Generation-X culture vs Boomer culture

Awakening eras, crisis eras, crisis wars, generational financial crashes, as applied to historical and current events
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Tom Acre
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Re: 9-Dec-11 World View -- Sarkozy: Europe risks a new explo

Post by Tom Acre »

John wrote:
CrosstimbersOkie wrote:
In this Generation-X culture of fraud and extortion, no one who commits an actual crime is considered a criminal. The only people considered criminals are the accusers.

Easy there Baby Boomer! Holder is a Boomer, born 1951. Corzine is a Boomer, born 1947.
What does that have to do with the statement that you're challenging?

I think he's saying what is correct and obvious, namely, that this is as at least as much if not more a Boomer Culture than an Xer Culture.
60% of Senators are Boomers, 12% Xers
59% of Congressmen are Boomers, 28% Xers
70% of most powerful CEOs are Boomers, 20% are Xers

As discussed at length before, the Boomers have shaped virtually every institution we see today over the last 20 years into pits of corruption with their complete disdain and visceral contempt for the policies, procedures, ethics and etiquette (of the Silent and G.I. generations) combined with their boundless Boomer greed and narcissism. And yes, Boomers were and are being help by handpicked Xer henchmen who are every bit as bad and responsible.

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Re: 9-Dec-11 World View -- Sarkozy: Europe risks a new explo

Post by John »

Trevor wrote:Who cares what generation they belong to? They deserve to be serving 20-year prison sentences.
I agree.

In my experience, that's something that a Boomer would say,
but not something that a Gen-Xer would say.


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Re: 9-Dec-11 World View -- Sarkozy: Europe risks a new explo

Post by John »

If there were even just ONE Boomer in any organization, you
would consider that enough to absolve all the poor Xers of guilt.

Senior management sets overall direction, but day to day decisions,
including individual decisions to defraud, are made by middle managers,
and middle managers are overwhelmingly Xers. You can blame
Boomers for incompetence, and for going along with the massive
fraud that's been committed, but that doesn't absolve Xers
of the massive fraud they committed, and were glad to do it
until it bit them in the ass.


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Re: 9-Dec-11 World View -- Sarkozy: Europe risks a new explo

Post by CrosstimbersOkie »

Thank you. The Boomers are still in charge. They are in charge where I work and they are in charge nearly everywhere else. Along with the perks of being in charge comes a responsibility or two.

It's kind of like what Strauss & Howe described concerning 13ers on the beach after a summer of Boomer fun. 13er steps on a bottle cap and gets yelled at by a cop for the litter left behind by the Boomers.

Boomers grow up sometime before you die of old age! Holder and Corzine are Boomers. They are in charge. They are responsible. For an example of how Nomads take charge and be responsible, recall Harry Truman's "The Buck Stops Here" sign on his desk. And who would ever think that Eisenhower or Patton were not responsible for their failures as well as their successes?


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Re: 9-Dec-11 World View -- Sarkozy: Europe risks a new explo

Post by CrosstimbersOkie »

John wrote:If there were even just ONE Boomer in any organization, you
would consider that enough to absolve all the poor Xers of guilt.

Senior management sets overall direction, but day to day decisions,
including individual decisions to defraud, are made by middle managers,
and middle managers are overwhelmingly Xers. You can blame
Boomers for incompetence, and for going along with the massive
fraud that's been committed, but that doesn't absolve Xers
of the massive fraud they committed, and were glad to do it
until it bit them in the ass.

John, it's obvious that you never spent any time in the military. The leader sets the tone of the organization and directs the culture--or fails to do so.


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Re: 9-Dec-11 World View -- Sarkozy: Europe risks a new explo

Post by John »

You're confusing several things. Of course Corzine deserves to
go to jail. That's not the issue.

The issue is that you Gen-Xers use Boomer incompetence to excuse
the fraudulent behavior of other Xers. That's what's causing
the Gen-X culture of fraud and extortion.

Please tell me if you agree with the following statement:
Jon Corzine should go to jail, and any Gen-Xers reporting to
Corzine who committed fraud or who participated in co-mingling
investor funds illegally should also go to jail.
Do you agree with that or not?

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Re: 9-Dec-11 World View -- Sarkozy: Europe risks a new explo

Post by CrosstimbersOkie »

I absolutely agree with that statement.

And I also agree that, since the root cause of the problem is the incompetence of the leadership, BOOMERS NEED TO GROW UP! There was a time when Boomers tore apart a system because they didn't agree with how those in charge took care of business. Now Boomers are in charge and the fault for what's wrong lies with those who aren't in charge. Sounds like some want to play it both ways. Sounds like a con game.

Let me tell you a secret. As a 19 year employee of the US DOJ, I'll tell you that absolutely and positively nothing like Gunwalker is going to happen without approval at the HIGHEST levels. And from talking with people way back in 1992 when I started, the DOJ agency I work for began going to Hell in a handbasket during the first Bush administration, about the time the Boomer, William P. Barr became AG.

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Re: 9-Dec-11 World View -- Sarkozy: Europe risks a new explo

Post by John »

CrosstimbersOkie wrote: > I absolutely agree with that statement.
Well, that makes you a rare Xer. Perhaps some other Xers might
answer the same question.
CrosstimbersOkie wrote: > John, it's obvious that you never spent any time in the
> military. The leader sets the tone of the organization and directs
> the culture--or fails to do so.
And may I assume that it's perhaps just as obvious that you never
spent any time in the private sector -- which is mostly what we're
talking about here. Unlike the military, the private sector has all
kinds of dotted line relationships and responsibilities that diffuse
decision making. As I recall, "matrix management" began in the 1960s
and 1970s, and it's not something that's ever practiced in the
military, as far as I know.
CrosstimbersOkie wrote: > And I also agree that, since the root cause of the problem is the
> incompetence of the leadership, BOOMERS NEED TO GROW UP! There was
> a time when Boomers tore apart a system because they didn't agree
> with how those in charge took care of business. Now Boomers are in
> charge and the fault for what's wrong lies with those who aren't
> in charge. Sounds like some want to play it both ways. Sounds like
> a con game.
I agree with this, and I've said so many times. The Boomers grew up
complaining about everything in the 1960s, and never actually made
any decisions, leaving it to the Silents to tell them what to do.
After the Silents retired, the Boomers still were incapable of doing
anything but complain, and they left it to the Xers to tell them what
to do. The Xers told them to go along with committing fraud and
extortion, so they did. The Boomers are guilty for going along with
the crimes, but it's the Xers that actually committed the crimes.

I'll point once again to the really dramatic difference between the
Boomer culture and the Gen-X culture. There were thousands of
criminal referrals in the 1980s savings and loan crisis, when Boomers
were the regulators, but there have been ZERO criminal referrals in
the current crisis, which is much bigger. This is a huge difference
in culture, and you can see it in the MF Global situation where
Corzine is going to plead ignorance, and his Gen-X subordinates are
not going to be investigated. It's grossly disgusting, and it's how
the Gen-X culture works, and makes sure that NOBODY goes to jail,
Boomers OR Gen-Xers.


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Re: 9-Dec-11 World View -- Sarkozy: Europe risks a new explo

Post by Trevor »

Who cares what generation they belong to? They deserve to be serving 20-year prison sentences.

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Re: 9-Dec-11 World View -- Sarkozy: Europe risks a new explo

Post by John »

Trevor wrote:Who cares what generation they belong to? They deserve to be serving 20-year prison sentences.
I agree.

In my experience, that's what a Boomer would say, but
not what a Gen-Xer would say.


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