28-Oct-18 World View -- Syria peace summit issues delusional call for political solution in Idlib

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28-Oct-18 World View -- Syria peace summit issues delusional call for political solution in Idlib

Post by John »

28-Oct-18 World View -- Syria peace summit issues delusional call for political solution in Idlib

Remembering previous Syria 'peace conferences' and 'peace plans'

** 28-Oct-18 World View -- Syria peace summit issues delusional call for political solution in Idlib
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e181028

Remembering previous Syria 'peace conferences' and 'peace plans'
Syria peace summit issues delusional call for political solution in Idlib

Generational Dynamics, Russia, Vladimir Putin, Germany, Angela Merkel,
Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, France, Emmanuel Macron,
Syria, Bashar al-Assad,
Kofi Annan, Lakhdar Brahimi, Staffan de Mistura, Idlib,
Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, HTS, chlorine gas, Sarin gas,
Aleppo, Ghouta, Daara

Silent Guest 1

Re: 28-Oct-18 World View -- Syria peace summit issues delusional call for political solution in Idlib

Post by Silent Guest 1 »

The world is so full of a number of things; and none of them words that mean anything.
Putting myself in the buffer zone is reminescent of cartel fighting days. Concern for survival is ever with the now in-country refugees. Uncertainty and fear are constant companions. Each unfamiliar sound a cause for concern. Every day I ask myself how G-d/God allows us to go on.

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Re: 28-Oct-18 World View -- Syria peace summit issues delusional call for political solution in Idlib

Post by CH86 »

Come on it is the boomers selfishness that is preventing the concept of "the Day Assad razes Idlib" from being registered by America as "a good day for the world". It is the selfishness of the boomer that is causing America to adopt stances of "if Assad razes idlib it simply cements his status as pure evil". It is the boomers selfishness that prevents what Xers and Millies want: An america which if lets say "Assad razes Idlib", killing all 4 million in that region and lets say Assad decides to crown his "achievement" buy turning the area where the city was at into a lake "channeling Hitler's plans for Warsaw, Moscow and (probably London)": it is only the boomers selfishness and refusal to cede power that is preventing and Xer/Millie led-America from clapping and telling Assad "good job Assad". What Boomers call "freedom" the young call "tyranny".

Silent guest 1

Re: 28-Oct-18 World View -- Syria peace summit issues delusional call for political solution in Idlib

Post by Silent guest 1 »

You are consistent, if stuck in delusion.


Re: 28-Oct-18 World View -- Syria peace summit issues delusional call for political solution in Idlib

Post by Guest »

Obviously the UN has been incompetent in this matter. More than that, a seemingly willing patsy.

And leaving the so-called "peace-making" up to Putin and Erdogan is like trusting the hen-house to the foxes.

If you read either:
The New Sultan: Erdogan and the Crisis of Modern Turkey
or the relevant two chapters of Madeleine Albright's Fascism: A Warning

then it's easy to see that neither Erdogan nor Putin are interested in anything other than self-serving or own-country-serving talking points. The threat of 3.5 million more expatriate Syrians within Turkish borders (with nobody helping out on the feeding and housing thereof) is the only thing that's keeping Erdogan talking semi-rationally on this troubling situation. At their core, Erdogan and Putin are Islamic-religio-Fascist and klepto-Fascist, respectively (see Omer Taspinar - "Turkey takes a big step toward nationalist fascism" (The World Post) or Martha Busby - "What powers will Turkey's Erdogan have at his disposal after winning re-election as president?"; and Alexander J. Motyl - "Putin's Russia as a fascist political system" and his Newsweek op-ed https://www.newsweek.com/vladimir-putin-fascist-325534 or Vladislav Inozemtsev - "Putin’s Russia: A Moderate Fascist State" or video "The fascist philosopher behind Vladimir Putin’s information warfare" https://youtu.be/s31VFwO-6u0).

Does anyone find it odd that we're just sitting here not bitching about mass slaughter happening in Syria, just like we more or less ignored Hitler's slaughter of the Jews and gypsies?

Oh, and what's up with that CH86 dude? You're obviously a troll since your English grammar is screwed up (not to mention that nothing you say makes any sense).

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Re: 28-Oct-18 World View -- Syria peace summit issues delusional call for political solution in Idlib

Post by CH86 »

Guest wrote:Obviously the UN has been incompetent in this matter. More than that, a seemingly willing patsy.

And leaving the so-called "peace-making" up to Putin and Erdogan is like trusting the hen-house to the foxes.

If you read either:
The New Sultan: Erdogan and the Crisis of Modern Turkey
or the relevant two chapters of Madeleine Albright's Fascism: A Warning

then it's easy to see that neither Erdogan nor Putin are interested in anything other than self-serving or own-country-serving talking points. The threat of 3.5 million more expatriate Syrians within Turkish borders (with nobody helping out on the feeding and housing thereof) is the only thing that's keeping Erdogan talking semi-rationally on this troubling situation. At their core, Erdogan and Putin are Islamic-religio-Fascist and klepto-Fascist, respectively (see Omer Taspinar - "Turkey takes a big step toward nationalist fascism" (The World Post) or Martha Busby - "What powers will Turkey's Erdogan have at his disposal after winning re-election as president?"; and Alexander J. Motyl - "Putin's Russia as a fascist political system" and his Newsweek op-ed https://www.newsweek.com/vladimir-putin-fascist-325534 or Vladislav Inozemtsev - "Putin’s Russia: A Moderate Fascist State" or video "The fascist philosopher behind Vladimir Putin’s information warfare" https://youtu.be/s31VFwO-6u0).

Does anyone find it odd that we're just sitting here not bitching about mass slaughter happening in Syria, just like we more or less ignored Hitler's slaughter of the Jews and gypsies?

Oh, and what's up with that CH86 dude? You're obviously a troll since your English grammar is screwed up (not to mention that nothing you say makes any sense).
Its only the selfish boomers who want Assad stopped. If young people were allowed their rights the question would have been whether we help Assad send as many islamist rebels to the lake of fire as possible, or do we stay out entirely instead. The notion of helping the rebels would have never occurred to us because we regard the rebels as folks whom the world would be better off not breathing.

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Re: 28-Oct-18 World View -- Syria peace summit issues delusional call for political solution in Idlib

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

CH86 wrote:Its only the selfish boomers who want Assad stopped. If young people were allowed their rights the question would have been whether we help Assad send as many islamist rebels to the lake of fire as possible, or do we stay out entirely instead. The notion of helping the rebels would have never occurred to us because we regard the rebels as folks whom the world would be better off not breathing.
Inventing rights, yet again, CH..? :)

I do agree that the very weird convolutions that evolve from applying the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" rule can sometimes be counterproductive, or worse.

You really should write up a treatise or other fictional treatment of the world as you'd like it to be. That would be some truly fascinating stuff!

Silent Guest 1

Re: 28-Oct-18 World View -- Syria peace summit issues delusional call for political solution in Idlib

Post by Silent Guest 1 »

Comment of the day.
Please take a bow. :lol:

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