Societal collapse

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Re: Societal collapse

by Guest » Tue Jun 04, 2024 9:52 am

guest wrote:
Mon Jun 03, 2024 11:07 pm

Irish Lady Describes the Demographic Shift.
Europe is finished. Like South Africa in the 1990s.

Re: Societal collapse

by guest » Mon Jun 03, 2024 11:07 pm

Irish Lady Describes the Demographic Shift.

Re: Societal collapse

by Guest in Texas » Fri May 31, 2024 12:33 pm

Just watched a haggard mestizo drunk buy a six pack before noon with his grandson in tow (this is considered “wholesome” and “comfy” in their culture I think).

As I watched him drive off with no car seat for his young charge, I wiped away a tear as I reveled in the fact that we all bleed red and are one race, the human race.

Re: Societal collapse

by Guest » Fri May 31, 2024 8:46 am

While German media continues its witch hunt of anyone caught singing “Ausländer raus”, a user on X asks NDR—A STATE BROADCASTER—why they don’t investigate migrant rape gangs with the same zeal.

NDR responded with a yawn emoji.

It will never be possible to hate these people enough.

Re: Societal collapse

by spottybrowncow » Tue May 28, 2024 8:32 pm

Guest wrote:
Mon May 27, 2024 8:53 am
I met an African man in Portugal, from Angola - he said something that struck me:
“You white men, you used to shoot rockets at the stars… now you are letting men wearing lipstick control you? What happened?”
Possibly the best post ever on this forum.
The faithful must commit to pray, and fight, on the side of the Lord.

Re: Societal collapse

by spottybrowncow » Tue May 28, 2024 8:27 pm

Guest from abroad wrote:
Mon May 27, 2024 11:51 am
spottybrowncow wrote:
Wed May 15, 2024 7:52 pm
A peaceful anti-abortion protester has just been sentenced to almost 5 years in prison for non-violent protest: ... ice-system

This is one of the most horrible miscarriages of justice I have ever seen in this country. This judge deserves banishment from the bench and disbarment (and potentially a lot more). When one considers the lack of consequences and lenient sentences for violent actions on the other side of the political isle, this is a truly horrible and absurdly unfair outcome. Jailed for trying to prevent murder, PEACEFULLY.

This deterioration in societal morality is not going to end well, for anyone.
How do you think it will end, Spotted?
I don't pretend to know. I come to this site because I value the opinions of some contributors who know far more than I do about world and military affairs.

However, I don't mind sharing some musings.

1) Will China attack Taiwan before the next election?

There are good reasons to think they might. If they delay and Trump wins, and especially if Trump has Congress behind him, rebuilding and "de-woking" of the military will proceed at a rapid pace. White farm boys will probably start joining again, and the recruiting shortfall will be over. Conversely, if they attack before the election, I just can't see the present administration launching an effective response. A little saber-rattling at best, nothing effective. Of course, Japan and South Korea may want to take action, but I can EASILY see the current administration trying to convince them to let Taiwan go. After all, they've already thrown Israel under the bus, and we have no closer ally.

Will there even be a November election if we get in a war first? That's uncharted territory, but if I had to wager, I sort of doubt it. If martial law is declared and the elections called off, it will be for the nation's and democracy's good, of course.

2) If there is no war before the election, what happens?

Let me say at the outset that I fully believe the 2020 election was stolen. In 2016 Trump received 62,984,828 votes and Hillary Clinton received 65,853,514, out of 136,669,276 cast. Third party candidates and "faithless electors" accounted for the remaining 7,830,934 votes.

In 2020 Trump received 74,223,975 votes, and Biden received 81,283,501, out of 158,429,631 votes cast. The remaining votes (2.922,155) were to Jo Jorgensen and Howie Hawkins.

So in 2020, Trump got more votes than anyone in history, and a guy "campaigning" from his basement got 7 million more? Is that even possible? I have trouble accepting that.

How exactly was the "steal" effected? Lawfare. The democrats realized that the election came down to several large metro areas in swing states (AZ,GA,MI,PN,WI), and they got the courts to change the election laws just in time for the election. In all of these states, the margin of victory was under 1.5%, (in AZ/GA/WI under 1%). I could provide references, but I'm getting tired, it's all out there if honest people want to verify. This ushered in mail-in ballots for everyone who could be identified as having ever lived there, unmonitored drop boxes, and greatly reduced standards for certification of voter / ballot authenticity. What could possibly go wrong? And we haven't even touched on things like counting ballots a week after election day, excluding observers from observing ballot counting, and courts ruling that little things like "dating ballots" don't matter.

So some of these voting "irregularities" have been tightened up, and some not so much. The ability of the democrats to swing elections through fraud is significant, but it's not unlimited, and that's why they are worried. Trump is polling far better now than at this time before 2020 election. Every last bit of cheating might not be enough.

If Trump wins, this time it will be very different. He will immediately fire thousands of federal employees, including military, and, very importantly, he has vetted personnel ready to immediately replace them. Lawsuits will be filed by the "aggrieved," and Biden's 200 or so new federal judges will rule in their favor, but fast tracks to the Supreme Court will become routine. In the best of all scenarios, if everything goes more-or-less perfectly, the pendulum will make a great swing back towards sanity, at least temporarily. Protests will be significant, but short-lived, as they will be quelled quickly.

If Biden wins, it's all over. At least half of the country won't accept it. I look for red (let's just call them "free") states to start defying federal law, and who knows how that ends up. There would be no geographic lines for such a civil war, I don't think anyone knows how it would play out.

But I'm pretty sure China would go ahead and take Taiwan after the election, in that scenario. And then ...

Re: Troubling sign

by Guest from abroad » Mon May 27, 2024 11:51 am

spottybrowncow wrote:
Wed May 15, 2024 7:52 pm
A peaceful anti-abortion protester has just been sentenced to almost 5 years in prison for non-violent protest: ... ice-system

This is one of the most horrible miscarriages of justice I have ever seen in this country. This judge deserves banishment from the bench and disbarment (and potentially a lot more). When one considers the lack of consequences and lenient sentences for violent actions on the other side of the political isle, this is a truly horrible and absurdly unfair outcome. Jailed for trying to prevent murder, PEACEFULLY.

This deterioration in societal morality is not going to end well, for anyone.
How do you think it will end, Spotted?

Re: Societal collapse

by Guest » Mon May 27, 2024 8:53 am

I met an African man in Portugal, from Angola - he said something that struck me:

“You white men, you used to shoot rockets at the stars… now you are letting men wearing lipstick control you? What happened?”

We see ourselves as moralists

But the world sees us as Prometheus

Re: Societal collapse

by El Cid M » Wed May 22, 2024 9:21 am

Western countries have already collapsed.

There is no security, law and order, or rule of law.

I wish I had been born in 1905, then I could have enjoyed the Roaring Twenties, endured the 30s, and waged war in the 40s like my grandparents. Life was hard, but today it's impossible and hopeless.

Re: Societal collapse

by Guest » Tue May 21, 2024 7:37 am

I bet the Canadian Government's "action plan" against car theft probably involves courses to teach people how to hand over their car keys when someone breaks into their house to steal them.
