Religion and Vaccine Arguments

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... s-alarm-as
Renowned Scientist Sounds Alarm as Traces of Covid ‘Vaccines’ Found in Cancer Tumors

A renowned scientist has sounded the alarm after discovering traces of Covid mRNA “vaccines” in the rapidly developing cancerous tumors of turbo cancer patients.
A renowned scientist has sounded the alarm after discovering traces of Covid mRNA “vaccines” in the rapidly developing cancerous tumors of turbo cancer patients.

Dr. Kevin McKernan, a genomics scientist with 25 years of experience in his field, made the discovery during experiments in his Boston lab.

McKernan gene-sequenced a cancerous tumor, matching the genetic sequence to Pfizer’s Covid mRNA injection.

The discovery is being hailed as definitive proof that Covid mRNA “vaccines” cause cancer.

“We’re in the stage where we’re scanning through tumors to look for integration events and looking for evidence of this in cancer biopsies,” McKernan said.

“And we can find them now.”

“They found one that had really high spike [protein] sent to us for sequencing.

“And we can find components of Pfizer’s vaccines inside this thing a year after vaccination.”

Independent vaccine investigator John Beaudoin, Sr. highlighted McKernan’s discovery in a recent interview.

“When Kevin McKernan gene-sequenced the tumor […] and matched the genetic sequence to the Pfizer vaccine, it’s freaking over. It’s over,” Beaudoin explained.

“Kevin is the one who found the simian virus 40 promoter [in the mRNA COVID-injection vials], which is a little plasmid.

“He found DNA contamination in the Pfizer vaccines,” Beaudoin says.

“This was corroborated by Philip Buckhaults down in North Carolina and people in Canada and Europe.

“It is now known the SV40 is in there [the mRNA COVID-injection vials].”

The SV40 promoter is a DNA sequence derived from the Simian Virus 40 that enhances gene expression in eukaryotic cells by driving the transcription of genes placed under its control.

A growing number of leading experts have warned that SV40 is causing cancers to surge among the Covid-vaccinated.

SV40 has been linked to cancer in humans, including mesotheliomas, lymphomas, and cancers of the brain and bone.

In 2002, The Lancet published evidence linking polio vaccines contaminated with SV40 to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

According to the authors, the vaccine may be responsible for up to 50% of the 55,000 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cases diagnosed each year.

“There are two aspects of the turbo cancer [caused by the COVID injections],” Beaudoin goes on to say.

“One is the fact that the incidence rate of cancer is higher.

“There are more cancers in general in people, and there are more cancers in an individual person that are…being caused.

“But a second thing is that they’re growing much faster than they ever have.

“That’s different. They haven’t seen anything like this.”

“There’s no question [the COVID mRNA injections are causing cancer],” he added.

“And Kevin proved it. He gene sequenced it. It’s from the vaccine.

“And with the data, I have…lymph node cancer is at 400% of normal in Massachusetts. That’s the biggest one,” Beaudoin added.

“And the other big one is bone marrow cancer….

“But blood-forming organs or your lymph nodes and your marrow, they [get] attacked and they’re dysregulated and they’re producing wacky cells that multiply, basically.”

“Kevin is the one who found the simian virus 40 promoter, which is a little plasmid.

“Well, he found he found DNA contamination in the Pfizer vaccines.

“This was corroborated by Philip Buckhaults down in North Carolina and people in Canada and Europe.

“It is now known the SV40 is in there,” he noted.

“The SV40 is known to be meaning it causes cancers.”

“I also found out that it’s also, cancers in general are angiogenic, meaning they create blood vessels to feed whatever tumors created as the cancer,” he added.

“But there are two aspects of the turbo cancer.

“One is the fact that the incidence rate of cancer is higher.

“There are more cancers in general in people, and there are more cancers in an individual person that are being caused.

“But a second thing is that they’re growing much faster than they ever have.

“That’s different. They haven’t seen anything like this.”

“But you can’t grow something really fast without angiogenesis.

“You need a blood supply to it.

“It can’t just absorb the nutrients from the surrounding tissue and grow that fast. Okay.

“And, yes, angiogenesis occurs in cancer anyway, but not to this rate.

“And I showed that by showing, uh, it’s also occurring with lipomas, which are fatty tumors, which are benign.”

“They’re not malignant cancers,” Beaudoin noted.

“Those are also growing really fast and something called granulation tissue, which occurs in wound repair.

“So granulation tissue is growing wicked fast, and I show a couple of really ugly pictures of, um, tissue popping out the injection sites on both deltoids.

“92-year-old woman, within 5 months, those things grew, um, 4 centimeters by 1 4 centimeters around and 1 centimeter thick on the outside of her arm.”

“They grew out of a hole in her arms at the injection site to these massive tumors.

“They’re not tumors that are granulations.

“And they were at the injection site. Now what causes that?

“The SV40 is involved in angiogenesis as well as oncogenesis.”

“There’s no question. And Kevin proved it.”
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... st-vaccine
Smallpox and the First Vaccine

A brief journey through a forgotten history
The history of smallpox and the first vaccine is far more complicated—and bizarre—than most people realize. Hidden within long-forgotten books, medical journals, and obscure articles lies a story rarely taught or discussed. In this brief piece, I’ll uncover some of the strange ideas in vaccination’s origins, offering a glimpse into this idea that existed alongside other medical notions such as bleeding, hot regimen, using toxic metals such as mercury and arsenic, and locking women into asylums after receiving a diagnosis of hysteria. After learning about this curious journey, perhaps you’ll wonder if vaccination should have also remained a relic of medical history—relegated to the dustbin of peculiar ideas from a less enlightened age.

Before our modern era, people had to endure many diseases. During the 1800s, tuberculosis and pneumonia were by far the biggest killers, followed by scarlet fever. Typhoid and diphtheria were next. Lastly, whooping cough, measles, and smallpox were at the bottom of the list, although they are the ones we most recognize because the idea of vaccination was applied to these three. Smallpox holds a unique place in medical history, as it was the disease that first gave rise to the term vaccination. Derived from the Latin word vacca, meaning cow, the term reflects the early practice of using material from cowpox lesions to inoculate against smallpox—a process initially referred to as cowpoxing.
This phenomenon did not go completely unnoticed. In 1914, Dr. Millard published his book The Vaccination Question in the Light of Modern Experience: An Appeal for Reconsideration, clearly indicating that vaccination was not what the vast majority of the medical profession had and continued to believe. In his book, Dr. Millard provided a chart of deaths in England and Wales that clearly showed that death from diseases of scarlet fever, enteric fever, and smallpox declined at about the same time, beginning approximately in the 1870s. Of critical note is that vaccination rates also began to drop by about 1885 and reached a 40% lower rate by about 1910 with no resurgence of smallpox.

For forty years, corresponding roughly with the advent of the “sanitary era,” smallpox has gradually but steadily been leaving this country (England). For the past ten years the disease has ceased to have any appreciable effect upon our mortality statistics. For most of that period it has been entirely absent except for a few isolated outbreaks here and there. It is reasonable to believe that with the perfecting and more general adoption of modern methods of control and with improved sanitation (using the term in the widest sense) smallpox will be completely banished from this country as has been the case with plague, cholera, and typhus fever. Accompanying this decline in smallpox there has been a notable diminution during the past decade in the amount of infantile vaccination. This falling off in vaccination is steadily increasing and is becoming very widespread.[24]
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... ast-cancer
Alison Hall, who reported Olivia Munn's breast cancer, has breast cancer; FOX's Wayne Dawson has oral cancer; UT's Cade Stover has emergency appendectomy; country star Raul Malo has liver cancer

CA: Tennis pro Gabriela Dabrowski has breast cancer; MP Luc Berthold has prostate cancer; NE: singer Emma Heesters' cervical cancer has spread; FR: footballer Hassane Kolingar has cardiac arrest; more ... de-in-2024
In memory of the many surfers who "died suddenly" worldwide in 2024
Those "safe" shots are decimating even those who have been bronzed and hardened by the most exhilarating sport ... t-in-brain
Bibi has prostate removed; Gal Gadot has blood clot in the brain; Dave Coulier has Stage 3 non-Hodgkins lymphoma; John Reardon has tonsil cancer; Chinese actress Zhao Lusi in hospital wheelchair

Andi Dorfman ('Bachelorette") in hospital days after giving birth; Kelly Osbourne fighting fever for three days ("Nothing is working!"); UK boxing announcer Adam Smith has bladder cancer; & more
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... ntivaccine
Peter Hotez Publishes His 'Antivaccine' Counterattack Plans

State-run "encyclopedia of vaccine myths" that "debunks" information in real-time, vaccine mandates, and prevention of full informed consent. ... -movement/
A new book by Peter J. Hotez, MD, PhD, Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel’s Autism: My Journey as a Vaccine Scientist, Pediatrician, and Autism Dad, examines both sides of the debate on vaccination. Dr. Hotez is a pediatrician-scientist who develops vaccinations for infectious tropical diseases that afflict the world’s poorest people. In 1994, his 19-month-old daughter Rachel was diagnosed with autism. He became concerned about the decades-long rise of the antivaccine collective and its narrative connecting childhood vaccines and autism. This excellent book grew from his scientific activism against a dangerous antiscience movement that puts populations, especially children, at risk.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... cular-mrna
BREAKING STUDY: Intramuscular mRNA Injections Distribute to Vital Organs, Resulting in Systemic Spike Protein Production

Spike protein expression observed in critical organs, including the liver, spleen, lungs, heart, head, and kidneys.
Even at low doses (0.0005 mg/kg), systemic distribution of LNPs and translated mRNA was measurable. These data demonstrate that COVID-19 mRNA injection LNPs systemically circulate and are taken up into vital organ systems resulting in body-wide toxic Spike protein production. This helps to explain why autopsies find widespread dissemination of ‘vaccine’ spike protein in various tissues and organs:

Autopsies Find Widespread Dissemination of Vaccine Spike Protein In Various Tissues and Organs
Lets look at some "fact checking" regarding the mRNA staying in the arm:
In the interview, Bridle says that the spike proteins generated by the vaccines don’t stay in the shoulder muscle, but spread and are “causing so much damage in other parts of the bodies of the vaccinated.” But Dr. Adam Ratner, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at NYU Langone Health, said that vaccines are mostly concentrated at the site of injection or the local lymph nodes.

“What was said in the radio show was completely inaccurate,” Ratner said. “There is no spike protein in the vaccines first of all. The amounts that are made after the mRNA is injected are very small and it almost exclusively stays locally. It is nowhere near the amount he was talking about.”

In the radio interview, Bridle mentions a study of 13 health care workers that he said confirmed that the spike in protein was found in their blood. But experts say they found nothing of concern from that same study, which was conducted by researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and appeared in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases in May. ... roteins-go
Where does the vaccine go?
Here's a peer-reviewed study that shows where intramuscular vaccines (which all three of the COVID-19 vaccines are) travel in macaques (a type of monkey). Vaccines mostly remain near the site of injection (the arm muscle) and local lymph nodes.

This makes sense: Lymph nodes produce white blood cells and antibodies to protect us from disease. A key part of the lymphatic system, lymph nodes also clean up fluids and remove waste materials. Finding pieces of spike protein in the lymph nodes is completely normal, because lymph nodes act as the trash removal service for the body. That means the vaccine did its job (made spike proteins, which caused the creation of antibodies) and will be cleared from the body.

Another peer-reviewed study tested exactly where an mRNA vaccine went in mice. Most of the mRNA vaccine stayed in the injection site muscle – where you get the shot. Look at Table 1. A lot of mRNA vaccine was found in local lymph nodes, which peaked about eight hours after the shot was given. A much smaller amount of mRNA vaccine went to farther away lymph nodes. ... loodstream
Amy Chai
MD, Internal Medicine, MS EpidemiologyAuthor has 8.2K answers and 176.5M answer views3y
mRNA degrades EXTREMELY rapidly. That is why they need to keep it in the deep freeze and discard anything left over that has thawed out. It lasts a few hours at room temperature. At body temperature, we are talking gone in a very very brief time.

It is not injected IV (intravenous). It is injected IM (intramuscular). It is unlikely to be able to survive long enough to get into the general circulation, but if it did, who cares? It wouldn’t harm your blood cells. Your blood cells don’t even have nuclei in them. They extrude their nuclei during bone marrow development to become biconcave carriers of hemoglobin. And if white blood cells contact the mRNA, well cool. Good job.

So I am baffled by this question. The only people who might be concerned about mRNA in the blood are people who don’t know anything about biology. And the only people who worry about IV injection from an IM injection are people who are not nurses or doctors.

So the answer is, NO. And also if the answer would have been YES, there is a big shrug because who cares?

The mRNA is degraded within a few hours of the injection and does not remain intact as your body uses it as junk to be broken down and recycled.

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Aug 17

The idea that mRNA vaccines, such as the COVID-19 vaccines, leave the shoulder muscle and spread into the bloodstream is a misconception. Here's a more detailed explanation:

Mechanism of Action: mRNA vaccines work by introducing a small piece of messenger RNA (mRNA) into the body. This mRNA instructs cells to produce a harmless piece of the spike protein found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19. The immune system then recognizes this protein as foreign and mounts an immune response.

Injection Site: When the vaccine is injected into the shoulder muscle (deltoid), it primarily stays in the muscle tissue and the nearby lymph nodes. The mRNA does not circulate freely in the bloodstream; rather, it is taken up by cells at the injection site and nearby lymph nodes.
Rapid Breakdown: The mRNA from the vaccine is rapidly broken down and does not persist in the body for long. It is designed to instruct cells to produce the spike protein and then degrades within hours to days.

Safety and Monitoring: Extensive clinical trials and ongoing monitoring have shown that mRNA vaccines are safe and effective. Concerns about spreading through the bloodstream are not supported by scientific evidence.

In summary, while the mRNA from vaccines is taken up by the body, it does not spread into the bloodstream in a way that would raise concerns about safety or efficacy.

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Jeffrey Diver
Retired ref. asst. Cornell U. Lib.: 5.1M+ views 8.8K answersAuthor has 6.2K answers and 1.5M answer views1y
Eli Duran,


The biologically ignorant suggestion “that the mRNA shot is leaving the shoulder muscle and spreading into the bloodstream” is a fiction designed to scare folks away from mRNA vaccines.[1]

It reminds some of us of the idiotic rumors that used to surround the invention of the “horseless carriage” - the automobile. At that time we were told it would impair our health if we exceeded the travelling speed of 20 miles per hour — in, of course, one of those new-fangled, dangerous, poopless machines.

By all means, avoid modern conveyances of any kind![2] ... a-vaccines
No evidence of risk to blood-brain barrier
In the video, Cole also claims that spike proteins can “break through the blood-brain barrier and cause brain damage”. AFP Fact Check previously debunked this claim in Serbian here.

Daniel Dunia, director of research at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), said at the time that the mRNA vaccine was injected locally into the muscle, and the effect of spike proteins would be limited to the initial cells that the vaccine targets to elicit an immune response. mRNA is unstable and will degrade quickly.

“Even when a person suffers from a serious Covid infection, there is no direct evidence that damage to the BBB (blood-brain barrier) is directly related to the virus,” he added.

Contacted again on August 13, 2021, Dunia confirmed to AFP Fact Check that there is currently no scientific evidence to claim that mRNA vaccines cause neurodegenerative diseases.

“Moreover, there are no reported neurological side effects associated with the mRNA vaccine, if you exclude the classic temperature that you have with many vaccines,” he said. ... 21-00291-9
COVID-19 mRNA vaccination mechanism. The mRNA vaccine is injected by intramuscular route, typically into the deltoid muscle. The lipid coat vehicle around the mRNA allows for the vaccine to enter the cytosol of the cell. The ribosomes translate the mRNA into spike proteins. The injected mRNA subsequently degrades. The spike proteins are released from the cell and initiate an adaptive immune response. Through various activation pathways, immune cells mount a cell-mediated and antibody-mediated immunity against the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus ... 20protein.
How mRNA COVID-19 vaccines work
First, mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are given in the upper arm muscle or upper thigh, depending on the age of who is getting vaccinated.

After vaccination, the mRNA will enter the muscle cells. Once inside, they use the cells’ machinery to produce a harmless piece of what is called the spike protein. The spike protein is found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19. After the protein piece is made, our cells break down the mRNA and remove it, leaving the body as waste. ... 23)00301-3
The results of this study provide essential information on the path that our mRNA-LNP vaccine takes following i.m. administration and the time course of detection in select tissues critical to generating an immune response. After i.m. delivery of mRNA-LNPs, we demonstrated that mRNA distribution and protein expression are seen primarily in infiltrating immune cells in both NHPs and rodents at the injection site, followed by expression in the dLNs. Within the dLN, macrophages exhibit the greatest level of protein expression. These data will help us optimize our mRNA-LNP system for future vaccines and provide important guidance on developing mRNA vaccines. ...
How does the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine work?
Both the Pfizer BioNTech (Pfizer) vaccine and Moderna Vaccine/Spikevax COVID-19 Vaccine (Spikevax) contain strands of genetic material called mRNA. mRNA stands for Messenger RNA. It tells your DNA how to make specific proteins. The mRNA contains instructions that your body can read to create a special type of protein. This protein triggers your immune system, which then creates antibodies specific to COVID-19. This is how the vaccines protect your body from the virus.

Once the mRNA does its job, your body destroys it and it’s flushed from your system.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... government
Court Filings Reveal More Government Lies About Censorship, Seek Deeper Investigation

"Never before in this country’s history has a government censorship regime coordinated at the highest levels been exposed through litigation."
Government pressure on national communications monopolies to mute Americans’ critiques of government began in Barack Obama’s presidency and continues today, say court documents filed Dec. 23.

Federal documents uncovered by separate litigation on Dec. 19 also show censorship of public discussion about prudent Covid policies began at least by February 18, 2020, a month before unprecedented citizen lockdowns. That contradicts Department of Homeland Security claims its censorship efforts began months later.

These documents also highlight that government employees deliberately violated transparency laws such as the Freedom of Information Act to hide their use of public offices. The Dec. 23 filing from Missouri v. Biden plaintiffs cites a May New York Times article showing “some Defendants, particularly at NIH and NIAID, have intentionally misspelled words in order to avoid production pursuant to FOIA requests; deleted emails; and used private emails.” Given this, the plaintiffs asked the federal district court to expand discovery to include intentionally misspelled keywords.

The filing also says President Biden senior advisor Andy Slavitt, a former Obama official, “continued using his White House email address even after he left government employment, presumably in an attempt to wield the authority of an office that he no longer held.” Slavitt personally “bullied” Twitter into deplatforming journalist Alex Berenson over his skepticism of mRNA injections, the filing notes.

The Missouri plaintiffs are petitioning for greater discovery and depositions in a case the U.S. Supreme Court returned to the district level after declining a preliminary injunction against vast censorship efforts that use taxpayer-funded cutout organizations to mask federal demands. “[T]his case is exceptional,” the plaintiffs argue. “Never before in this country’s history has a government censorship regime coordinated at the highest levels been exposed through litigation.”

Missouri plaintiffs include the states of Missouri and Louisiana, Health Freedom Louisiana co-director Jill Hines and Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft, and internationally recognized research scientists and medical doctors Martin Kulldorff, Aaron Kheriaty, and Jay Bhattacharya, a Stanford University medical professor who is now President Trump’s nominee to lead the National Institutes of Health.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... ly-avoided
Why And How I Purposefully Avoided The Hospital After Developing an Acute, Severe Illness This Week

I currently suffer from severe "post covid hospital phobia," which led me to self-treat a sudden, severe illness, an act which proved both reckless and successful. Not to be taken as advice. At all.
As I am sure many of my readers can identify with, the idea of asking for help from a medical facility staffed by the most propagandized victims of our society in Covid is so frightening and disturbing, I often say to others, “I will have to be half dead before I go to any hospital.” Others have articulated similar to me, i.e. “I will only go if I have a broken leg or if I am in a motor vehicle accident or if I have a stroke” etc. Statements like these are evidence of someone suffering from the condition of “post-Covid hospital phobia.”

If you think I am making this diagnosis up, sadly I am not given that it has been described in peer-reviewed literature, such as this early Covid study below from Bangladesh where they treated Covid-19 patients at home with povidone-iodine (one of the mainstays of the old FLCCC’s early treatment protocol). In that study, they found massively reduced hospitalization rates (0.66% vs. 4.62%, p<.05,) and mortality (0.66% vs 5.61%, p<.05):
This post-Covid condition in the U.S is the unfortunate consequence of what has already been documented in the medical literature, i.e. the massive lost of trust in physicians and hospitals by Americans during Covid as reported in this survey study from JAMA where they found that “trust” dropped from 71.5% in 2019 to 40.1% in early 2024. This to me, is an unsurprising result of our medical system’s scientifically absurd and ethically demoralizing Covid response, leading to the fact that now significantly less than half of Americans trust their doctors or hospitals:
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... -a-year-of
What We've Learned from a Year of Vaccine Shedding Data

Numerous data sources now corroborate that the COVID vaccines shed in a consistent and replicable manner
Story at a Glance:

•After the COVID-19 vaccines hit the market, stories began emerging of unvaccinated individuals becoming ill after being in proximity to recently vaccinated individuals. This confused many, as the mRNA technology in theory should not be able to “shed.”

•After seeing countless patient cases which can only be explained by COVID vaccine shedding, a year ago, I initiated multiple widely seen calls for individuals to share suspected shedding experiences.

•From those 1,500 reports, clear and replicable patterns have emerged which collectively prove “shedding” is a real and predictable phenomenon that can be explained by known mechanisms unique to the mRNA technology.

•Likewise, after being blocked from publication for over a year, recently, a scientific study corroborating the shedding phenomenon was finally published.

•This article will map out everything that is known about shedding (e.g., what are the common symptoms, how does it happen, who does it affect, does it occur through sexual contact, can it cause severe issues like cancer) along with strategies for preventing it.

When doctors in this movement speak at events about vaccines, by far the most common question they receive is, “Is vaccine shedding real?”

This is understandable as COVID-19 vaccine shedding (becoming ill from vaccinated individuals) represents the one way the unvaccinated are also at risk from the vaccines and hence still need to be directly concerned about them.

Simultaneously, it’s a challenging topic as:

•We believe it is critical to not publicly espouse divisive ideas (e.g., “PureBloods” vs. those who were vaccinated) that prevent the public from coming together and helping everyone. The vaccines were marketed on the basis of division (e.g., by encouraging immense discrimination against the unvaccinated), and many unvaccinated individuals thus understandably hold a lot of resentment for how the vaccinated treated them. We do not want to perpetuate anything similar (e.g., discrimination in the other direction).

•We don’t want to create any more unnecessary fear—which is an inevitable consequence of opening up a conversation about shedding.

•In theory, shedding with the mRNA vaccines should be “impossible,” so claiming otherwise puts one on very shaky ground.

Conversely, if shedding is real, we believe it is critical to expose as:

•Those being affected by it are in a horrible situation, particularly if everyone is gaslighting them about it and insisting it’s all in their head.

•It provides one of the strongest arguments to pull the mRNA vaccines from the market and prohibit the widespread deployment of mRNA technologies in the future.

For those reasons, Pierre Kory and I have spent the last year and a half trying to collect as much evidence as possible to map out this phenomenon with the following data sets:

•Dozens of extremely compelling patient histories1,2,3 from Kory and Marsland’s medical practice, including many responding to spike protein treatment.
•My own experience with patients and friends affected by shedding.
• I read large numbers of reports of shedding in (now deleted) online support groups.
•Roughly 1,500 reports from individuals affected by shedding we were able to collect.
•Extensive menstrual data compiled by MyCycleStory.

From that and the hundreds of hours of work that went into it (particularly reviewing and sorting the 1,500 reports), we can state the following with relative certainty:

1. Shedding is very real (e.g., each of those datasets is congruent with the others), and many of the stories of those affected by it are very sad.
2. People’s sensitivity to it dramatically varies.
3. Most of the people who are sensitive to shedding have already figured it out.
4. Mechanistically, shedding is very difficult to explain. However, now that new evidence has emerged, a much stronger case can be made for the mechanisms I initially proposed a year ago.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim »
Open Source Intel

Biden grants pardons to General Mark Milley, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and individuals involved with the January 6 Congressional Committee.
7:17 AM · Jan 20, 2025
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... ans-heart/
Lipid Nanoparticles in COVID Vaccines Travel to Vital Organs, Including Heart

A new study of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in mice found that lipid nanoparticles containing the spike protein dispersed to major vital organs, including the heart. Scientists say this type of research should have been done before the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out to the global population.
Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), used to deliver the mRNA in the COVID-19 vaccine to the body’s cells, don’t remain in the injection site — they circulate throughout the entire body and reach vital organs, including the heart, according to a new paper published in Nature Biotechnology.

The findings “suggest a potential mechanism by which LNP-based mRNA vaccines could contribute to the reported cardiac complications,” including myocarditis, the study authors wrote.

Now published in one of the top scientific journals, the study’s findings contradict claims by public health officials and scientists during the COVID-19 vaccine rollouts that the LNPs were safe because they traveled only to specific targeted sites in the body.

The authors said there is no existing adequate technology to trace where nanocarriers such as LNPs end up in the body after they are administered via intramuscular injection — especially for medication like vaccines, which contain low doses of the particles.

In this study, authors developed an experimental technology to trace where different carriers of nanoparticles, including LNPs, end up in the body after intramuscular injection. They tested the technology in mice.

The researchers found that even at extremely low doses, LNPs carrying the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein mRNA reached vital organs. It reached heart tissue and caused cellular or tissue changes.

“COVID-19 mRNA injection LNPs systemically circulate and are taken up into vital organ systems resulting in body-wide toxic Spike protein production,” epidemiologist and McCullough Foundation administrator Nicolas Hulscher wrote on Substack.

According to Children’s Health Defense Senior Scientist Karl Jablonowski, the common misconception early in the COVID-19 vaccine rollout was that the LNP “stays in the muscle cells.”

This idea was perpetuated by major publications, like Science and Open Forum Infectious Diseases — a journal funded in part by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Pfizer — even though Pfizer’s own study showed that after just 8 hours, a mere 22% of the initially injected LNPs remain at the site of injection, 18% migrated to the liver and 1% migrated to the spleen.

“This paper is an excellent example of how false that statement was, finding intramuscularly injected LNPs in the heart, liver, kidney, spleen, head, and ‘all analyzed lymph nodes,’” Jablonowski said.

Research should have been done before mass vaccination, not after

According to the study, there are over 30 new drugs — including genome editing tools, mRNA and protein drugs — approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency to treat disease.

However, drug developers face a major challenge in the clinical application of these tools — how to ensure that the drugs reach only the cells they are targeting.

To target specific cells, the drugs use “nanocarriers” — tiny particles that can carry a drug throughout the body — selected for their differential abilities to target particular cell types. There are several different types of nanocarriers, including liposomes, viral vectors and LNPs, which were used in the COVID-19 vaccine.

Nanocarriers are designed with a coating to make them stable and help them reach their target cells. However, when they are introduced into the body, they change in ways that make their intended functionality more unpredictable.

Jablonowski said this change happens because proteins bind to the nanoparticles and affect where they will go and how they interact. “This interaction with environmental proteins is inescapable and one source of critical uncertainty,” he said.

That’s what makes LNPs a risky gene therapy tool typically used only by people who are “fighting for their lives and willing to accept potential adverse effects that come from LNPs hitting the wrong target,” Jablonowski said. “A healthy person wouldn’t be likely to take that serious risk for a small possible benefit.”

The researchers set out to develop a technology, called “Single Cell Precision Nanocarrier Identification,” designed to map and quantify where nanocarriers injected into a mouse ended up.

Their technology uses machine learning to analyze image data — making it possible to precisely quantify where the nanoparticles go at the organ, tissue and single-cell level across the entire body.

They specifically designed it to measure the low doses of the medications that are usually present in vaccines. Then they tested it on several different new types of drugs and were able to successfully identify where the nanoparticles went across a mouse’s entire body.

After an LNP containing the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein mRNA was injected into the muscle, the researchers detected the mRNA and spike protein in the mice’s liver, spleen, lungs, heart, head and kidneys.

Their findings have “direct implications for clinical translation” of the drugs, they said.

“Our finding of changes in the expression of immune and vascular proteins in heart tissue after LNP spike mRNA delivery aligns with reports of myocarditis and pericarditis in a subset of individuals who received mRNA vaccines,” they wrote.

As of Dec. 27, 2024, 27,357 cases of myocarditis and pericarditis had been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the U.S., with 20,846 cases attributed to Pfizer, 5,952 cases to Moderna and 482 cases to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

The major limitation of the Single Cell Precision Nanocarrier Identification technology is that it cannot be used in living subjects. That means there is still no way to effectively track where LNPs go in living humans.

“This technology cannot provide the dynamic and longitudinal information that live animal methods, such as PET or bioluminescence imaging, offer,” Jablonowski said.

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The study’s authors said further research is needed to determine whether similar effects occur in humans and whether the molecular changes they found across the mice’s bodies are linked to clinical symptoms.

Commenting on the authors’ statement that the likely similar effects on humans should be explored in future work, Jablonowski said:

“Every vaccine regulatory body in the world that approved LNPs for mass distribution should feel the pang of their complacent hastiness, as that yet undone ‘future work’ needed to be done well before approval.

“The U.S. has a decade-long approval process for vaccines. Of all of those that have been approved so far, none are actually safe, but the process does eliminate some of the more egregious ones. Not yet 5 years since inception, the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine platform is looking more like an egregious one.”

Hulscher agreed, writing “Biodistribution studies should have been performed BEFORE mass ‘vaccination’ of the entire world’s population.” He called for the “invasive gene therapy injections” to be pulled from the market immediately.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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