1-Dec-14 World View-Arab League plan: end Israeli occupation

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1-Dec-14 World View-Arab League plan: end Israeli occupation

Post by John »

1-Dec-14 World View -- Arab League agrees on plan to 'end Israeli occupation' of Palestine

Hong Kong police clash with protesters, worst violence in weeks

** 1-Dec-14 World View -- Arab League agrees on plan to 'end Israeli occupation' of Palestine
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e141201

Hong Kong police clash with protesters, worst violence in weeks
Arab League agrees on plan to 'end Israeli occupation' of Palestine
Egypt promises troops for Palestine to assist police forces

Generational Dynamics, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China,
Arab League, Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas,
Palestine, United Nations, Egypt, Abdel al-Fattah al-Sisi,
Gaza, Hamas, Qatar, Saudi Arabia


Re: 1-Dec-14 World View-Arab League plan: end Israeli occupa

Post by NoOneImportant »

John wrote:
Generational Dynamics predicts that there will be a new war between Arabs and Israelis, refighting the 1948 war between Jews and Arabs that following the partitioning of Palestine and the creation of the state of Israel, and that there is no guarantee that Israel will survive that war.
While I don't believe that any rational person would have any significant issue with the above prediction, it does raise several questions.

1. What happens to the several hundred Israeli tactical, and strategic nukes (it must be presumed that after so many years of having nukes, that Israel has elevated their strategic devices to very large yield thermonuclear devices)?

2. In any resultant conflict, what happens to the Israeli nuke armed subs.

3. Are the Israeli subs armed primarily with nukes, or conventional weapons - an important question as nuke armed subs represent a latent persistent and enduring destructive potential.

4. In light of the recent purported rapprochement between the Saudis, and the Israelis; what will be Israel's position specifically in regard to Saudi Arabia, as it will affect the potential targeting of Mecca, Medina, and Riyadh in any resultant area wide conflict?

5. Will there be a "winner" in any resultant conflict, in the traditional sense of the word (given, not just the explosive potential of the use of nukes, but also the resultant enduring radioactive contamination - contamination arising from both nuke detonation, but also from the bombing of multiple operating reactors; I am thinking Chernobyl, and Fukushima)?

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Re: 1-Dec-14 World View-Arab League plan: end Israeli occupa

Post by gerald »

NoOneImportant wrote:John wrote:
Generational Dynamics predicts that there will be a new war between Arabs and Israelis, refighting the 1948 war between Jews and Arabs that following the partitioning of Palestine and the creation of the state of Israel, and that there is no guarantee that Israel will survive that war.
While I don't believe that any rational person would have any significant issue with the above prediction, it does raise several questions.

1. What happens to the several hundred Israeli tactical, and strategic nukes (it must be presumed that after so many years of having nukes, that Israel has elevated their strategic devices to very large yield thermonuclear devices)?

2. In any resultant conflict, what happens to the Israeli nuke armed subs.

3. Are the Israeli subs armed primarily with nukes, or conventional weapons - an important question as nuke armed subs represent a latent persistent and enduring destructive potential.

4. In light of the recent purported rapprochement between the Saudis, and the Israelis; what will be Israel's position specifically in regard to Saudi Arabia, as it will affect the potential targeting of Mecca, Medina, and Riyadh in any resultant area wide conflict?

5. Will there be a "winner" in any resultant conflict, in the traditional sense of the word (given, not just the explosive potential of the use of nukes, but also the resultant enduring radioactive contamination - contamination arising from both nuke detonation, but also from the bombing of multiple operating reactors; I am thinking Chernobyl, and Fukushima)?
To NoOneImportant --
#5- That kind of scenario is described in some detail in the ancient Sumerian " Book of Enki"

same old same old


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Re: 1-Dec-14 World View-Arab League plan: end Israeli occupa

Post by John »

NoOneImportant wrote: > 5. Will there be a "winner" in any resultant conflict, in the
> traditional sense of the word (given, not just the explosive
> potential of the use of nukes, but also the resultant enduring
> radioactive contamination - contamination arising from both nuke
> detonation, but also from the bombing of multiple operating
> reactors; I am thinking Chernobyl, and Fukushima)?
As I've written before, we're headed towards a Clash of Civilizations
world war, and by the climax of that war, every nuclear missile will
have been launched, and every nuclear weapon will have been used. I
expect some 3-4 billion people to be killed from nuclear war,
conventional war, disease and famine, leaving about 4 billion people
left to rebuild the world.


Re: 1-Dec-14 World View-Arab League plan: end Israeli occupa

Post by NoOneImportant »

And, yes I have read it before, John; as you have indeed said it before - multiple times. But there is something about the suspension of belief, i.e. it won't happen today, or tomorrow... it'll happen some other time much later. Denial is so easy to engage in when one reads it again on a full stomach, in the warmth, security, and safety of ones sumptuously stocked home. A condition that human nature convinces will go on uninterrupted forever. And I do, in fact, believe... and I believe enough to have engaged in significant preparations. As those who have read here for a while know; I believe enough that I have put away significant provisions that will sustain life, self-contained, for the better part of a year. Yet it is, perhaps, the ease with which one simply engages in denial that is the reason that Generational Dynamics "works" so well. Knowing just isn't the same as having lived it. Scary stuff!

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Re: 1-Dec-14 World View-Arab League plan: end Israeli occupa

Post by gerald »

NoOneImportant wrote:And, yes I have read it before, John; as you have indeed said it before - multiple times. But there is something about the suspension of belief, i.e. it won't happen today, or tomorrow... it'll happen some other time much later. Denial is so easy to engage in when one reads it again on a full stomach, in the warmth, security, and safety of ones sumptuously stocked home. A condition that human nature convinces will go on uninterrupted forever. And I do, in fact, believe... and I believe enough to have engaged in significant preparations. As those who have read here for a while know; I believe enough that I have put away significant provisions that will sustain life, self-contained, for the better part of a year. Yet it is, perhaps, the ease with which one simply engages in denial that is the reason that Generational Dynamics "works" so well. Knowing just isn't the same as having lived it. Scary stuff!
Yes, preparation is a good idea. However if you combine John's scenario that all nuclear weapons will be used, with the "The Book of Enki"s description of the "Evil Wind" from the use of a few such weapons, where on the surface of the Earth could one go to escape the Evil Wind this time? And, it's effects will last for more then a generation. I don't think a years supply of food will cut it. Sorry if I am a downer.


Re: 1-Dec-14 World View-Arab League plan: end Israeli occupa

Post by NoOneImportant »

Just sitting here re-reading some of the posts, and doing a bit of thinking - reflection, and contemplation... sure do think strange. Just re-read your post, and Gerald wrote:
Yes, preparation is a good idea. However if you combine John's scenario that all nuclear weapons will be used, with the "The Book of Enki"s description of the "Evil Wind" from the use of a few such weapons, where on the surface of the Earth could one go to escape the Evil Wind this time? And, it's effects will last for more then a generation. I don't think a years supply of food will cut it. Sorry if I am a downer.
Not a downer at all, Gerald. My year only has to sustain me until the rest of you starve. It's rather like the old joke about the two hikers who happen upon a Grizzly bear in the forests of Montana. The bear, agitated, prepares to attack, where upon the first hiker throws his pack to the ground slits his boot laces and quickly dawns his tennis shoes. The second hiker, incredulous, queries: "...what are you doing, you know that you can't out-run a Grizzly...", without missing a beat the first responds: "... don't have to out run the Grizzly... only have to out run you." :lol:

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Re: 1-Dec-14 World View-Arab League plan: end Israeli occupa

Post by gerald »

NoOneImportant wrote:Just sitting here re-reading some of the posts, and doing a bit of thinking - reflection, and contemplation... sure do think strange. Just re-read your post, and Gerald wrote:
Yes, preparation is a good idea. However if you combine John's scenario that all nuclear weapons will be used, with the "The Book of Enki"s description of the "Evil Wind" from the use of a few such weapons, where on the surface of the Earth could one go to escape the Evil Wind this time? And, it's effects will last for more then a generation. I don't think a years supply of food will cut it. Sorry if I am a downer.
Not a downer at all, Gerald. My year only has to sustain me until the rest of you starve. It's rather like the old joke about the two hikers who happen upon a Grizzly bear in the forests of Montana. The bear, agitated, prepares to attack, where upon the first hiker throws his pack to the ground slits his boot laces and quickly dawns his tennis shoes. The second hiker, incredulous, queries: "...what are you doing, you know that you can't out-run a Grizzly...", without missing a beat the first responds: "... don't have to out run the Grizzly... only have to out run you." :lol:
Very true, However, depending upon the extent, length and location of radiation activity one may be in the uncomfortable position -- to quote an ancient source -- of envying the dead.

If and when this occurs, it will be an interesting show.



Re: 1-Dec-14 World View-Arab League plan: end Israeli occupa

Post by MarvyGuy »

I have been wondering if a scenario would include having to stave off looters/armed gangs in which case coordination and mutual support will also be important (the very brief TV series "Jericho" touched on this some). Had read a post many years back from a Serbian that said that being able to make kerosene (or something to barter with) and having enough people 24 hr guarding the front/back was a big factor in survival. And not going out in the daytime (snipers). And not looking like you had anything (look destitute).

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Re: 1-Dec-14 World View-Arab League plan: end Israeli occupa

Post by gerald »

A portent of things to come?

"Stunning Video Footage Of Chernobyl Devastation Captured By Drone"

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-12-0 ... ured-drone

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