Millennials will be end of the road for Progr

Awakening eras, crisis eras, crisis wars, generational financial crashes, as applied to historical and current events
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Millennials will be end of the road for Progr

Post by VinceP1974 »

I thought this was interesting and timely.

In this week's Washington Examiner. ... 29222.html
Mark Tapscott: Millennials will be end of the road for Progressives
By: Mark Tapscott
Editorial Page Editor
March 10, 2010
Examiner editorial page editor Mark Tapscott
Imagine watching as the government robs your parents of their retirement security, denies them access to decent health care, and compromises the independence that is supposed to mark their Golden Years.

That’s not a scene likely to generate support for those inflicting such agonies on the people who gave you life, especially when the perpetrators also hand you the bill. Thus will the progressive vision for America end with the Millennials.

Conventional wisdom sees Social Security and Medicare going bust just as massive numbers of the Baby Boomer generation begin applying for benefits. Political upheaval will surely ensue as Boomers experience the destitution that follows hard after collapse of these two landmark entitlements.

But look beyond the Boomers to their kids – the Millennials, 60 million strong and the first “grown-up digital” generation, (see Don Tapscott’s book by that name).

This coming entitlement crisis will engulf Boomers just as Millennials enter the most fecund years of family life and career. But instead of enjoying such rewarding endeavours, they will face the hardships and heart breaks that will come with being what The Washington Post’s Robert Samuelson earlier this week called “the Chump Generation:”

Samuelson’s label, however, doesn’t begin to do justice to what lies ahead for Millennials, thanks to their government:

Their federal taxes will hit unprecedented levels as Washington props up Social Security, Medicare and other federal entitlement programs. So will state and local taxes, thanks to similarly generous pensions for teachers, cops, firemen, and bureaucrats.
Good health care will be harder to get for middle class Millennials and their kids, thanks to government rationing of medical services.
With a no-growth, high-tax, “green economy,” entrepreneurial opportunities will be scarce, new jobs rare, and standards of living falling for the first time in American history. Most things will cost more, everyday tasks like getting to work and grocery shopping will be more tedious, and the general quality of life will be noticeably less pleasant.
In the process, millions of Millennials will have to take in their aging Boomer parents or otherwise care for them, and do so with fewer personal resources and under far greater economic pressures than those faced by perhaps any previous American generation since before the Great Depression.

Samuelson said Millennials were notably strong Obama supporters in 2008, but he wondered if being the Chump Generation will “dim their enthusiasm for government.” I see something far more serious than merely less enthusiasm for activist government, for two reasons.

First, the dominant values of Millennials are inimical to centralizing, top-down, command-and-control government at the heart of the Progressive vision. Millennials grew up in a decentralized digital world of endless choices, limitless opportunity, and transparency in everything.

Think about that: Where Obama and the progressives dispatch reams of bureaucratic edicts, legions of bureaucrats, and tons of tax dollars to solve a problem, Millennials reach for their laptops, Internet creativity, and collaboration with each other. They don’t need officious, over-paid GS-14s in Washington to tell them what to do. And they know it.

Second, it will be crystal clear who caused the entitlement crisis. Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are seeing to that now in their mad rush to pass Obamacare, even if means doing so over unanimous Republican opposition.

So, trust me, when the entitlement crisis hits home in full force during the next two decades, the Millennials will be hit hard and they will know exactly who to hold responsible. There will be hell to pay, with no grace period, no more bailouts and no more patience for politicians peddling lies about what government will do for them.

Mark Tapscott is editorial page editor of The Washington Examiner and proprietor of Tapscott’s Copy Desk blog on

Read more at the Washington Examiner: ... z0hwQR6toU

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Re: Millennials will be end of the road for Progr

Post by ridgel »

Interesting post. The lower standard of living and higher taxes for the Chump generation sounds right on. But I don't have any great hope that this generation will reject big government because of it. Is there any example of a society that rejected government in the face of a lower standard of living? It seems a lot more likely that the young-uns will adopt a soak the rich attitude in an attempt to maintain their own level of benefits, whether that's schooling for themselves or their children, tax credits, subsidized health care and the like. Is it realistic to think that a person without a stable, well paying job is going to see private industry as the answer and a progressive tax rate as the enemy? Not bloody likely.

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Re: Millennials will be end of the road for Progr

Post by Felix34 »

What a crock of bull.

I want universal health care and last time I checked it was Generation Jones (people like Glenn Beck) in the media proclaiming that it's "evil socialism." I want gay people to get married and Boomers and GJ think the giant sky god will be angry with them.

But they sure like to tell us we're the problem, don't they?

The end of progress won't be due to Generation Y, it will be due to the fact that Baby boomers are unwilling to allow anyone but themselves to rule the world.

Can you guys not treat us like we're the dumbest, most gullible morons on the planet? You might as well just portray us as poo flinging apes. How insulting.

For the record, do you think I'm ever getting insurance?? Of any kind? Health, car, life? I need none of it and I don't want it. I don't want credit cards, I pay for everything with cash or debit. I actually don't know anyone besides the boomers that even own one. (Depression era kids were never very trusting of credit cards and my grandmother doesn't have many.)

I'm never taking out loans for college or for a house.

I don't trust congress as much as I can throw them.

And I'm only 21, so what's their to be "chump-like" about?

Why don't you people try talking to Generation Y instead of making things up about them?

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Re: Millennials will be end of the road for Progr

Post by John »

Felix34 wrote:And I'm only 21, so what's their to be "chump-like" about?

Why don't you people try talking to Generation Y instead of making things up about them?
It's hard to talk about Generation Y yet, because you're an
unfulfilled generation. You're the next "greatest generation." Your
destiny is to go off, without complaining, to save your country and
the world from the enemy. While we'll be crying, you'll see it as a
great adventure -- that is, until the atrocities traumatize you for

And I'm not making that up.


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Re: Millennials will be end of the road for Progr

Post by VinceP1974 »

Felix34 wrote: What a crock of bull.

I want universal health care and last time I checked it was Generation Jones (people like Glenn Beck) in the media proclaiming that it's "evil socialism." I want gay people to get married and Boomers and GJ think the giant sky god will be angry with them.
If you want UHC, then get Congress to pass a Constitutional Amendment and have the proper number of States affirm it. Otherwise , it's Unconstitution.. rather it's Anticonstitional and a blantant violation of the Article I Section 8 and Amendments IV, V and X. I'm gay and don't want gay marriage... the last thing this society needs is more demographic collapse.

But they sure like to tell us we're the problem, don't they?
That article was saying, more or less, that you would be the folks to put an end to the insane Entitlements that will have destroyed your future.
The end of progress won't be due to Generation Y, it will be due to the fact that Baby boomers are unwilling to allow anyone but themselves to rule the world.
They weren't saying the end of progress.. but the end of Progressivism.. a Collectivist political ideology.
Can you guys not treat us like we're the dumbest, most gullible morons on the planet? You might as well just portray us as poo flinging apes. How insulting.
Well you haven't said one informed thing yet... but keep trying! We're here to help.
For the record, do you think I'm ever getting insurance?? Of any kind? Health, car, life? I need none of it and I don't want it. I don't want credit cards, I pay for everything with cash or debit. I actually don't know anyone besides the boomers that even own one. (Depression era kids were never very trusting of credit cards and my grandmother doesn't have many.)

I'm never taking out loans for college or for a house.

I don't trust congress as much as I can throw them.

And I'm only 21, so what's their to be "chump-like" about?

Why don't you people try talking to Generation Y instead of making things up about them?
Maybe you should try to reread the article. They're calling you "chump" becuase they're making you promises that you must pay taxes for that you'll never get the benefits... the article is sympathizing with you.

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Re: Millennials will be end of the road for Progr

Post by Felix34 »

I actually don't think that's going to end up happening, I think if we're resourceful enough we can find a way to cut spending so that everyone ends up getting benefits.

Why do we still have troops in Germany?

Waste of money if you ask me, take them out.

Take all of our troops out of places that don't really need them. We just waste so much money on things we don't even need. We could have UHC if we weren't spending money on crap.

FTR, talk about masochism, why would you be against gay marriage? I'm personally against marriage...I just think it's a ridiculous to share your love life with the government. If it's for the financial benefits, why can't it be a contract with anyone? Why can't you make a contract with your kids to give them a better future? The word marriage really destroys this debate because then it becomes about romantic love, as opposed to just love in general..and even then why does it have to be about love in the first place? Maybe you want to give your kids a better future by making a contract with them, it's just stupid.

The idea is not just about gay marriage, it's about the idea of the contract in general. Why should homosexuals be excluded? It's blatant discrimination.

The article, imo, is still just uninformed. Why assume that millennials will end up getting no benefits? Give us a little bit of credit here. I know I'm only 21 and have a ways to go, but I believe that if you truly want something, you'll figure out a way to get it.

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Re: Millennials will be end of the road for Progr

Post by VinceP1974 »

I'm not going to argue gay marriage with someone who doesnt' even care about marriage.

But as far as your thinking that this country is going to be able to maintain business as usual.... I dont think so

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Re: Millennials will be end of the road for Progr

Post by Felix34 »

Good then we'll change it, the system is terribly outdated.

Why should I be concerned with the idea of marriage? I don't want to get married, I believe it's a bogus part of culture in the same way that bowing in Japan is. It doesn't mean anything and you're putting focus on the wrong values if you believe so. "Oh no someone didn't bow to me? They must be evil," god get over yourself. Culture does nothing but indulge the ego, marriage is an ego trip. I don't want any part of it.

I'm concerned with the idea of the contract that the government allows heterosexual couples to make. A contract that simply consists of a number of financial benefits; nothing more, nothing less. Why is it only a man and a woman? There is literally no reason other than your own gut emotion and quite frankly I don't have time to listen to a bunch of overly sentimental people. It's discrimination and it should be either eradicated or amended.

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Re: Millennials will be end of the road for Progr

Post by at99sy »

Felix34 wrote:Good then we'll change it, the system is terribly outdated.

I'm concerned with the idea of the contract that the government allows heterosexual couples to make.
I would suggest that the Government FORCES heterosexuals to get married in order to share benefits, rather than merely allows us to do so.
My partner and I are quite hetero and have been together for ten years. She and I were forced to marry
in order to share my insurance when we had our daughter. We do not consider ourselves "married" but are in a very secure and respectful and balanced relationship. I find the idea of forced marriage to be outdated and discriminatory on many levels. In what way does a marriage certificate show that we are in a commited and loving relationship?(rhetorical of course)
I do not need the gov't to tell me how to live or who I can be with. Personally, if marriage is a forced policy of benefit sharing and social control then why shouldn't homosexuals be forced to marry as well. Gays getting married to one another is
in no way a reflection of a society coming apart at the seams as some whould have us believe. As I have heard elsewhere"why shouldn't homosexuals be allowed to be as miserable as the rest of the married people?"
Now these same brilliant minds want to tell us how much insurance we need and are going to fine us and put us in jail if we do not abide by their policies. This is a much bigger threat to America than "gay marriage."

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Orson Scott Card-The Dismantling of America

Post by at99sy »

This is an interesting point of view on the collapsing social/cultural structure of the U.S. Certainly speaks to the changing generational dynamic that has been and is currently shifting.
Has a religious undertone, but an interesting read. Excellent writer OSC is.

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