7-May-17 World View -- European officials worry that Macedonia's chaos could destabilize the Balkans

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7-May-17 World View -- European officials worry that Macedonia's chaos could destabilize the Balkans

Post by John »

7-May-17 World View -- European officials worry that Macedonia's chaos could destabilize the Balkans

Macedonia comments reveal acrimonious divisions in the Western Balkans

** 7-May-17 World View -- European officials worry that Macedonia's chaos could destabilize the Balkans
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e170507

European officials worry that Macedonia's chaos could destabilize the Balkans
Macedonia comments reveal acrimonious divisions in the Western Balkans

Generational Dynamics, Macedonia, Albania, Greece,
Talat Xhaferi, Social Democrats, SDSM, Zoran Zaev,
VMRO-DPMNE, Nikola Gruevski, Gjorge Ivanov, Bulgaria,
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, FYROM,
Alexander the Great, Russia, Turkey, Serbia,
Greater Albania, Greater Serbia

Paul T

Re: 7-May-17 World View -- European officials worry that Macedonia's chaos could destabilize the Balkans

Post by Paul T »

WWI = Allied Powers vs. Central Powers
WWII = Allied Powers vs. Axis Powers
WWIII = NATO vs. BRICS (now includes Turkey because of attempted NATO backed coup)(Also includes North Korea who is allied to China and Iran who is allied to Russia)

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