Kiev announces it will use armed force in eastern Ukraine

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Reality Check
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Kiev announces it will use armed force in eastern Ukraine

Post by Reality Check » ... 44125.html
Kyiv Post, Friday, April 18th, 2014, 2:25 p.m. wrote:
At a press conference held in Kyiv on April 18 the ( Kiev government's) Security Service of Ukraine announced that they are stepping up security operations in Kkarkiv Oblast, especially around the city of Kharkiv, by inspecting more vehicles entering the region for weapons, ammunition and explosive.

The SBU also said that in Donetsk Oblast security forces were creating a cordon between the civilian population and the separatists. ... 44125.html

Kiev government is announcing it is setting up armed check points between the "civilian areas" of eastern Ukraine and the areas of eastern Ukraine where pro-Moscow militias hold local government and local security buildings.

Where are these check points ( cordons ) going to be placed ??? Around the cities of the second largest province in Ukraine preventing the citizens of Ukraine from traveling freely? Are the city centers going to be armed camps divided between western Ukrainian armed forces and eastern Ukrainian armed forces, with the citizens of the province feeling like they have been occupied by western Ukraine?

In order to enforce these check points Kiev armed forces will need to use armed force, or the threat of armed force, against the citizens of eastern Ukraine.

In Donetsk Oblast ( province ), the last time armed forces sent by Kiev attempted this, this did not go well for the Kiev government. The local unarmed citizens dared the armed forces to use force against them, and the armed forces sent by Kiev surrendered rather than shoot or beat local unarmed citizens. This time the agreement signed by the Kiev government says there will by OSCE monitors, including Russians, watching and recording, everything the armed forces sent by Kiev do.

All this will be done with a Russian invasion force sitting on Ukraine's border, and a Geneva written agreement where the Kiev government promised not to use force.

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