14-Feb-11 News --Bangladesh stock market continues free fall

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14-Feb-11 News --Bangladesh stock market continues free fall

Post by John »

14-Feb-11 News -- Bangladesh stock market continues free fall, while Cairo's remains closed

Reader question about the Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood

** 14-Feb-11 News -- Bangladesh stock market continues free fall, while Cairo's remains closed
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 14#e110214

"IBM Watson supercomputer will be on Jeopardy! on M-W, Feb 14-16"
"Bangladesh stock market continues free fall, while Cairo's remains closed"
"Reader question about the Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood"
"Additional links"
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Re: 14-Feb-11 News --Bangladesh stock market continues free

Post by jwfid »

Hi John,

Regarding your comment referring to the S&P earnings, I simply don't believe them anymore. Since mark-to-market was suspended, I believe earnings in general, especially the financial sector, are completely bogus. I'm sorry I don't have anything more than an opinion, but just looking at a P/E ratio makes me sick. Shoot, the entire stock market makes me sick with all the government and Fed manipulation and QE money being thrown around.

Good luck everyone,


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Re: 14-Feb-11 News --Bangladesh stock market continues free

Post by John »

It took two days for Bloomberg to update the Dhaka stock exchange
graph. Like you, Joe, I've become increasingly paranoid about what's
going on, and I suspect that someone in Dhaka asked Bloomberg not to
update it, hoping that the index would go back up the next day. But
it didn't, and finally Bloomberg updated the graphic this morning.



On Tuesday, the Dhaka stock exchange is up 6%.




Re: 14-Feb-11 News --Bangladesh stock market continues free

Post by Guest »

Reminds me of when I showed my brother that Murdoch had made Fox alter a story at the request of one of the Saudi royals. There wasn't a scrap of evidence the alteration was accurate, it was altered to make it inaccurate. He was outraged, but forgot all about it shortly and was back watching Fox.

Same thing for this, people will be wondering why that didn't get updated, but they'll forget about in a few days.

I have to wonder about the "private" exchanges, because there's no reporting rules and they can make up whatever they please, really. Are they the overhanging cliff that nobody is watching?

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Re: 14-Feb-11 News --Bangladesh stock market continues free fall

Post by last12 »

I have not heard about it. It will be interesting to read.

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