17-Jun-18 World View -- Italy's migration policy opens up battle lines within the EU

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Re: 17-Jun-18 World View -- Italy's migration policy opens up battle lines within the EU

Post by sue »

Guest and Solo:
I am completely in agreement. The huddled masses on both continents have no intention of assimilating. Their goals range from poaching, leeching and preying to killing the infidel. Some prooftexting dude on Breitbart sent me perfectly quoted Scripture regarding the hungry, thirsty, etc. Guilt card refused. We are to obey the law, autnorities placed over us and in America elected to public service.
Entire sections of Europe and America are trashed. Beyond that, the invader/occupiers are reproducing annually while the indigenous worker/payer bees are having fewer children out of economic necessity.
Djt may in true elitist disconnected fashion imagine that enforcement (puleeze) of E-verify and cutting off benefits (SJW case workers will never comply) will drive the occupiers out. Absolutely refutable plan.
The one and only solution is
A copy of this thread is going to djt and RINO ryan


Re: 17-Jun-18 World View -- Italy's migration policy opens up battle lines within the EU

Post by Guest »

"Doctors, lawyers and engineers" CNN says.

Let them in... :roll:


Re: 17-Jun-18 World View -- Italy's migration policy opens up battle lines within the EU

Post by Guest »

Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) called for mass immigration to the United States during a speech Tuesday declaring it a “human right we will defend” for all North Americans.

“And soon, very soon — after the victory of our movement — we will defend all the migrants in the American continent and all the migrants in the world,” Obrador said, adding that immigrants “must leave their towns and find a life in the United States.”
Ah, right. So, let me get this straight. Mexicans have completely failed to govern their country effectively and the resource rich country of Mexico has become a failed state controlled largely by semi-literate drug dealers (who are also folk heroes to the moronic Mexicans). Now, they want to invade and kill the goose that laid the golden egg. How Latino of them.

If you are white, it's time to abandon ship. The nation is lost. The youth are clueless hipsters who are more interested in social media, hairstyles, and becoming 'mixologists' (glorified bartenders with handle bar mustaches). The Boomers are lost in a cloud of white guilt and raising their biracial (black) grandchildren that their drug addicted daughters drop on their doorsteps. Gen X seems lost.

I left America over a decade ago have built a new life for myself. Is it perfect? No. It's been really difficult, but I don't have to deal with a barrage of hypocritical black and Latino racism directed at me on a daily basis. There are places you can go. Find what is right for you. If you are stuck in America, then you will have a front row seat on the death of a country and the white race. Is it racist to write this? I don't care. It's reality.

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