30-Jan-18 World View -- NY Times publishes a generational analysis of South Korea / Brief generational history of Korea

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30-Jan-18 World View -- NY Times publishes a generational analysis of South Korea / Brief generational history of Korea

Post by John »

30-Jan-18 World View -- NY Times publishes a generational analysis of South Korea

Brief generational history of South Korea since World War II

** 30-Jan-18 World View -- NY Times publishes a generational analysis of South Korea
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e180130

NY Times publishes a generational analysis of South Korea
North Korea cancels joint cultural event because of 'insulting' media reports
Brief generational history of South Korea since World War II

Generational Dynamics, NY Times, Choe Sang-Hunjan, South Korea, North Korea,
Moon Jae-in, Kim Jong-un, 386 Generation, Mount Kumgang,
Song Young-moo, April 19 Revolution, Park Chung-hee,
Kwangju massacre, Gwangju massacre, Kim Dae-jung, Sunshine Policy,
Roh Moo-hyun, Lee Myung-bak, Park Geun-hye,
Cheonan warship, Yeonpyeong Island,
Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, THAAD, Charles Scanlon


Re: 30-Jan-18 World View -- NY Times publishes a generational analysis of South Korea / Brief generational history of Ko

Post by Guest »

Wow, who knew that South Korea has had (and is still having) such a sordid political history. And here all this time I thought they all loved the U.S. since we were protecting their asses from both the potential of a physical overrun by the Northern Commies, as well as the disastrous effects that a "North Korean win" would have on their "now quite nice, thank you" economy (not to mention their freedom of speech).

It all goes to show you that, wherever you live, you're probably not being taught enough (accurate) history such as to provide your generation with the correct historical information in order to make valid assessments of what happened when and why. And that statement probably applies to both South Korea as well as United States (and most certainly to North Korea in which they have no real history taught, but rather a load of BS propaganda).

Thankfully, due to recent circumstances, the tide in South Korea is swinging back the other way (in favor of being thankful for American support and its ability to protect them from the evil that they are finally starting to correctly perceive North Korea to be).

So let me get this straight. The NK child dictator is tossing a couple flowers our (and South Korea's) way under the guise of "let's cooperate on a joint Olympic mission" (with the unstated, yet wildly anticipated implication that this might all lead to productive talks about re-unification to proceed some day in some logical, non-crazy manner - which is hard to believe given the tendencies of Mr. child dictator). And in return for these posies, he wants the U.S. and South Korean to cancel (or at least postpone) their joint military exercises. So that he can himself stage a massive military exercise and parade a crapload of troops along with a small crapload of shiny new ICBMs with shiny new things atop them that look suspiciously like nuclear warheads (but may just be nice empty silver plastic domes). So then North Korea can have the military boasting all to themselves around Olympics time. Gee, that seems more than fair (well, to the 386ers, anyway).



Re: 30-Jan-18 World View -- NY Times publishes a generational analysis of South Korea / Brief generational history of Ko

Post by Guest »

Does this mean that the war with North Korea will be delayed until President Moon leaves office? I doubt North Korea would really launch nuclear tipped missiles anyway.


Re: 30-Jan-18 World View -- NY Times publishes a generational analysis of South Korea / Brief generational history of Ko

Post by Guest »

So let me get this straight. So if 'The Silent Generation' can stop another war until they have died off, then could the '386' generation also prevent a war until they have died off?


Re: 30-Jan-18 World View -- NY Times publishes a generational analysis of South Korea / Brief generational history of Ko

Post by CH86 »

Xenakis can't admit that the 386 generation is an artist generation because he already claimed them as prophets in his 2000's articles. JohnX knows full well that they are artists but he can't acknowledge that fact because that would mean he makes mistakes just like all humans do and is not a divine guru that he regards himself as.

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Re: 30-Jan-18 World View -- NY Times publishes a generational analysis of South Korea / Brief generational history of Ko

Post by John »

CH86 wrote: > Xenakis can't admit that the 386 generation is an artist
> generation because he already claimed them as prophets in his
> 2000's articles. JohnX knows full well that they are artists but
> he can't acknowledge that fact because that would mean he makes
> mistakes just like all humans do and is not a divine guru that he
> regards himself as.
The 386ers are Nomads, as I've always said, not Artists. As usual,
you're a complete moron.
Guest wrote: > Does this mean that the war with North Korea will be delayed until
> President Moon leaves office? I doubt North Korea would really
> launch nuclear tipped missiles anyway.
War with North Korea could begin at any time.
Guest wrote: > So let me get this straight. So if 'The Silent Generation' can
> stop another war until they have died off, then could the '386'
> generation also prevent a war until they have died off?
The 386ers are in the same generational category as America's
Gen-Xers. So, no.


Re: 30-Jan-18 World View -- NY Times publishes a generational analysis of South Korea / Brief generational history of Ko

Post by CH86 »

John wrote:
CH86 wrote: > Xenakis can't admit that the 386 generation is an artist
> generation because he already claimed them as prophets in his
> 2000's articles. JohnX knows full well that they are artists but
> he can't acknowledge that fact because that would mean he makes
> mistakes just like all humans do and is not a divine guru that he
> regards himself as.
The 386ers are Nomads, as I've always said, not Artists. As usual,
you're a complete moron.
I read the article again and clearly mean the april revolution generation. Xenakis can't admit the april revolution generation are artists and the 386ers are prophets because he already claimed the former as prophets and the latter as nomads in his 2007 articles. The prophet status of the 386ers is obvious since they were the students protesting the security regime of general park and later were massacred when the government sent in the tanks. Later in life they like most prophet generations become more conservative now that they actually have to govern but now block critical reforms. Xenakis knows the truth about their 386ers generational status but can't admit that fact because that would mean he makes mistakes just like all humans do.

Posts: 11485
Joined: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:10 pm
Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: 30-Jan-18 World View -- NY Times publishes a generational analysis of South Korea / Brief generational history of Ko

Post by John »

I have no idea what idiotic thing you're referring to. If you claim
that I made a mistake in 2007, then provide a link to the article,
and quote the specific text.


Re: 30-Jan-18 World View -- NY Times publishes a generational analysis of South Korea / Brief generational history of Ko

Post by devorah »

Okay guys. Time out: go to your corners.
First of all, doesn't the NY generational "analysis" seem odd to you? Since when is media concerned about factual history?
Just asking.
Please consider these basic components:
This territorial division was part of the 1948 FDR/Eisenhower great post WWII giveaway and empire splitting. Now North Korea's population consists of over 25,000,000 and a per capita GDP of $1,000. South Korea holds over 51,000,000 people with GDP of $30,919.
Recently several North Korean soldiers have defected--no small accomplishment.
At an earlier time in history, East Germans looked over The Wall into West Germany. Some recalled post-WWII clean-up years when easterners formed bucket lines to remove bombed rubble while westerners watched bulldozers doing the job more efficiently. Then easterners watched the Berlin Airlift. We did not leave westerners to starve. As time passed and communism/socialism failed, The Wall came down.
The point is that Korea is still divided and Kim, the fat rocket guy, is playing power games. Who needs a Russian May 1st military show -off parade? The Olympics scenario is a manipulation meant to be played out on an international stage. And by gosh, it's working.
(Lay off John. If you trust an NY media source, your vision is skewed.)


Re: 30-Jan-18 World View -- NY Times publishes a generational analysis of South Korea / Brief generational history of Ko

Post by Guest »

John, do you believe the North is an extension o China's foreign policy or operating independently?

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