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Re: Eastern Front

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 1:54 pm
by John
DaKardii wrote: > Who do you think could've done those DDoS attacks and robotic
> requests?
For almost ten years now, the site has been
the target of low-level denial of service attacks, 24 hours a day,
365/6 days a year. I once traced all the IPs, and they went back to
China. I tried splitting off the forum into a new domain,, and within 24 hours they had followed me there and were
attacking that domain, and still are.

I don't know why I was dumb enough to even try a wiki. I should
have known what would happen.
Trevor wrote:
> I have to admit, it has crossed my mind, but I'm much more of a
> fiction writer than a non-fiction one. Generational Dynamics does
> play a role in the book, however, and helped to shape the
> plot.
Well, if you or anyone else wants to write a book on Generational
Dynamics, feel free to use any of the 5.7 million words of material on
my web site.

Tom Mazanec wrote: > The ACW may be an exception to this, John? Was the South treated
> badly during the Third Great Awakening? If not, why not?
The American civil war was not a war between two ethnic groups, as the
black slaves generally supported the South. The fault line was
geographical (North vs South), and so it had the characteristics of an
external war.

If the black slaves had risen up and fought against the southern
whites, then the "Reconstruction" era would have been far bloodier.

Re: Eastern Front

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 12:10 am
by Trevor
I'd keep in mind that there were a lot of people who wanted to treat the Southern States as a conquest, instead of trying to reconcile with them. If they had their way and the South received a boot on their necks, it likely would have led to another civil war several decades later. That would have made WWII very interesting...

Re: Eastern Front

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 8:06 pm
by falopex
John wrote:What "other lists" are you talking about? I save everything. I have
a copy of every email message I've sent and received since the 1980s.
I've lost the ones from the 1970s because nothing reads DECtapes any
more. So what lists are you referring to?

There was a "Generation Lengths" thread back in 2015 that contains
some of the data that you're looking for.

I'm glad I wrote the two books, but nobody wanted to buy them. In
fact, nobody's willing to pay me for anything. Last year someone
called me up and said he was in touch with various fund raising
people, and would I like it if I could receive a grant to continue
work on Generational Dynamics. He wanted to repay me because he had
followed my advice ten years ago and saved hundreds of thousands of

Three months later I wrote and asked him if anything had come of
getting a grant. He said that that there were a million things I
could write about that could get funding, but that nobody would pay a
cent for Generational Dynamics. I'm pretty bitter about that. And
believe me, I ask myself every day why the hell I'm doing this,
since all it does is make a lot of people hate me.

So no, I'm not going to write another book. I'll just continue doing
what I'm doing.

Why don't you write a book on Generational Dynamics?

I don't remember why I removed the Country Studies. I think it's
because a lot of the individual links were out of date. Anyway, I
just put them back. They're accessible from the menu on the home page
and the web log, and if I ever get around to recompiling all the
pages, then they'll be available on all the other pages as well.

What two novels are you talking about?
Nobody seems to want to pay for *anything* these days, and when they do, they want it as cheaply as humanly possible. I suspect it may be a characteristic behavior of a Crisis Era. And I think some people take comfort in the illusion that everything is always somebody else's fault and we'll all be fine if we can just get "the right people" into positions of power. People fear unpleasant truths.

Also, keep in mind that Gen-Xers pick the visions. Many will not choose your vision. And Millenials see you from across a Generational Divide that can only be closed by the unifying trauma of a Crisis Event/War. In a way, the size of your critic base is suggestive of the very dynamics that GD predicts. In my opinion.

What has convinced me of the validity of your work is simply the fact that I see GD playing out all around me every day.

And while I am only one person in a cast of millions, I would be thrilled to buy copies of your books.


Re: Eastern Front

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 8:37 pm
by falopex
Tom Mazanec wrote:the group that
wins the civil war takes power and then uses torture, massacres,
genocide and atrocities during the Awakening era to keep from giving
up power, reneging on promises of free elections made during the
settlement of the civil war.

The ACW may be an exception to this, John? Was the South treated badly during the Third Great Awakening? If not, why not?
I've thought about this myself. From what I have seen, the South was harshly dealt with by the North, but the North and South both continued many behaviors that held over from the Civil War. In a lot of ways, the Civil War brought and end to the fighting, but it didn't end the conflict. During Reconstruction, many deals and compromises were reached, as is the norm in Austerity Eras, but they often strongly favored the North and were punitively harsh or neglectful against the South. Consider segregation and Jim Crow. Consider the continued glorification of the Confederacy in the South even to this day, and the cries of "The South will rise again!" Consider black politicians from the North being installed in the South essentially by force, over the objections of the locals. There was definitely an element of "Heroic Victors vs Vanquished Villains" at play.

This, I think, contributed to the birth of the Civil Rights movement, at least with respect to minorities. It is entirely possible that if we had not entered WWII, we may have ended up refighting the Civil War. But that particular pot had not yet come to an existential boil before Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, so the conflict was subconsciously delayed until post-war, where it took on a different flavor and was fought Awakening-style as a social/generational conflict instead of a Crisis-style civil war.

Curiously, race is once again coming to the forefront in the US. And when you look at a map of voter distribution in recent elections, there does still seem to be a geographical component involved that resembles the CW fault lines, although less distinct.

I worry that the US could be on a path to both a new civil war *and* participation in the CoC during this Crisis Era. If it comes to that, our chances of survival drop significantly. We could still come out on top, but it will be that much more difficult. One thing is certain, though; nobody escapes a Crisis Event/War unchanged.
