2-Aug-11 World View-China could defeat U.S. war over Taiwan

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2-Aug-11 World View-China could defeat U.S. war over Taiwan

Post by John »

2-Aug-11 World View -- China could defeat U.S. in war over Taiwan

Worldwide manufacturing growth stalls in July

** 2-Aug-11 World View -- China could defeat U.S. in war over Taiwan
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 02#e110802

"World View - "
"China could defeat U.S. in war over Taiwan"
"Worldwide manufacturing growth stalls in July"
"Israel will negotiate with Palestinians on 1967 borders"
"Turkey sharply raises its condemnation of Syria's Assad"
"British MP: Turkey has to tighten migrant controls"
"Ramadan may bring increased turmoil to 'Arab Awakening'"
"China blames Muslim extremists trained in Pakistan for Xinjiang violence"

Generational Dynamics, DF-21D, anti-ship ballistic missile,
China, Taiwan, manufacturing, Israel, Palestine, Benjamin Netanyahu,
Turkey, Syria, Bashar al-Assad,
Ahmet Davutoglu, Abdullah Gül, illegal migrants,
Ramadan, Arab Awakening, Uighurs, Xinjiang, Pakistan

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Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:16 pm

Re: 2-Aug-11 World View-China could defeat U.S. war over Tai

Post by OLD1953 »

Given that the US is not alone in the world, some of our actions are reactions to actions on the part of others. While it is true that during a crisis people move to more traditional role models, it's also true that our reaction to the atheist mind set of the communist governments (Russian and Chinese) was to promote religion in a way it hadn't been promoted since pre Civil War days, prior to the Supreme Court decision to disallow state churches. (In God We Trust on the coinage, rewriting the pledge, etc.) The actions of the newly forming governments in the MidEast, IF they promote religious governments and not secular governments, might be expected (not required) to promote an opposite reaction in the US, thus diminishing the influence of the churches in government from their current role.

Thus, either atheism or a more secular US govt or both might be seen as a rising trend over the next saeculum as a reaction to a rising tide of religiously based governments elsewhere.

Just a thought. John, what do you think?

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