Dakardii's topic

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Re: Dakardii's topic

Post by FullMoon »

I'm on the West coast. Last year, after the lockdown drama and crazy riots, who would've believed wildfires would burn out of control? For me, I think nuclear weapons will be like that. Inconceivable at this time. At first used tactically on military targets. But then more liberally.
Maybe like thinking about what kind of treatments you'd try if you had terminal cancer. It's hard to. You'd try anything at some point.
The weapons are available and give the impression of tactical usefulness. As John says, eventually they'll all get used. We can only hope some new technology or something renders them inoperable or obsolete or disables their delivery or destroys them in their present location. But it's hard to conceive of such a future

Cool Breeze
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Re: Dakardii's topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

Higgenbotham wrote:
Tue Jan 26, 2021 11:43 pm
Cool Breeze wrote:
Tue Jan 26, 2021 10:42 pm
Higgenbotham wrote:
Tue Jan 26, 2021 4:15 pm
You gave an honest response in my opinion.
Thanks for the post, I enjoyed it because it was genuine. To clarify just one more thing, I am not superior, nor have I said that I was. My posts either demonstrate a command of the matter at hand, or they do not. Of course, others who are reading (if this is the case) can decide.

A possible scenario I foresee will be that BTC will be an asset for those who are in fact at an elevated, or separated, status due to the fact that the plebs will have to deal with a digital dollar that is manipulated even more by the US (or whichever) gov't. That's why your meager definition of necessities allows you wiggle room enough to never admit it. The problem with your answer is that BTC could be a phenomenally important and advantageous asset class, but you still won't admit that you were wrong if you get to eat bugs and survive? Nobody is buying that. But I have my answer.
OK, good, because I felt my post required some clarity, as I rushed over some topics and may have created confusion in some areas as to what I really meant to say. I'm glad that clarity is not needed because it is tedious.

Regarding your second paragraph, I'll just quote something along those lines and comment on it.
Higgenbotham wrote:
Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:49 am
I think that we're going to see eventually a series of bankruptcies. And I think that the rise in the interest rate is probably the fatal sign which is going to ignite a derivatives crisis that is going to bring down the derivatives system. There is something like a quadrillion of derivatives and most of them are interest rate derivatives. The spiking of the interest rate in the United States may set that off. And I think that what is going to happen in the world is that eventually we're going to come to a moment where there's going to be massive bankruptcies around the world and what is going to be left when the dust settles is gold and some people are going to have it and some people are not. And then the problem will be to hold onto what you've got. Because it's not going to be a very pleasant world. That's what I see coming, my friend.
--Hugo Salinas Price (transcribed from the link above)
So let's say that the world that Hugo Salinas Price described a few years back is what actually happens with bitcoin taking the place of gold in his scenario, similar to yours. The question is whether, under that scenario, I aspire to be a part of the elite group that is separated due to their ownership of gold or bitcoin. The answer to that question is actually no, I have no such aspirations. I think there are plenty of posts in this forum to demonstrate that. My mentality is one that's pretty skewed toward survival and not much more, with independence from and separating myself from the elites being a high priority.

Of course, that's a separate issue from whether, under that scenario, I would admit that I was wrong about bitcoin. What I can envision under that scenario is there would be a brief time that would come where I would be hungry, exhausted, uncomfortable due to the elements, etc., and in my extreme discomfort would say, dammit, I wish I had listened to Cool Breeze and Vince Cate and gotten some bitcoin. I say that because I've been in similar situations after quitting the security of corporate or government jobs, but only very briefly. I was telling somebody just a little while ago that a little known consequence of braving the elements in the far north during the winter was needing to use my left hand to get my right hand into my pants pocket because it was too painful to stick my right hand directly into my pocket for 3 months out of the year because it was so cracked and bloody from working in the cold. I did that for 8 years with no regrets. I would also say I'm better for the experience, and it probably helped me develop the skills and mental toughness that will be needed to survive the upcoming collapse. Age is not on my side this time, though.
Great answer Higgy. You must understand that I don't want to be part of the "elite" either. It has been revealed to me that I am to assist others when difficulties arise, and I will do this because all glory belongs to Jesus Christ and also, because in former days when I saw the beauty of the world and how many wonderful things I inherited in my life/how many gifts were given to me, I promised God I would. Pray that I make good on it.

I certainly see Hugo Salinas Price's prediction as a possibility, I am sad to say. It is the quality of the "collapse" that we all discuss and sometimes quibble about.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Dakardii's topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

John wrote:
Tue Jan 26, 2021 11:25 pm
Oh cut the crap. You're almost as bad as Butler. You've been posting
garbage like this ever since you became a member of the forum.
Now you're being ridiculous. No one is near Butler.

I post all sorts of high level stuff, you just don't like critiques - just admit it. You can't handle information and interact like I do with "garbage" posts, only the Butlers of the world have garbage because they can't even think straight on 1 issue. We agree on a lot of issues - but you see me as a thorn due to my refining and tilling via questioning.
John wrote:
Tue Jan 26, 2021 11:25 pm
When the financial crisis and world war occur, the value of bitcoin
will crash to zero or near-zero.
You combined all sorts of topics here.

Let's start first with "debt not being sustainable". There is no one on this board who disagrees with that, save for maybe Bobby B. We agree, so that was never a question of when you were wrong. But even understanding that debt isn't sustainable is fairly useless without a time frame, in the same way that I have said, "Look at how great I am of a predictor of things, I'm gonna die one day!" Same shit. Now don't get mad because again, we agree. But it's not necessarily helpful to tell someone "you can't live forever" so I'm not wrong. Ok, great job.

Then you sloppily link all these ideas with religious devotion again. A financial crisis cancause a war, but many have not. So they are not necessarily related. And then it's not only a war, it's WWIII. Ok, I'm still with you that it is possible, but you don't know that that will be true.

The worst part is the last part (which was actually our topic of conversation) ... the rushed "and bitcoin will go to zero."

LOL, you have no basis for saying that, but I guess because you said so, you "win"? Great argument.


Re: DaKardii's Topic

Post by Guest »



Re: DaKardii's Topic

Post by Guest »

You think like Rambo. You should have stayed at the monastery in Thailand...
Da Kardii is more like Ace Ventura at the monastery...


Just saying...

Cool Breeze
Posts: 2960
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Re: Dakardii's topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

Seriously, go check out the link I posted for the RV Antonopoulos interview. Most of the people in the society (and here) don't have any idea of what they don't know about blockchain and BTC.

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Re: Dakardii's topic

Post by DaKardii »

John wrote:
Tue Sep 21, 2021 9:35 pm
You're completely out of touch with reality.

Iraq - Iraq annexed Kuwait, and we ejected Iraq from Kuwait.

Libya - Hundreds of thousands of refugees were pouring out of Libya
into Egypt and Italy, and the Arab League demanded EU intervention.

** 5-Mar-16 World View -- A look back at Libya in 2011 as the West debates another military intervention
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e160305

Syria - Bashar al-Assad responded to peaceful protests by massive
genocide of Arab Sunnis. Al-Assad would have lost, but begged
intervention from Russia, Iran and Hezbollah. It turned into a proxy
war between Turkey and Russia. The Americans had a small role to kill
al-Baghdadi and protect the Kurds.

Ukraine - Ukraine is being destroyed by Russia. Russia has already
annexed Crimea, and may annex Donbas.

Turkey - Can't think of anything relevant.

Venezuela -- was destroyed by Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro.

China - Has China been destroyed? I'll have to update my book.

Iran - Who are you claiming destroyed Iran -- Obama, Trump or Biden?

Russia - Russia has done a very good job under Putin of destroying

That list you posted looks like a joke.
Both Iraq wars were based on lies. The first one was not fought to defend Kuwait, but rather to protect Saudi Arabia because an emboldened Saddam was a threat to the petrodollar. The second one was fought not because Saddam had old WMD parts lying around in warehouses, but because Saddam started selling oil for Euros, which again was a threat to the petrodollar.

The wars in Libya, Syria, and Ukraine were all started by CIA meddling. The CIA targeted Libya because Gaddafi started selling oil for gold, which was a threat to the petrodollar. The CIA targeted Syria because Assad rejected Qatar-Saudi Arabia-Jordan-Syria Turkey pipeline in favor of an Iran-Iraq-Syria-Lebanon pipeline, and the CIA saw this as being a threat to the petrodollar. The CIA targeted Ukraine because it rejected a trade deal with the EU in favor of a trade deal with Russia, and the CIA wanted Ukraine to be out of Russia's sphere of influence at all costs.

Turkey, Venezuela, China, Iran, and Russia haven't been destroyed (although yes, Venezuela is very close to that point because Chavez was and Maduro is insane), but they are being targeted for future destruction for various reasons.

Another guest

Re: Dakardii's topic

Post by Another guest »

DaKardii wrote:
Wed Sep 22, 2021 12:56 am
John wrote:
Tue Sep 21, 2021 9:35 pm
You're completely out of touch with reality.

Iraq - Iraq annexed Kuwait, and we ejected Iraq from Kuwait.

Libya - Hundreds of thousands of refugees were pouring out of Libya
into Egypt and Italy, and the Arab League demanded EU intervention.

** 5-Mar-16 World View -- A look back at Libya in 2011 as the West debates another military intervention
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e160305

Syria - Bashar al-Assad responded to peaceful protests by massive
genocide of Arab Sunnis. Al-Assad would have lost, but begged
intervention from Russia, Iran and Hezbollah. It turned into a proxy
war between Turkey and Russia. The Americans had a small role to kill
al-Baghdadi and protect the Kurds.

Ukraine - Ukraine is being destroyed by Russia. Russia has already
annexed Crimea, and may annex Donbas.

Turkey - Can't think of anything relevant.

Venezuela -- was destroyed by Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro.

China - Has China been destroyed? I'll have to update my book.

Iran - Who are you claiming destroyed Iran -- Obama, Trump or Biden?

Russia - Russia has done a very good job under Putin of destroying

That list you posted looks like a joke.
Both Iraq wars were based on lies. The first one was not fought to defend Kuwait, but rather to protect Saudi Arabia because an emboldened Saddam was a threat to the petrodollar. The second one was fought not because Saddam had old WMD parts lying around in warehouses, but because Saddam started selling oil for Euros, which again was a threat to the petrodollar.

The wars in Libya, Syria, and Ukraine were all started by CIA meddling. The CIA targeted Libya because Gaddafi started selling oil for gold, which was a threat to the petrodollar. The CIA targeted Syria because Assad rejected Qatar-Saudi Arabia-Jordan-Syria Turkey pipeline in favor of an Iran-Iraq-Syria-Lebanon pipeline, and the CIA saw this as being a threat to the petrodollar. The CIA targeted Ukraine because it rejected a trade deal with the EU in favor of a trade deal with Russia, and the CIA wanted Ukraine to be out of Russia's sphere of influence at all costs.

Turkey, Venezuela, China, Iran, and Russia haven't been destroyed (although yes, Venezuela is very close to that point because Chavez was and Maduro is insane), but they are being targeted for future destruction for various reasons.
Alex Jones, is that you?

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Re: Dakardii's topic

Post by John »

** 22-Sep-2021 World View: Blaming the US
DaKardii wrote:
Wed Sep 22, 2021 12:56 am
> Both Iraq wars were based on lies. The first one was not fought to
> defend Kuwait, but rather to protect Saudi Arabia because an
> emboldened Saddam was a threat to the petrodollar. The second one
> was fought not because Saddam had old WMD parts lying around in
> warehouses, but because Saddam started selling oil for Euros,
> which again was a threat to the petrodollar.

> The wars in Libya, Syria, and Ukraine were all started by CIA
> meddling. The CIA targeted Libya because Gaddafi started selling
> oil for gold, which was a threat to the petrodollar. The CIA
> targeted Syria because Assad rejected Qatar-Saudi
> Arabia-Jordan-Syria Turkey pipeline in favor of an
> Iran-Iraq-Syria-Lebanon pipeline, and the CIA saw this as being a
> threat to the petrodollar. The CIA targeted Ukraine because it
> rejected a trade deal with the EU in favor of a trade deal with
> Russia, and the CIA wanted Ukraine to be out of Russia's sphere of
> influence at all costs.

> Turkey, Venezuela, China, Iran, and Russia haven't been destroyed
> (although yes, Venezuela is very close to that point because
> Chavez was and Maduro is insane), but they are being
> targeted for future destruction for various reasons.
This goes way over the line.

Iraq annexed Kuwait. The US formed a coalition to eject Iraq from
Kuwait. That was not a lie. That was the truth. That was the actual

If you're going to manufacture additional reasons, you might as well
say that it was to protect Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan as well
as Saudi Arabia.

When the US became Policeman Of The World, the goal was to prevent a
repeat of WW I and WW II. Thus, we fought wars in Korea and Vietnam
to stop the spread of Communism, and we fought the Iraq war for the
stability of the entire Mideast. It wasn't just to protect Saudi
Arabia. It was to prevent a destabilization of the entire Mideast
that would lead to a repeat of World War I.

The stability of the Mideast is important for a lot more reasons than
your single-minded focus on the petrodollar. If the Mideast oil
supply suddenly stopped, then the US would do fine internally. But it
would instantly lead to war in Asia and Europe. Those are reasons
that go way beyond the petrodollar or some some CIA meddling fantasy.

You seem to be starting from a conclusion and then searching for
things to support it. You seem to want to blame the US for
everything, which is consistent with a number of other things you've
written. Lately you've been agreeing with the CCP propaganda that the
US army developed the Covid strain and spread it around the world,
rather than the Wuhan lab.

You can't just make up "facts" because you want to blame the US for
every problem in the world. The wars in Libya, Syria and Ukraine were
caused by the reasons that I've written about, not because of CIA
meddling. The CIA does not have that power, even when it does
"meddle." You want to blame the US for everything, and when there's
no rational reason, you make things up with no evidence at all.


Re: Dakardii's topic

Post by Xeraphim1 »

John wrote:
Wed Sep 22, 2021 11:46 am

You can't just make up "facts" because you want to blame the US for
every problem in the world. The wars in Libya, Syria and Ukraine were
caused by the reasons that I've written about, not because of CIA
meddling. The CIA does not have that power, even when it does
"meddle." You want to blame the US for everything, and when there's
no rational reason, you make things up with no evidence at all.
This. We keep hearing about how the US government is incompetent except when it comes to manipulating all these other countries in which case the US government is suddenly staffed by brilliant masterminds. it doesn't work that way.

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