Financial Topics avec aeden

Investments, gold, currencies, surviving after a financial meltdown
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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Nothing says "fair" better than mentally ill men kicking the snot out of girls.

Ivory tower retards.

NCAA, like many of our other institutions, is owned by the same people whose objective is to destroy you.
Government Schools promoted this as the ass kisser uniparty fund it.

They poked the wrong Juicebox from the river to see.
Lerner anything.
Nope not much of a damned thing but loot us stupid is just fine.
For decades they encouraged now they want to get another free pass.
Those golems are not leaving with a sandwich are they.

The blind chick with a scale kneels occasionally as the parent check books is way past overdue.

Really just bust out the C-130 for a free Gaza tour with a parachute and 3 mre.
What do they get when they win? Clitorectomies, burqa's and beaten senseless since they are property contracts.
and sharia law that is integrated into the legislature.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

The "useful idiots" are the uniparty fools who steal tax to pay for this and our end.

In other words, if you aren't an "ally" then you don't get to attend classes, or, if you're lucky you are allowed to take a longer route around the barricades. Keep in mind, this is not a protected form of protest or free speech...

Keep everyone distracted while the big crimes are being ignored also as the idiot and addled fool in chief project for the filth and protects dicks in woman sports and bathrooms. Stay classy retards circling the Weimar moment in fiscal debasement and debauchery from uniparty.
Last time the free fall for open border manifest destiny after the purchase they could not even count the dead on the trails as they went west to slaughter. Now your Marxist plantation feral just loot us blind.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

4Chan post predicted that the uniparty globalists would begin rolling back lefty lunatics play time ball crawl the next year in order to bring disaffected gen z crackers back into the system .mil purposes with skinnys third term looting in saltwater economics matters because it offers a framework for understanding and addressing the fluctuations in the economy for advocating government intervention and policy measures.
Rinse and repeat as they fly the illegals in for the air liner defacto bailouts as they are pushing almost 30 percent unemployed as the 10 to 6 to 3 implementations productive tech rolls in. Swarm noted facets still advancing. The 500 dollar drone takes out 5 million dollar assets as inputs cost bury the rest thinking its always different this time. Remember near the reimagining phase assets will be missed as before for control vectors. Play sgipsraw with ozzy backwards. ... e=customer ... titutions/ You bastards will not be happy with the feral ditches being dug.
For the last 10 years the teacher say well we need ditch diggers they are to stupid to teach since the raw material is all feral or
crack heads babys not already dead molek cash flows these days. They will be the first ones in them.
Stagflation and welcome to the seventy's you damned active measures brain dead idiots.

Chucks Mom was not happy my horse I bought from Chuck next door before rice patrol was in the living room eating potatoe chips but he made it home from Nam.
Some asshole said its just a grievance as they rolled in the yellow buses for sticky wages as two were murdered in Iowa
on the line. God later cut them down as they ran out of blood in the New York gutter.
Took a few years but we know those assholes are not even close to the upstairs action l8ter.
Last edited by aeden on Wed May 01, 2024 10:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

take stagflation


We’ve lost the Empire - Sir Oswald Mosley who many years ago left a important view.
If we had expected a phalanx of old fascists guarding the coffin and communists shouting abuse at the gates,
we were mistaken. It was a sombre, low-key funeral.

And what was learned recently here other than the point they lost Chicago when they put the night sticks away
as years before when working midnight to dawn watching a Boeing Bomber take off in the morning and education during the day
who seen what and why.

If you think Queen of the Damned and Skinny deserve much of anything its just what it is.
Statist have one view. Not you. Organizing Hell pays good as they loot you blind.
Last edited by aeden on Thu May 02, 2024 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

From what I understand 1,200 Israelis and up to 30,000 Palestinians have perished. Many believe the Israeli government has no choice other than to respond disproportionately to send a message - since they’re surrounded by Arab countries.

For me, it has a “there may be a few Viet Cong so napalm the entire village” feel to it. Regardless, I suspect most of us just want an end to this conflict before more Israeli and Palestinian lives are lost.

My take increasingly has become: most of us aren’t experts, so why beat each other up over certain issues. I personally have a difficult time trusting a government where seemingly every single Congressman wants a state of permanent war.

“Why does the Christian West ignore Palestinian Christians’ plight? Israel may well wipe out the Christian presence in Gaza as part of its genocide, and Western leaders could not care less”: Daoud Kuttab.

Perhaps I am underestimating the pressure Israel is under. If so, I apologize. That said, we all win should this war draw to a close.

*Now, back to those 364,000 Federal employees in the greater DC metro area.
95% are Democrats who consider checks and balances, and common sense as forms of Right-Wing extremism.
For them, a Left vote is a vote for job security. Why vote Right for a party that “pledges” to shrink the government and eliminate your jobs?

Government media has engaged in ai white washing of history to convince Liberal voters the Chinese Communist Party isn’t guilty of Muslim genocide, forced organ harvesting from living prisoners of conscious, or other crimes against humanity.
ChiComs and their money are on our side, or so DC’s Federal employees believe.
“The government doesn’t tell us to worry about China, so we don’t worry about China” say Liberal voters and Federal employees.
Existential threats to our Republic are piling up, aren’t they?
These Federal employees’ beliefs are just one threat of many.
“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history” - George Orwell: ... ent-behind
The main actors were people who were never elected. They were appointed bureaucrats. Most of them cannot be fired. They have permanent jobs with high income and benefits. They have vast power, more power it seems than the politicians and certainly more power than you. Indeed they have awesome power over you. And over everything, to the point that they can say whether you can go to church or not or whether your children can play with friends.

Not even the courts - will - can act fast enough to control them and stop them from exercising total power over our lives” - Jeffrey Tucker.

The bureaucrat's ran over Trump like a wood chuck on the highway who cannot shut the fuck up and just flushed maybe five percent of His vote base trying to shit on the stalking horse named Junior and yea we seen that since New York democrat went all uppity red team and they are nice people and is up wound up like a shitty timex as the mic moleks roll us over. Rent is going up as is taxes to pay for the swamp killers of all stripes here and there. The five passes to plug as they missile up borders and swarm as the local are self-liquidating back filled with millions that will and are pouring in like lemmings over a cliff. The shit show of the open border infection as uniparty pisses themselves tells you what you all you need to know about the bent of mind already here as indicated since 1958 unchecked.

Some people are just easier to deceive as the miry clay takes form as we watch the river dmz which was speculated as other seen a it go up
in fafo tactical visions. When the fuselages got shipped to the norks yea we knew it was bad juju and the grift action players as the naz banderol in waffen esq and militant color regime killers for countless century's.

Cutoff the Marxist head, then maybe will get our continent back. Doubtful since they serve one thing only.
The Bema Seat will not have to ponder much if any time on this evil serpent generation as out hands are bitten.

As if a man did flee from a lion, and a bear met him; or went into the house and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him.

As told let us know when a Republican is seen then call back to us as your talking stupid Lady. They ate Johnson one bite at a time
as anticipated with these molek and legion thieves. For those who got out of the bish enclaves you need no review to what the locust
handlers want. ... e-soldiers

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Biden administration will be awfully silent about the violent Marxist takeover of America's colleges and universities
since skinny and queen of the damned are all up in it anyways. ... attle-cops

An extremist on the mic says: "There’s only one solution, intifada revolution. We must have a revolution so we can have a socialist reconstruction of the USA."
This isn’t just about Israel/Palestine. It's an attempt of the Marxist takeover of America.

Its like the swamp democrats will ever give a f*&k over anything but looting what not already being ground to dust from the wasting.
Thye already know and they have one view. Not you.

Podesta would be pushing for policies against American energy interests. Yet at the same time, Podesta’s brother, Tony, one of DC’s most well-connected mega lobbyists, has financial connections to foreign LNG companies, including one with links to a Russian oligarch. It is concerning to see the Podesta family standing to profit from a policy priority of the White House who employs another Podesta. Foreign companies, including Russia, are clear beneficiaries Biden’s LNG attack. It should be raising questions about potential conflicts of interest and profit motives at the White House.

Mar 02, 2024 3:01 pm
Even more troubling is the fact that this decision plays right into the hands of Vladimir Putin, the same dictator that Biden and his allies have been quick to blame for our country's woes. By halting American LNG exports, Biden is handing Putin a wider energy market, allowing him to continue raking in billions while American energy workers suffer
Gulf leaders saw the agreement, which ends a three-year blockade of Qatar 2021
Red Sea attacks have caused shipping costs to rise over 150%
Proximity talks.
Mohammad Shtayyeh resigning to allow for the formation consensus among Palestinians political arrangements.
Justice Department prosecutor in Washington, D.C., worked on behalf of Qatar and numerous foreign banks that have been accused of bankrolling terrorism, documents show.
U.S. attorney in the nation’s capital, Matthew Graves under the spotlight for supervising a sprawling investigation into the Jan. 6, 2021,
Capitol riot and faced the wrath of GOP lawmakers for allegedly refusing to partner with federal prosecutor David Weiss on charging Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, in Washington with tax crimes. But before this, Graves was a partner at the global law firm DLA Piper, where he represented controversial Qatari-based entities, including its Hamas-linked government.
2024 they need apolitical voters. Depend on the stupidity of the taxpayers is the plan.

As for you 15 percent will not move to blue your idiot Democratic Plantation Party who needs Rust Belt blue-collar voters.
They are not democrats so let's get that straight Komrade Party Unionistas.
You pricks are going under the open border yellow bus as you look downers piss all over your own. ... 13/photo/1
Your unmarked Oregon trail economic backfill was seen before as you whistle the same dumbass tune.

"F*ck you. Lose some weight."
UNC frat boys respond to a woke feminist coming to take down the American flag.

Kyle Bass wrote on X that he donated to the cause:
"I just sent a donation to these principled defenders of our flag, our country, and our values.
It's time we fight back against the spineless 'victims' who represent the rot that has infected our universities."

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »
time to c130 out a batch
but no
the current office will fly them in as we seen also like a Kunuks did
just maybe

crying baby sounds to the protesters.
UNREAL and very well coordinated. ... 5697258658

goal is to continue the destruction
neo Keynesian replacement scaled open border 2.11 call you a cult

Sun Aug 30, 2009 5:50 am
I had to go back that far to posit the rate of some assets priced to these dollars today. I hate to be that way but deflation is the only chance in hell we have to reconnect some consumers to get this market moving forward to investment spending at least on my findings. I feel namely like 5 to 8 percent down or more here from our current level to sweep some absolute balance sheets out but they do not prescribe to this reality so screw them. We are not at bottom yet as we all know but will pound out some data until that CPI God the Feds have used to dislocate actual spending over time as acrued debt speculation on may fronts resolve. Contract should be enforced and the Bank get the same dose as the speculation customer to fullfillment and I did reflect on the imposion number of Banks to date. It has really caught the Keynesian's and our Country in a long term non value added orientated tar pit.

Paul Volcker, Stanford, Feb 11, 2005
A few selected excerpts:
"Altogether, the circumstances seem as dangerous and intractable as I can remember."
"Boomers are spending like there is no tomorrow."
"Homeownership has become a vehicle for borrowing and leveraging as much as a source of financial security."
"I come now to the heart of the problem, as a Nation we are consuming and investing, that is spending, about 6% more than we are producing. What holds it all together? - High consumption - high leverage - government deficits - What holds it all together is a really massive and growing flow of capital from abroad. A flow of capital that today runs to more than $2 Billion per day."
"What I'm really talking about boils down to the oldest lesson of financial policy in Central Banking: A strong sense of monetary and fiscal discipline."

red bar demsheviks sector zone issues and open border carnage seen before scaled up
rome wolf by the ears expecting a different result

structural inflation as the middle is eradicated

the euthanasia of the rentier
1936 the General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money, Keynes

beach bum retrogrades today

Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back. I am sure that the power of vested interests is vastly exaggerated compared with the gradual encroachment of ideas. Not, indeed, immediately, but after a certain interval; for in the field of economic and political philosophy there are not many who are influenced by new theories after they are twenty-five or thirty years of age, so that the ideas which civil servants and politicians and even agitators apply to current events are not likely to be the newest. But, soon or late, it is ideas, not vested interests, which are dangerous for good or evil. partial Chapter 24 <----------------------------

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

The "protestors" destroyed UCLA for fun. Uniparty will fund as they take out what's not already ground to dust in the wasting.

Brainwashed Marxist kids causing chaos at woke universities and spreading like cancer across the nation is terrible optics for the Biden administration and the Democrat Party.
It is what they are.
Do not expect a wake up from the GOP either.

The brush fire already took them out in 2020 more than not going forward.
If you decide to move forward, they already plan to take 2x anyways for the Glorius Potato.

If/then to the next effort was already here.

The End of the Watchmen. The sevens will understand.
Last edited by aeden on Thu May 02, 2024 2:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Their lack of affiliation to any particular bank allows them to be objective.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden » ... t-buckling

ignore everything
selection year data

in 4 years basically they killed the middle class
structural inflation is a feature

dangle the rate cut carrot is all the math you will get

2 weeks they'll have a DVD copy online to watch for free

Bernays was correct about taxpayers the nephew of Sigmund Freud as a
privileges and creature of comfort of bourgeois existence. ... s-data.jpg

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