Awakening era

Awakening eras, crisis eras, crisis wars, generational financial crashes, as applied to historical and current events
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Awakening era

Post by Trevor »

I have a question: what were the awakening era climaxes of the previous two eras? I know this one was Nixon resigning in disgrace, but while I know of the other two, I can't find how it ended. Any suggestions?

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Re: Awakening era

Post by Justin »

I haven't done any detailed study on the previous awakening eras for the United States, but from general study and reading, and from The Fourth Turning Book, I would put the awakening climax for the two eras at 1896 and 1828. 1896 as that was the year that began the progressive era and is generally heralded as the point in time when the republican party reformed itself and adopted a reform agenda and a policy of free enterprise capitalism with progressive reforms and imperialism. I also chose 1896 as that was the year that Howe and Strauss set as the climax for the awakening era of that time.
I chose 1828 because that was the year that Andrew Jackson became president and changed the political climate and culture of the White House. Before Jackson politicians and especially presidents were highly educated, refined gentlemen, but Jackson heralded a new era of "frontier-style" politicians. Jackson also granted the vote to all male citizens regardless of property, though in what year I can't remember.
I could of course be wrong as I would need to do further study, but those are my best guesses.

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Re: Awakening era

Post by Trevor »

well, in that case, it sounds like the younger generation won those struggles as well.

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