14-Feb-15 World View -- Germany commemorates the firebombing of Dresden / Generational Dynamics and prolactin

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Re: 14-Feb-15 World View -- Germany commemorates the firebombing of Dresden / Generational Dynamics and prolactin

Post by Guest »

Let's make this quick, shall we?

No, no one important, you are the one attempting to mislead. That war had nothing to do with Islam. Were the Bosnians practicing Muslims in 1992? Hardly. Far from it. That was an ethnic conflict with the Serbs in the wrong. Europe sat on its hands and shed crocidle tears for years until America finally intervened. When the arms embargo was lifed, and Serbia was losing badly, the Europeans stopped it and forced the Dayton Peace Accords on the Bosnains. This is not unknown.

The War Crimes Trinunal was highly politicized from the start. The point being, Serbia would not be held accountable a s a nation or a people for what they had done. Such a decision in the case of Germany in 1945 would have been unthinkable. Serbia was allowed to go undefeated. Europe dismembered Bosnia into an unviable Muslim rump state. Europe failed to act, and they responded by villianizing the victims. Throwing out numbers means nothing. You are trying to muddy the waters. Others are doing the same. You are a cut and paste follower. Not difficult. Quite easy, eh, no one important? Really, justice was done in the Balkans?

Next, you are the one trying to paint the Muslims with a broad brush. Just like Steve Emerson. Like vincecate. I'll enter your posts as my evidence.

Finally, I made no threats. You jumped to the conclusion that I calling for someone to face the consequences means some kind of violent threat-I never meant any such thing. Was SteveEmerson killed? No. He was public outed as a ignorant ranting fool. And is most likely banished from MSM forever. Even FOX News-a useless media organ if there ever has been one-has annouced they will probabaly drop him. As for violent threats, it is vincecate and you who call for violent reprisals-even advocating genocide as a justifible solution to your grievences. No, no one important, you are the hypocrite. And, your kind is taking the world down the road to hell. Not me. When you vrapped yourself in self-righteousness, violence becomes not only probably, but easily justified in your shallow minds.

Try again. By all means, try again.


Re: 14-Feb-15 World View -- Germany commemorates the firebombing of Dresden / Generational Dynamics and prolactin

Post by Guest »

Come to think of it, I think the way vincecate and no one important accused me of violent threats is very telling. It could be a couple of different things, or a combination. 1) You are both physical and moral cowards. 2) You are trying to accuse people you dislike of being dangerous to justify violence (genocide) against them. I think it is both here. I think their posts give away a lot about both of them.

I enjoy this forum because it's an interesting sounding board. Most on here seem to devoted Fox News viewers. Nonetheless, I do find the comments interesting.

John, I really like what you have done. I agree with much, virtually all, of your commentary. You also seem to be a man of faith. I'm a man of faith (CE, whether the peanut gallery believes me or not.) . I have a question. Does your religious faith influence your theories?

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Re: 14-Feb-15 World View -- Germany commemorates the firebombing of Dresden / Generational Dynamics and prolactin

Post by John »

Guest wrote: > John, I really like what you have done. I agree with much,
> virtually all, of your commentary. You also seem to be a man of
> faith. I'm a man of faith (CE, whether the peanut gallery believes
> me or not.) . I have a question. Does your religious faith
> influence your theories?
See the following:

** Book review review: Christopher Hitchens: 'God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything' (I)
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e070603

** Book review review: Christopher Hitchens: 'God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything' (II)
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... m#e070603b

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Location: Anguilla

Re: 14-Feb-15 World View -- Germany commemorates the firebombing of Dresden / Generational Dynamics and prolactin

Post by vincecate »

I think the following article really helps to understand Islam and Isis. Best I have seen on the topic.

http://www.theatlantic.com/features/arc ... ts/384980/

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