How Millennial are you?

The Silent Generation, the Baby Boomer Generation, Generation-X, the Millennial Generation (or Generation-Y) and the Pivotal Generation (Generation Z)
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Re: How Millennial are you?

Post by thomasglee »

robfromraleigh wrote:My wife and I both scored below 15, and we're born in the 1970's. I wonder if that makes us "old-fashioned Gen-X'ers" or "nouveau Boomers"? :?
Were you the youngest of your families with parents that were from the Silent Generation? I was, and I suspect that many of us "Gen=Xers" that don't fit the Gen-Ex model are of the same ilk.
Psalm 34:4 - “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”

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Re: How Millennial are you?

Post by robfromraleigh »

Yes, that is a pretty accurate description on both of us. My wife's parents are late Silents, but my parents were both early Boomers. I'm an only child but was essentially the youngest grandchild on both sides of the family. My wife was the youngest child and close to the youngest grandchild in her family, too.

How did you ever guess? :?:

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Re: How Millennial are you?

Post by thomasglee »

robfromraleigh wrote:Yes, that is a pretty accurate description on both of us. My wife's parents are late Silents, but my parents were both early Boomers. I'm an only child but was essentially the youngest grandchild on both sides of the family. My wife was the youngest child and close to the youngest grandchild in her family, too.

How did you ever guess? :?:
It fits with the trend I've noticed in those of us that are "outside" the box! lol
Psalm 34:4 - “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”

The Grey Badger
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Re: How Millennial are you?

Post by The Grey Badger »

How midCentury are you? Or earlier?

1) How would you make phone calls if the electricity went out in your neighborhood and would would you need in order to do it?

2) Have you ever fixed your own car?

3) If you don't have either tape or staples, how would you fix a ripped hem? Can you fix a ripped seam in your clothing? Loose ornaments?

4) The microwave is broken and there's no way to get another one. Now fix dinner.

5) Have you ever cooked cereal in a double boiler? Or do you just open a packet?

6) You're out of cat litter and can't get any more. You have a back yard. What do you do for cat litter?

7) If time is no object, how would you contact your friends if your email, cell phone, and twitter programs were all down? Throughout your city?

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Re: How Millennial are you?

Post by robfromraleigh »

1. Cell phone (my VOIP won't work without electricity)
2. Nope
3. I'd beg my wife to do it.
4. Steak on the grill! :P
5. open packet
6. Put the cat outside every few hours (if it was raining, I'd lure it with catnip in the grass)
7. Drive to go visit them (if same town), write snail mail letter if out of town.

So how old fashioned am I? Steak on the grill probably makes me caveman-like, but the catnip comment probably puts me in the 60's since it is using a psychoactive drug to elicit a result...

The Grey Badger
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Re: How Millennial are you?

Post by The Grey Badger »

robfromraleigh wrote:1. Cell phone (my VOIP won't work without electricity)
2. Nope
3. I'd beg my wife to do it.
4. Steak on the grill! :P
5. open packet
6. Put the cat outside every few hours (if it was raining, I'd lure it with catnip in the grass)
7. Drive to go visit them (if same town), write snail mail letter if out of town.

So how old fashioned am I? Steak on the grill probably makes me caveman-like, but the catnip comment probably puts me in the 60's since it is using a psychoactive drug to elicit a result...

<G> I have a big bush of the stuff growing by the pear tree. It was protected by a tomato cage in the first year of its life and now my yard is the cannabistro for the entire neighborhood. And yes, my kitties do go outdoors to do their thing when the weather is nice.

Steak on the grill sounds neat. What about baked potatoes?

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Re: How Millennial are you?

Post by thomasglee »

robfromraleigh wrote:1. Cell phone (my VOIP won't work without electricity)
If the power is out in your neighborhood, it's likely the nearest base station is without power too, so your cell ain't gonna work.

Always keep handy a phone that requires no power. You can buy a cheap one at home depot for less than $20. They plug directly into the wall socket and don't use a base station or computer to work.
Psalm 34:4 - “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”

The Grey Badger
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Re: How Millennial are you?

Post by The Grey Badger »

thomasglee wrote:
robfromraleigh wrote:1. Cell phone (my VOIP won't work without electricity)
If the power is out in your neighborhood, it's likely the nearest base station is without power too, so your cell ain't gonna work.

Always keep handy a phone that requires no power. You can buy a cheap one at home depot for less than $20. They plug directly into the wall socket and don't use a base station or computer to work.
They plug into the phone jack, not the wall socket. I have one. It's not hooked up but I could easily do so.

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Re: How Millennial are you?

Post by thomasglee »

The Grey Badger wrote:
thomasglee wrote:
robfromraleigh wrote:1. Cell phone (my VOIP won't work without electricity)
If the power is out in your neighborhood, it's likely the nearest base station is without power too, so your cell ain't gonna work.

Always keep handy a phone that requires no power. You can buy a cheap one at home depot for less than $20. They plug directly into the wall socket and don't use a base station or computer to work.
They plug into the phone jack, not the wall socket. I have one. It's not hooked up but I could easily do so.
Yes, that was a mental slip on my part. Of course it's the phone jack (or phone wall socket) and not an electrical outlet/socket. I'm sure others, such as yourself, knew what I meant, but thanks for the correction.
Psalm 34:4 - “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”

The Grey Badger
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Re: How Millennial are you?

Post by The Grey Badger »

How Silent are you? #8 --

#8 - Suddenly your iPods and mp3s, CDs, and cassettes, no longer work. How would you provide yourself with music?

Assume access to all the world's technologies up about a hundred years ago, give or take a few years.

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