Generational Dynamics World View News

Discussion of Web Log and Analysis topics from the Generational Dynamics web site.

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by zzazz »

Actually banning Huawei products is short-sighted and stupid. The robust response to these imagined backdoors is to build backdoor protection into the systems that use these products. For example, take 5G routers--Huawei routers might have Chinese backdoors and American routers will certainly have American backdoors, so your clever board-level engineer should build a product incorporating redundant Chinese and American technologies------so that in times when the Chinese backdoor is activated the American technology will keep the router functional and in times when the American back door is activated the Chinese technology will keep the router functional. That's a product that will still have a market.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 27-May-2019 World View: Media goes nuts over Trump's trip to Japan

Both Japan's prime minister Shinzo Abe and Trump's national security
adviser John Bolton have in the last couple of days condemned
the recent North Korean short-range missile tests as "quite a
regrettable act" that violated United Nations resolutions.

However, in a joint press conference on Tuesday in Tokyo with Shinzo
Abe, Trump said: "My people think it could have been a violation. I
view it differently." Abe didn't react to the statement, and they
were both smiling when the press conference ended.

This has caused hysteria in the media.

Today on the BBC, I heard an analyst say that the administration
is in chaos, as Trump contradicts Bolton on Abe.

On Al-Jazeera, I heard an analyst say that Abe is making a fool
of Trump by stroking Trump's ego.

On MSNBC, I heard a young girl snowflake, described as an "expert,"
declare that Kim Jong-un is playing Trump, and making a fool
of him.

The sheer stupidity of these people is beyond belief. It's pretty
obvious that Trump and Bolton are playing good cop/bad cop. This is
as obvious as the nose on your face.

I did hear one analyst suggest that this is the strategy, and added
that secretary of state Mike Pompeo is playing his part by telling the
North Koreans that they'd better do as Trump asks them, or he'll turn
Bolton loose on them. This is all "The Art of the Deal" that the
mainstream media are mostly too stupid to grasp, having majored in
college in sociology and women's studies.

There's another aspect to this that the mainstream media completely
misses. To the media, the only purpose of this meeting was to
talk about trade.

But both Trump and Abe are well aware that China is preparing for war
against Japan, to get revenge for World War II. The Japanese people
have lived in the same world as the Chinese all their lives. They
understand political correctness when they speak, but they also know
how much they hate the Chinese, and how much the Chinese hate them.
They understand the nuances of Chinese politically correct speeches.
They're able to read between the lines of Chinese statements and
understand meanings that Americans are oblivious to. They also are
brilliantly aware of what they did to the Chinese. Many Japanese are
Buddhists, and I understand that the Japanese word for Karma is
Karuma. Whatever the correct word is, the Japanese know what's
coming, and at some visceral level, dictated by Karma/Karuma, they
feel that they may deserve it.

So when Abe and Trump had their private meeting, they probably talked
a bit about trade, but the major topic of discussion would have been
the strategy to prepare for China's attack. They also would have discussed
Trump's good cop / bad cop strategy, and the press conference remarks
were probably planned.

So when Politico writes an idiotic article titled, "Trump finds
himself increasingly alone on North Korea," you can be pretty sure
that the snowflake reporters at Politico know nothing about history
prior to the last five years, and probably can't find China on a map.

---- Source:

-- Trump finds himself increasingly alone on North Korea ... ea-1345034


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by JCP »

Fantastic analysis. Only in the world of today does a man like you go completely unappreciated...

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by mps92 »

28-May-19: EU Elections, and the Defining Political Debate of this Era

From May 23rd to the 26th, elections were held for members of the European Parliament (MEPs). The EU Parliament is the parliament of the European Union. Every nation in the EU has a certain number of MEPs based on its respective population.

The Green Parties throughout Europe were the big winners. In Britain, the Green Party came in fourth with 12% of the vote. In Germany, they did even better, winning around 20% of the vote. Green parties are very left-wing. Think about the most left-wing Democrats in the US - AOC, Omar, Gillibrand, etc... and they'd be perfect for the green parties of Europe. You can thank my generation for the Green Surge. In Germany, 1/3 of people under 30 voted for the greens. Apparently, they think that climate change is the most important issue facing the world today.

I was hoping for the right-wing, Euroskeptic surge, but it didn't happen. They did okay, but a bit worse than I expected. I think the rank and file working and middle classes in Europe understand that these elections are fundamentally pointless.

The EU Parliament is pretty dysfunctional. For starters, it's humongous, with over 700 MEPs that all speak different languages. Of course, the political parties in France are different than those in Germany, for example. What happens is, all the centre-right parties form a party group, all the centre-left parties do the same, etc. As I've posted before, MEPs do not have the power to initiate a proposal or a repeal of legislation - these duties are given to the unelected European Council. It's effectively a parliament in name only.

What almost all of the MEPs have in common, however, is that they all have a vested interest to stay in the EU, since it means keeping their jobs. They may disagree on certain issues, but they're all globalists.

I've been noticing an interesting trend in politics in the West. I forget whose analysis this was originally (heck, it might've even been John's). But the defining principle of political parties and political divisions is steadily changing.

For at least the last 100 years, politics has been a war between the fiscal left and the fiscal right. The left wanted to increase taxes and spend more money, content to run deficits. The right wanted to lower taxes and save money. This was the defining difference between "left and right."

Now, the defining difference is no longer fiscal policy. It's globalism vs nationalism. We see this in the US. The Republican Party is rapidly becoming the party of nationalists and the Democrats are the party of globalists. They're also "big tent" parties. For example, Republicans have enormous internal disagreements on specific economic, social, and foreign policies. But they all have one thing in common - they're nationalists and love this country.

Of course, in Europe, globalist vs nationalist becomes more specific - it becomes Europhilic vs Euroskeptic.

Globalism and nationalism are two competing ideologies. I expect that the debate in the West between globalism and nationalism will be the defining political debate for many years. It will be a grand debate, similar to capitalism vs communism, or monarchy vs democracy. And, as always, one side will come out completely victorious and the other side will be completely eliminated from the West. Nationalism must triumph, and I think it will. Globalism is a nice idea, but it doesn't work unless every nation is globalist. The minute ONE nation (like China) chooses nationalism and puts its own people first, it picks the pockets of all the globalist countries that aren't willing to do the same.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

I see a lot of talk about blaming certain generations. I can definitely say that Boomers are largely responsible for the financial mess we are in. GenX (my generation) is more responsible for behavioral problems in Millennials. GenZ is product of a bad financial state, bad behavior, and liberal shitty programming in our now defunct school systems.

I wonder what's going to happen as the global population tops over 10 billion. Will people just ignore each other and walk over dead bodies in the streets? It seems to me as the population increases the more shitty people are to each other and themselves.

The answer is yes. The conscientious ones will call in a clean up crew - but only for the dead ones - not those still living.

The West perished in the 60's.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Millenials are selfish, rude, arrogant, boastful, proud, disrespectful, ungrateful, undisciplined, slothful and completely obsessed with themselves. In fact, one study found that they are the most narcissistic generation in American history.

It's very apparent in the murica vs China trade dispute threads. Gov't loves these people in those circumstances. Real pussies when it comes to joining military to fight for what they believe in. The carrot on the stick is free gender change. Go get'em girls.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by CH86 »

It is Silents and Anti-awakening boomers that have caused the mess, and refused to admit that the fundamental cause is them governing on behalf of Just silents and Anti-2T Boomers. They outright refused to govern or steward on behalf of everyone because governing competently so would mean that prosperity would also reach and come to those Ungrateful Hippies who rejected the postwar culture and said hippies' children. As a result the vast majority of Xers, Millies, Gen Z'ers and about 60 percent of boomers; have been discriminated against by the establishment. The awakenings are sometimes rejected in the following 4T or 1T but all of those cases have been the result of Mass movements from below, NOT from older generations of officials who never accepted the boomer awakening and said 2T's in the first place.

Silents have largely been shielded from the negative effects in society by the safety net that had earlier been built by the GIs. Because those programs still worked (Because competent GI generation Administrators were still running the country at the time those programs took effect in respect to the Silents, meaning silents could actually benefit from the Robust economy and Robust Military) Silents have no understanding of the issues of the Post-war Generations who are are suffering economically and are angry when they see Incompetent Silent Administrators and their hand-picked establishment boomer lackeys pillage everything. The Current Crisis must be solved by the Postwar Generations and that rules out Silent solutions as they are fundamentally a Pre-WW2 generation.

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Tom Mazanec
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Tom Mazanec »

“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Have you published your China book yet?


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by zzazz »

Tom Mazanec wrote:Three reasons America is doomed: ... 8b1e18bcf4
This is how republics die: ... ublics-die

Wow---great articles!

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