Generation X incompetence and cowardice - Obama style

The Silent Generation, the Baby Boomer Generation, Generation-X, the Millennial Generation (or Generation-Y) and the Pivotal Generation (Generation Z)
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Reality Check
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Generation X incompetence and cowardice - Obama style

Post by Reality Check »

President Obama is the Generation X rule, not the exception, when it comes to leading the most powerful country on earth.

Obama prefers to tell lies about, bad mouth, and ignore those he disagrees with rather than confront them and then compromise.

The confrontation with Russia over Ukraine is no exception. A strong President, like democrat John F. Kennedy, would have put the U.S. strategic bombers in the air half way between Russia and the U.S. with tanker support that could keep them there indefinitely, sent all the U.S. Strategic Missile Submarines to sea, announced that U.S. Nuclear Missile silos had been put on snap launch alert, and then given a speech where he simply suggested the United States of America, on it's own, would make sure Russia paid a price, if Russian leaders were crazy enough to invade Ukraine.

By contrast Obama has a speech where, Obama limits any possible response related to the invasion and occupation of Ukraine, to the U.S. talking with some other unnamed countries, about releasing a joint statement sometime after Russia invades and occupies the second largest country in Europe. Then Obama promptly goes to happy hour and brags how little he cares about Ukraine.

The members of the millennial generation are going to have to earn their hero status by first surviving the financial collapse and a World War brought on by Obama, and other Generation X leaders, then by rebuilding the country afterwards.

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Re: Generation X incompetence and cowardice - Obama style

Post by CrosstimbersOkie »

I'm no Obama lover, mainly for political reasons. In a word, he's a socialist. I'm not. But, when Gen-X enters into a confrontation, it doesn't usually compromise. Remember what happened with crime rates when Gen-X entered young adulthood. Gen-X doesn't mind a fight. Remember, It was the Nomad archetype George Washington who managed the securing of the new USA. It was the Nomad archetype US Grant who was primarily responsible for defeating the Confederacy. It was the Nomad general George Patton whom the Germans feared the most. It was the Nomad general Dwight Eisenhower who managed the invasion and defeat of the Axis in Europe. It was the Nomad Harry Truman with whom the buck stopped and who dropped two atomic bombs on Japan and forced its surrender.

Kennedy was President at a different point in history, when brinkmanship was tolerated. Such would not be tolerated today. Not yet. Maybe in a few years after the crisis reaches a climax.

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