there.
I can assure you that the fact that I don't share your "self-evident"
fanatical, bigoted views means that I have much better critical
thinking skills than you.
Cool Breeze wrote:
Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:15 pm
> If a reader doesn't understand something, it's not his fault?
> That's like saying Shakespeare or another literary genius
> shouldn't use high level words in the English language on the
> basis that some person might not understand them. More bizarre
> thinking.
You really are an idiot. Shakespeare's plays were extremely popular
and well understood by his large, enthusiastic audiences at the time.
Some of the words that he used have become rare or obsolete in the
four centuries since he wrote them. The fact that you can't
understand Shakespeare today is your fault, not his.
Cool Breeze wrote:
Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:15 pm
> As far as the search engine and listing site, I can tell you that
> for whatever reason (John probably knows this, but I haven't seen
> him address it), this site is recognized by all browsers as being
> "Not secure", certainly chrome labels it that way.
The "not secure" label means that the forum is accessed with the HTTP
protocol, rather than with the HTTPS protocol. As far as I know, that
doesn't affect whether it appears in search engine listings.
Cool Breeze wrote:
Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:15 pm
> There are people in the server world and in information tech that
> in many places have stated this is a "Russian" site.
Could you please provide links to some of the "many places" where this
is declared a "Russian" site? Thanks.

Cool Breeze
Posts: 2966
Joined: Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:19 pm

Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

John wrote:
Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:54 pm
** 15-Nov-2021 World View: Bigotry
Cool Breeze wrote:
Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:15 pm
> The first paragraph I quoted here shows how you lack critical
> thinking on some topics, and for some reason, religion is
> one. There are all sorts of people who say all sorts of things
> about themselves that aren't what they say they are. This is a
> basic, self evident truth of just living in the world and
> encountering it your entire lifetime. Odd that you think you have
> some kind of point there.
I can assure you that the fact that I don't share your "self-evident"
fanatical, bigoted views means that I have much better critical
thinking skills than you.
Cool Breeze wrote:
Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:15 pm
> If a reader doesn't understand something, it's not his fault?
> That's like saying Shakespeare or another literary genius
> shouldn't use high level words in the English language on the
> basis that some person might not understand them. More bizarre
> thinking.
You really are an idiot. Shakespeare's plays were extremely popular
and well understood by his large, enthusiastic audiences at the time.
Some of the words that he used have become rare or obsolete in the
four centuries since he wrote them. The fact that you can't
understand Shakespeare today is your fault, not his.
Cool Breeze wrote:
Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:15 pm
> As far as the search engine and listing site, I can tell you that
> for whatever reason (John probably knows this, but I haven't seen
> him address it), this site is recognized by all browsers as being
> "Not secure", certainly chrome labels it that way.
The "not secure" label means that the forum is accessed with the HTTP
protocol, rather than with the HTTPS protocol. As far as I know, that
doesn't affect whether it appears in search engine listings.
Cool Breeze wrote:
Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:15 pm
> There are people in the server world and in information tech that
> in many places have stated this is a "Russian" site.
Could you please provide links to some of the "many places" where this
is declared a "Russian" site? Thanks.
Everyone reading this can see your answers speaking for themselves, I'll leave it up to the rest to decide, as I think it remains even more clear at this point that my positions are reinforced.

I was told (it could have been BS) that accessing your site gets one flagged as russian, I have no idea why that would be randomly made up or lied about. I can't say it is true, just don't know.

I am not fanatical or bigoted. But I don't get worried about people calling me names. My posts demonstrate my ability to use language and logic. That's all.


Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Guest »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:15 pm
That's like saying Shakespeare or another literary genius shouldn't use high level words in the English language on the basis that some person might not understand them. More bizarre thinking.
I've seen you post dumb things, but this one is near the top of the list of "just plain stupid." Of course, people should use words that use the best possible shade of meaning to best describe what is being put forth.

So if I were to coin a phrase that uses the best possible shade of meaning to describe what you do, I would call you a

"Purveyor of Obscurity Disguised and Peddled as Universal and Obvious Truth"

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