20-Aug-12 WV-Anti-Japanese nationalist riots erupt in China

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Re: 20-Aug-12 WV-Anti-Japanese nationalist riots erupt in Ch

by Bill » Wed Sep 19, 2012 1:50 am

Modem: MOdulator-DEModulator.

The first computer that I ever saw was one that my friend's dad built. TTL RAM boards cooled by fans and a Radio Shack tape recorder for a tape drive. It had a cradle for the telephone handset 320 baud modem. This was about 1977, but my friend's dad worked for NASA, so he knew how to build one of these.

We also made FSK phone calls over a CB radio via his base station while driving in his car. I knew at the time that I was witnessing the future, but was unsuccessful in convincing my parents to sell their shares of Pan-Am and invest in technology stocks.

Re: 20-Aug-12 WV-Anti-Japanese nationalist riots erupt in Ch

by John » Tue Sep 18, 2012 6:11 pm

gerald wrote:John,
I think ( from memory ) a modem is a electronic device used to change frequencies either of electric or sound so it can be transmitted over phone lines.
It's been awhile.
Am I right or wrong?
What I meant was: What is the word "modem" an abbreviation for?

Re: 20-Aug-12 WV-Anti-Japanese nationalist riots erupt in Ch

by gerald » Tue Sep 18, 2012 3:17 pm

I think ( from memory ) a modem is a electronic device used to change frequencies either of electric or sound so it can be transmitted over phone lines.
It's been awhile.
Am I right or wrong?

Re: 20-Aug-12 WV-Anti-Japanese nationalist riots erupt in Ch

by John » Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:38 am

Reality Check wrote:
Man, you are showing your age.

You're from the time when hackers were bad, programmers were...

Never mind, I am showing my ages as well.
Au contraire, my friend. I'm from a time when hackers were good. In
the 1970s, calling a programmer a good hacker was a compliment.
Calling him "just an ordinary hacker" not so much.

Hackers only became bad with the rise of viruses and such.

The following is from an article that I wrote for the Boston
Computer Society in 1986:
John J Xenakis in 1986 wrote: There's one more security issue of common concern, and that's when
people are allowed to access your computer remotely, over a modem.
If you've ever accessed an online data base, or if you've used the
Source or CompuServe or an online bulletin board, then you know
how it is to use a modem on your computer to dial up another
computer and access data on it. What we're talking about now is
where you have an "answering" modem which allows other people to
dial up your computer and access data.

Such modem connections are subject to all sorts of abuse. You've
undoubtedly seen or heard about the movie War Games which, which
introduced the world to the "computer hacker" who programs
his computer to try difference phone numbers and passwords until
someone's security is broken.

To combat the hackers, vendors are coming out with security
modems, modems with special features which attempt to limit the
access of hackers. The main feature of security modems is
the "call-back" option. The idea is that you set up your modem by
providing to it a list of authorized user names and their
passwords, as well as their telephone numbers. When an authorized
user dials up your computer, your modem answers and waits for the
user to type his name and password. When he does, the modem hangs
up the phone, and calls the user back at the specified telephone

To provide additional security, many of these modems use two
different telephone lines. Your user calls in on one of the
lines, and the modem calls back on a different line. The reason
for doing it that way is that you should keep the telephone number
of the second line a secret so that a sophisticated intruder can't
intercept the call back phone call.

Obviously, this method is suitable if your users are always going
to be calling from the same phones, presumably their home phones.
If that's not true, then you can still use a security modem with
user names and passwords to provide some security, but do without
the call back option.
Is there anyone left who remembers what "modem" stands for? (No fair
googling it.)

Re: 20-Aug-12 WV-Anti-Japanese nationalist riots erupt in Ch

by Reality Check » Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:13 am

John wrote: ...
Also, programmers aren't supposed to look particularly kempt anyway.
Man, you are showing your age.

Your from the time when hackers were bad, programmers were...

Never mind, I am showing my ages as well.

Re: 20-Aug-12 WV-Anti-Japanese nationalist riots erupt in Ch

by John » Sat Sep 15, 2012 2:42 pm

Dear Higgie,
Higgenbotham wrote: > They are: unkempt, provocative, raw, in your face, irresponsible,
> capricious, and abusive, to name a few adjectives that come to
> mind that are also consistent with streaking.
You wrote this a long time ago, and I've been meaning to respond to

I am not "irresponsible, capricious, [or] abusive," and anyone who
reads my web site is well aware that I AM "provocative, raw, [and] in
your face," and glad to be, if only because I'm so aware that it
pisses Gen-Xers off.

However, I'm also not particularly "kempt," and that's what I really
want to address. What I see is as the Gen-X ethic is that if you look
good and carry around the shiniest gadgets, then you don't have to
actually know or do anything, and you're allowed to screw anyone you
want. So I'm reacting to that ethic.

There are other reasons. If I wear a suit, then I reinforce my
Boomerness, and remind Gen-Xers of their fathers, whom they hate.
Also, programmers aren't supposed to look particularly kempt anyway.


Re: 20-Aug-12 WV-Anti-Japanese nationalist riots erupt in Ch

by Higgenbotham » Sat Aug 25, 2012 7:56 pm

Once again, we're watching the spectacle of feminist and left-wing political groups supporting an alleged serial rapist, Julian Assange, as he uses anti-U.S. sentiments to escape being questioned in Sweden over credible charges that he raped two women.
Evidence from a source close to the US government: the private intelligence organization Stratfor. WikiLeaks published the The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails stolen from Stratfor. Some of its employees are from the US intelligence community, share its views and biases, and gain information from it. Many of these discuss Assange.
Chris Farnham to George Friedman, 6 December 2010:
BTW, close family friend in Sweden who knows the girl that is pressing charges tells me that there is absolutely nothing behind it other than prosecutors that are looking to make a name for themselves. My friend speaks rather disparagingly about the girl who is claiming molestation. I also think the whole rape thing is incorrect for if I remember correctly rape was never the charge.

Re: 20-Aug-12 WV-Anti-Japanese nationalist riots erupt in Ch

by gerald » Wed Aug 22, 2012 8:34 am


If one reads translations of some of the ancient writings one comes across conflicts and differences of opinion between generations. Whether it is in love poems of ancient Egypt, where adults complain about the younger generation, or Genghis Khan's concern about preparing his sons for the responsibility of empire, in spite of their frivolous and indulgent behavior. - Same old same old.- This conflict between generations and between members of the same family is also illustrated in the Sumerian "Lost Book of Enki " this phenomenon is apparently not limited to Earth and is most likely part of the fabric of Existence to help minimize boredom in it's Grand Game .

Re: 20-Aug-12 WV-Anti-Japanese nationalist riots erupt in Ch

by John » Tue Aug 21, 2012 10:00 pm

gerald wrote:SouthernGentleman:
> Your approach regarding our current global events is similar
> (according to stories) to those who dispassionately watched the
> final days of the Atlantian era.
I guess that even Atlantis had generational Crisis eras.


Re: 20-Aug-12 WV-Anti-Japanese nationalist riots erupt in Ch

by John » Tue Aug 21, 2012 9:58 pm

SouthernGentleman wrote: > I admire and respect your work but I also know you realize that
> neither the red team or blue team has your best interest at
> heart. I look at politics from the outside and don't get caught in
> the trap of sides.
Thanks for your very kind words. I very much appreciate them.

And you're right about the red team and the blue team, but I'm nothing
special in that regard. They don't give a shit about anyone but

