Financial Topics avec aeden

Investments, gold, currencies, surviving after a financial meltdown
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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden » falls dead uttering curse. signs and season is close at hand

Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.
At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left,
with the woman still standing there. Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”
“No one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”

The young and the old see it.

Time is short and some are in peril to what they will not leave behind or chose to understand.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Your tax dollars.

phase two underway

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Do the GOP want the crayons too?
No, they are still open border paste eaters.
The patient seen in a room was so sick it flows through the entrance door.
That was the view forwarded.
Active measures are to move past level two for moves as take out criticality internals.
Captain Oatmeal blew past liability long long ago. Useful idiots peaking for the cheerful idiots.
The agency issue is the fact of the matter.
The colossal mess the Biden administration is defines the feature.
Top down and bottom up this will end you and has as you pretend.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden » ... ation.html
Department Of Homeland Security HIAS Mayorkas refuses

The veteran war correspondent Yon also cited that humanitarian organizations like the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), Catholic Charities, the International Organization of Migrants (IOM), the Red Cross and the United Nations Humanitarian Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), among others are aiding the invasion of America. Interestingly, Mayorkas is a board member for the HIAS.
He warned that Americans should never give money or anything to these organizations because they are giving to the enemy that is pushing their demise.

A senile geriatric grifter surrounded by a bunch of diversity hires to finish it off.

Wed Mar 03, 2021 10:54 am
Adapt frequency.
FOF always follows the same route.
Reliability engineering.
As we noted we are trying to avoid dialectical democrat retards with another crayola colored crayons putsch.
Date not needed here.

thread: adapt, sogo, lightswitch

Jeremiah 4:7 A lion has come out of his lair; a destroyer of nations has set out.
He has left his place to lay waste your land. falls dead uttering curse. signs and season is close at hand

Amos and the sign of Jonah appears rather clear.
Age of Laodicea was clear for those with an eye and ear.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Nothing to see here people, just toddlers on the swamp body farm with an octogenarian throwing tantrums with two political sociopaths
mud wrestling for power. Move along to secure any resources in the borderless cult that moved in. You dip sticks went mail in. I never asked
for that ever. You are heading to a wall at ninety was the end of the meeting. The follow up proved in spades what the patients been eating.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

The destabilization of the power grid is the result of what analyst and author Meredith Angwin deems the “fatal trifecta.”
Baked in subterfuge top down the feature.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden » ... 19/photo/1
so you missed the top

One mans stupidity is another ripcord
Act was passed in a fraudulent way, intended to take advantage of the public’s “stupidity.”

The dead canary files. The stop that did not stop.

Could I be wrong? Absolutely.
But a host of indicators are sending us an early warning.
What’s worse:
Missing out temporarily on some additional short-term gains or
Spending time getting back to even which is not the same as making money. tyler
“Opportunities are made up far easier than lost capital.” – Todd Harrison

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Most Americans have still not realized that the country is being destroyed intentionally and, in every way they want to ignore.
Hence as it was put, they are really trying to prevent movements that will overthrow governments. Just like communism fell in 1989, our Western economies will collapse, and they cannot prevent it. It will not necessitate massive civil unrest.
People are not buying their long-term debt anymore, and when they cannot keep funding this insanity, they will collapse of their own accord.
Get to zero debt. DNC are as dead inside and insincere as the eugenic cheer leaders burning you down.

Jeremiah 4:7 A lion has come out of his lair; a destroyer of nations has set out.
He has left his place to lay waste your land. falls dead uttering curse. signs and season is close at hand

MORG "People Will Lose Their Homes, Spending Power, Security."

Essene calendar, in the Spring of 2023 (when the New Year begins), on the Essene calendar it will be the year
5,948. In the year 2025, it will be the year 5,950

Given in the scrolls to the season marked when the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem occurred.
Last edited by aeden on Tue Feb 13, 2024 1:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Optics of sending invading illegal immigrants to displace Native Americans as Fent takes them out.
That map was posted.

COVID-19 is deemed as a (micro)vascular and endothelial disease.
A new leaf since that fig tree is dead.
As for you.
rule 1 Study so you can wash your robe. His blood alone covers you.
rule 2 God will wipe them clean.
rule 3 Listen.
rule 4. Run the race.
rule 5. Learn content.
rule 6. He is in control. ... loa-cartel

During each age, some people lived and completed their God-given assignment within the ‘overlap’ period.
The ‘end of the age’ is not necessarily a hard line where all events for one age ended and the following day,
everything for the age began. carraway

As we have seen first hand.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

88% of states increasing unemployment. Including the most populated NY, CA, Ill
No one seen that fungible move did they.

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