3-Jan-17 World View -- Syrian opposition groups suspend negotiations of peace talks

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3-Jan-17 World View -- Syrian opposition groups suspend negotiations of peace talks

Post by John »

3-Jan-17 World View -- Syrian opposition groups suspend negotiations of peace talks

Video emerges from Burma (Myanmar) showing police beating Rohingya Muslims

** 3-Jan-17 World View -- Syrian opposition groups suspend negotiations of peace talks
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e170103

Video emerges from Burma (Myanmar) showing police beating Rohingya Muslims
Syrian opposition groups suspend negotiations of peace talks

Generational Dynamics, Burma, Myanmar, Rohingyas, Rakhine state, Bangladesh,
Syria, Damascus, Bashar al-Assad,
Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, Free Syrian Army, FSA, Latakia,
Islamic State / of Iraq and Syria/Sham/the Levant, IS, ISIS, ISIL, Daesh


Re: 3-Jan-17 World View -- Syrian opposition groups suspend negotiations of peace talks

Post by BarrySoetoro »


Why do you object so much to how the governments in Syria and Burma deal with their muslim problem? I think the west has much to learn from both nations because their methods are the most efficient to deal with the problem. It wont be long before Europe will have to follow their example and deal with the "refugees" in the same manner. And perhaps in a few years we in North American can do the same with our "refugees" from the middle east. I hope Europe can consult both nations on how to best apply those methods to dangerous muslims within their borders. That is simply how the world works.

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Re: 3-Jan-17 World View -- Syrian opposition groups suspend negotiations of peace talks

Post by John »

BarrySoetoro wrote: > John, Why do you object so much to how the governments in Syria
> and Burma deal with their muslim problem? I think the west has
> much to learn from both nations because their methods are the most
> efficient to deal with the problem. It wont be long before Europe
> will have to follow their example and deal with the "refugees" in
> the same manner. And perhaps in a few years we in North American
> can do the same with our "refugees" from the middle east. I hope
> Europe can consult both nations on how to best apply those methods
> to dangerous muslims within their borders. That is simply how the
> world works.

This is probably one of the dumbest comments I've seen in a while,
because of its total ignorance of almost everything, combined
with unfocused xenophobia.

First, Syria's civil war is not a "Muslim problem." The civil
war is Muslim vs Muslim. You apparently have no clue that al-Assad
is a Muslim.

In Burma, your phrase "solving the Muslim problem" is very similar to
Hitler's "Final solution to the Jewish problem." I assume that you
would cheer having Buddhists throw Muslims into gas chambers in order
to exterminate them.

In Burma the Buddhists, led by Buddhist monks, are performing the same
kinds of exterminations that the Catholics used against the Jews in
Nazi Germany. There have been mass slaughters, rapes, scorched earth
devastation, and other atrocities. This will be no more successful in
solving the "Muslim problem" than the Catholics were in solving the
"Jewish problem." These kinds of war crimes and genocides are never
successful. That's simply how the world REALLY works.

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Re: 3-Jan-17 World View -- Syrian opposition groups suspend negotiations of peace talks

Post by Weiseth »

John wrote:These kinds of war crimes and genocides are never
successful. That's simply how the world REALLY works.
Then how do you account for the displacement of populations of the Byzantines, Armenians, Picts, Sami's, Khazars, Saxons or more specifically how the Commanches displaced Apaches, who in turn displaced the Pueblos and so on?
Last edited by Weiseth on Thu Jan 05, 2017 3:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 3-Jan-17 World View -- Syrian opposition groups suspend negotiations of peace talks

Post by John »

John wrote: > These kinds of war crimes and genocides are never successful.
> That's simply how the world REALLY works.
Weiseth wrote: > Then how do you account for the displacement of populations of the
> Byzantines, Armenians, Picts, Sami's, Khazars, Saxons or more
> specifically how the Commanches displaced Apaches, who in turn
> displaced the Pueblos and so on?
I was just referring to the fact that Hitler didn't solve the Jewish
"problem," Turkey's genocide didn't solve the Armenian "problem," and
Burma's ethnic cleansing won't solve the Rohingya "problem." There
are always some people left behind, and within a few generations they
form a new population, causing the same "problems." In the meantime,
they receive worldiwide sympathy as "victims of war crimes," so they
become worse "problems" than ever for the people trying to exterminate

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Re: 3-Jan-17 World View -- Syrian opposition groups suspend negotiations of peace talks

Post by Weiseth »

John wrote: I was just referring to the fact that Hitler didn't solve the Jewish
"problem," Turkey's genocide didn't solve the Armenian "problem," and
Burma's ethnic cleansing won't solve the Rohingya "problem." There
are always some people left behind, and within a few generations they
form a new population, causing the same "problems." In the meantime,
they receive worldiwide sympathy as "victims of war crimes," so they
become worse "problems" than ever for the people trying to exterminate
That's true so what does this mean for generational dynamics? Did it work before because there were no such mechanism and the conquered people was either driven out of the geographical area or "genetically annexed" with subjugation/rape? And it doesn't work today because today there is a new mechanism of global worldwide information?

Does this mean that the severity of the retribution/cyclical violence will become more brutal because the conquered people now have option to resist? or does it mean that there is actually hope for mankind when new technologies can form new mechanism which might mitigate the predicted conflicts/hate/jealousy?


Re: 3-Jan-17 World View -- Syrian opposition groups suspend negotiations of peace talks

Post by BarrySoetoro »


Germany was not a Catholic country in world war II, it had not been one since the 16th century. In fact you can argue it was not even a protestant country by 1920's. So it is beyond stupid for you to blame Catholics, who were a minority religion in Germany, for WWII. That has to been one of the most ignorant and utterly stupid things I have ever read. I am actually embarrassed for you and that fact that I wasted my precious time reading you worthless blog. You site is utterly useless and only an ignoramus would take you seriously.

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Re: 3-Jan-17 World View -- Syrian opposition groups suspend negotiations of peace talks

Post by John »

BarrySoetoro wrote: > Germany was not a Catholic country in world war II, it had not
> been one since the 16th century. In fact you can argue it was not
> even a protestant country by 1920's. So it is beyond stupid for
> you to blame Catholics, who were a minority religion in Germany,
> for WWII. That has to been one of the most ignorant and utterly
> stupid things I have ever read. I am actually embarrassed for you
> and that fact that I wasted my precious time reading you worthless
> blog. You site is utterly useless and only an ignoramus would
> take you seriously.
Wow. I guess I hurt your feelings, huh?

Anyway, I had this conversation elsewhere about Christians and the
Holocaust, and I was given the following information:
> The thing is, Germany is a majority Protestant country, even with
> Austria included. They [Catholics] were only about a third of the
> population in the 1930s, and were suspected of dual loyalties by
> the Nazi party, which persecuted the Church itself. Political
> Catholicism had been been an issue in Germany from the kulturkampf
> in the 19th century to the Zentrum party into the 20th. Catholic
> nobleman like Claus Staffenberg were prominent in the right-wing
> opposition to Hitler (Staffenberg in particular cited his
> Catholicism in his growing dislike of the Nazis), and it was the
> staunchly Catholic Konrad Adenauer who was there to pick up the
> reins after the Nazi regime was overthrown. Nor were the more
> culturally Catholic Fascist regimes in Spain and Italy more
> anti-Semitic than the Nazis, indeed, they were far less.

> This is not to say that the Church up until Vatican II (and really
> a little since then) wasn't a deeply conservative organization,
> long suspicious of democracy and comfortable cozying up to
> reactionary regimes. I just don't think that they were the
> driving force behind the Nazi's particular obsession with the
> Jews.
Hope that helps.


Re: 3-Jan-17 World View -- Syrian opposition groups suspend negotiations of peace talks

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

John wrote: ... In Burma the Buddhists, led by Buddhist monks, are performing the same
kinds of exterminations that the Catholics used against the Jews in
Nazi Germany
. There have been mass slaughters, rapes, scorched earth
devastation, and other atrocities. This will be no more successful in
solving the "Muslim problem" than the Catholics were in solving the
"Jewish problem."
These kinds of war crimes and genocides are never
successful. That's simply how the world REALLY works.
Are you saying the Nazis were "the Catholics"?

While Catholics in the past, when in power, certainly had the nasty habit of "pestering" their resident Jews, sometimes in the extreme, they seldom tried to "finally solve" the "problem" of the Jews by genocide,.. mostly because it was cost ineffective and simply didn't work.

The Nazis were a multilevel slavemaster-slave pyramid-scheme society, which all "socialistic" societies actually are in truth, with very little "institutional memory" of dealing with the "not-themselves" other than outright killing them.

The "crazy assed adolescent sociopaths" we know as the Nazis actually thought, naively, that they COULD conquer the planet, and "finally solving" the problem of their local scapegoat would keep their "midlevel slaves/would-be-slavers" busy and "soothed" during the Grand Planetary Campaign of the Reich.

..then things went bad for them, and they tried to clean up the mess by burning the evidence and the witnesses.

One CAN be a "bad Catholic" and enslave oneself to masters like the Nazis, and thereby commit genocide with glee, but one cannot be even a "mediocre Catholic" and enslave oneself to anyone, other than God.

And there are always many more mediocre Catholics than actually bad ones, so blaming genocide on (actual) Catholics is just silly.

..and I fully realize that the claim that "Genocidal Catholics are not actually Catholics" is tautological,.. but it's still true! :)

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