7-Sep-18 World View -- Britain 'provokes' China by sending warship into South China Sea

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Re: 7-Sep-18 World View -- Britain 'provokes' China by sending warship into South China Sea

Post by John »

Guest wrote: > I think desperate countries do desperate things. China is
> desperate. The Chinese need fresh water, farmland, and clean
> air. They won't find much of that in China, so they will invade
> other countries. It's not about "living space" anymore; it's about
> staying alive. The poor Chinese will stay in China while the
> elites will move to South Korea, Japan, and Singapore. China needs
> empire to survive.
That's right.

They're not only desperate, but they believe that they have a "mandate
from heaven" to make everyone in the world their vassals.


Re: 7-Sep-18 World View -- Britain 'provokes' China by sending warship into South China Sea

Post by Guest »

Gerald Celente said the Chinese economy is about to explode because of all of the sanctions. Does that mean war soon?

Also, so many different sources are saying October is the month the US economy collapses. I have heard this before, since 2003. Why is October so special? Or is it?


Re: 7-Sep-18 World View -- Britain 'provokes' China by sending warship into South China Sea

Post by Guest »

The Chinese almost rammed a US warship i the South China Sea last weekend. A meeting between the American and Chinese defense leads for Monday was cancelled. War by December.

I think you're right, John. Sanctions lead to war. Just like 1941.

I'm in Asia now. I guess I'll jet out of here in November....


Re: 7-Sep-18 World View -- Britain 'provokes' China by sending warship into South China Sea

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote:The Chinese almost rammed a US warship i the South China Sea last weekend. A meeting between the American and Chinese defense leads for Monday was cancelled. War by December.

I think you're right, John. Sanctions lead to war. Just like 1941.

I'm in Asia now. I guess I'll jet out of here in November....

I hope you can beat the rush to the airport.


Re: 7-Sep-18 World View -- Britain 'provokes' China by sending warship into South China Sea

Post by guest »

John, how close do you thin k we are to war with China? This year?

Posts: 11485
Joined: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:10 pm
Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: 7-Sep-18 World View -- Britain 'provokes' China by sending warship into South China Sea

Post by John »

guest wrote:John, how close do you thin k we are to war with China? This year?

Possibly next week, or next month, or next year, or sometime
after that.


Re: 7-Sep-18 World View -- Britain 'provokes' China by sending warship into South China Sea

Post by Guest »

John wrote:
guest wrote:John, how close do you thin k we are to war with China? This year?

Possibly next week, or next month, or next year, or sometime
after that.
Best outcome for China is massive economic setback - huge financial losses- Communist Dictatorship is dismantled and some sort of civil society is constructed.

China must somehow redeem the massive issuance of currency/debt it has engaged in since 2001 BEFORE the 1.4B Chinese realize that their dreams will not be realized and slide into passive resistance.

The economy of the Russian Empire collapsed in 1916 - the economy of the German Empire collapsed in 1918- the economy of the USSR collapsed under Gorbachev- economy of Japanese Empire collapsed after 1941- economy of China collapsed in 1911 again in 1945-49, collapsed repeatedly 1949-1978.

China faces economic collapse imminently even if it reaches (through negotiation) a realigned trading environment though this is the only real chance.

It is easy though because only China has to do is turf out Xi and his gang as Russia needs to toss the Putin gang.


Re: 7-Sep-18 World View -- Britain 'provokes' China by sending warship into South China Sea

Post by guest »

China can't survive an extended cold war with the U.S., because the people there (all 1,400,000,000 of them) won't stand for an extended economic recession. China might think they can maintain their unelected authoritarian prison system without a revolution that topples the government, but that's just wishful thinking.

Not to mention they are running out of everything, land, water, resources, minerals. They are looking for a conquest, and Australia is their best prospect. Only 23 million people with huge land, resources, and the best iron in the world.

I would say war by the end of the year.

Merry Christmas

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