Will Israel attack Iran

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Will Israel attack Iran

Post by isaac »

I read this article claiming that an attack is likely in the works before the transfer of power (in both countries)

http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php? ... geId=81971

What does Generational Dynamics have to say about this. Isreal's last Crisis was the Arab-Israeli War -- 1947-1949 which is 59 years ago so they are primed and ready to go. The last crisis war for Iran was Iran-Iraq War -- 1978-1988, only 20 years ago so they are not ready for a new crisis war, but it really isn't them deciding in this case.

So it seems to me that Isreal is likely to attack, but Iran is not likely to escalate.

There was a coup in Syria about 58 years ago, "In 1949, Syria's national government was overthrown by a military coup d'etat led by Hussni al-Zaim. Later that year Zaim was overthrown by his colleague Sami al-Hinnawi. Few months later, Hinnawi was overthrown by Colonel Adib al-Sheeshakli. http://www.damascus-online.com/history/brief.htm. It could be that Syria is ready for a new war and the may be willing to escalate with support from Iran, Hamas, and Hezbolla.

What are your thoughts on the chances of an attack on Iran by Isreal, and would that result in a wider war?

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Re: Will Israel attack Iran

Post by John »

Dear Isaac,

During the last five years, I've had at least a dozen people write to
me to warn me that either Israel or the US was about to attack Iran,
pointing to some "evidence," such as an American aircraft carrier in
the region. When I point out that the "evidence" is nonsense, the
writer gets all huffy.

Then you have the leftwing nutjob Seymour Hersh who climbs out from
under his rock every 9-12 months or so with new information from his
"contacts" in the Bush administration that an attack on Iran is

** John Kerry and Seymour Hersh trash the armed forces.
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 03#e061103

In the case of this article, the evidence is as follows:
Michael Evans wrote: > Israelis meet with Bush on Iran attack ... There is no reason for
> a lame-duck president and an equally lame-duck prime minister to
> meet except to pursue the above-stated purpose.
> http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php? ... geId=81971
Geez, Evans must be a total imbecile. Two heads of state meet, and
there's no reason for them to meet except to attack Iran? Does this
guy get paid for this crap?

It's possible that Israel will attack Iran, but there's absolutely no
reason to believe that any such attack is planned in the foreseeable

It's worthwhile remembering that a lot of the rumors of an attack on
Iran originate from Iran itself. Saddam's attack on Iran in 1980
unified the people behind the Islamic Revolution, and Ahmadinejad,
who is a religious fruitcake, believes that he can unify the people
again behind the hardline mullahs. All he has to do is get Israel or
America to attack Iran. That's why he keeps spouting that ridiculous
rhetoric. Unfortunately for him, Iran is in a generational Awakening
era, and the people, especially the young people are much more
pro-American than they are pro-Ahmadinejad.

** China 'betrays' Iran, as internal problems in both countries mount
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 05#e080405

When it comes time to choose sides in the Clash of Civilizations
World War, it's my expectation that Iran will be on the side of
America and Israel. I do not expect an attack on Iran in the


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Re: Will Israel attack Iran

Post by malleni »

John wrote: ...
It's worthwhile remembering that a lot of the rumors of an attack on
Iran originate from Iran itself.
You definitely can not be serious.

Dear Isaac,

In the last couple years, both Israel and USA politicians and authorities, were threating Iran almost each single day!
It was so disgusting that even German PM member insist that Germany urged and condemned Israel for this behavior!

And now, "GD theory" is saying that "Iran made it itself"...?

Actually, Iranian government had right all this time:
1. Iran was signed Non-Proliferation Treaty - Israel NOT.
2. IAEA (UN International Atomic Energy Agency) has repeatedly documented there could not find any proof that Iran has intention to made a nuclear weapon! (Even besides enormous political and all other pressure from USA!) - Israel has already hundreds of USA made nuclear weapons in its arsenal!!!
3. Iran has a position in the UN and actually this year should be in the Security Council, but due to enormous USA pressure - they do not get this position. Many politicians in Europe (Germany) demand that Israel should be expelled from UN because of its constant violations of every rule of the UN! Nothing happened (jet!) since USA is the "best ally" of this rough state ("brothers in arms"!)
.... there are just a couple points... If you wish - many more can be added.

So - I suppose that Israel and of course USA (because they going always together!) - will attacked Iran!
That is not at all necessary to be now, but since USA has tremendous problem financially - it is clear that some of those "guys there" still believe that "war is a good option"! Especially when you do not need to finance it...

As I remember the new secretary of state Clinton - threatened to pulverized Iran "if they attack USA fiends" which EVERY president "love more than own citizens"!!!
(sound strange... but everyone marked that each candidate fight to show how "big friends of Israel" they are!
As I see in the couple years - besides this nonsense of Ahmedinedzads wrong translated speech - nothing similar was "presented" from Iranians side.
Actually quite opposite - Iran insist to direct discussion, but USA dismissed!... (Why... if USA is such "peace lover"?)

Even today is easy to find this Iranians proposals:
http://www.reuters.com/article/worldNew ... =worldNews

Iran will be attacked - soon or later with both Israel and probably USA too...
The "old" or "new" administration is not question at all!
Both are "very good friends" to this only nuclear power in the middle East, which lasted almost 60 years...!
(I can not understand - which kind of "generational dynamic" is possible to find in this period?)

Simply... USA trying to make "a big war"!!!
Iran is just one point.

Second can be seen those days in India... (against Pakistan of course...)
Both sides are "supported" by USA.
Actually USA organized this "problem"...
Only blind, ... or very very uninformed man can not see it... (or man who do not want to see it!)

... BUT people who are born there know much better than "generation dynamics" what is going on:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 7964&hl=en

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Re: Will Israel attack Iran

Post by John »

On the Beltway Boys on Fox News channel this evening:
Mort Kondrake wrote: > For months, I've been conducting a poll among Middle East experts
> and intelligence officials, and so on, asking them, on a scale of
> 0 to 100, what is the likelihood that Israel will attack Iran in
> the next several months - the nuclear facilities. It got up to
> 55% - the consensus was up to 55%. Now that Ehud Olmert is
> leaving office, and he's the head of an interim government, and
> you've got elections coming, the probability among these people
> has descended to about 30%. However, Ehud Olmert WAS in
> Washington last week. Lord knows what he was asking President
> Bush about.
More Washington craziness. These "experts" don't have a clue what's
going on, and they're making ideological guesses.


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