18-Dec-10 News -- North Korea threatens new artillery strike

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18-Dec-10 News -- North Korea threatens new artillery strike

Post by John »

18-Dec-10 News -- North Korea threatens new artillery strikes on Yeonpyeong Island

Moody's cuts Ireland's credit ratings by 5 notches

** 18-Dec-10 News -- North Korea threatens new artillery strikes on Yeonpyeong Island
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 18#e101218

"North Korea threatens new artillery strikes on Yeonpyeong Island"
"Japan's new defense guideling focuses on China's military rise"
"Additional links"
Moody's cuts Ireland's credit ratings by 5 notches
Merkel succeeds in saving Germany taxpayers from paying for bailouts
H1N1 swine flu cases surge in Britain
India's Maoist (Naxalite) terrorists moving into big cities
Palestinians frustrated over stalled peace talks
Pakistan rejects U.S. criticism about helping in the Afghan war
Possible 2008 conflict between Turkey and Russia in Georgia
Moscow Muslims fearful of further violence
Binge drinking in Russia
Six reasons why you should google your address.
Swiss investment bank UBS issues detailed dress code

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Re: 18-Dec-10 News -- North Korea threatens new artillery st

Post by 9_eU4oMpoNP »

As I've said a number of times in the past, it's becoming clearer how countries will line up in the approaching Clash of Civilizations world war: China, North Korea, Pakistan and the Sunni Muslim countries will be allied against the U.S., South Korea, Japan, India, Russia, Israel and Iran.
I haven't seen any prediction of how European, African, Latin American, or South Pacific countries would line up. Do you have a prediction?

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Re: 18-Dec-10 News -- North Korea threatens new artillery st

Post by John »

9_eU4oMpoNP wrote:
As I've said a number of times in the
past, it's becoming clearer how countries will line up in the
approaching Clash of Civilizations world war: China, North Korea,
Pakistan and the Sunni Muslim countries will be allied against the
U.S., South Korea, Japan, India, Russia, Israel and Iran.
I haven't seen any prediction of how European, African, Latin
American, or South Pacific countries would line up. Do you have a
There are some obvious cases -- e.g., Britain will be allied with
the U.S. -- but I don't have nearly enough detailed about each
of the other countries to make an assessment.

In my posting a few days ago, I made note of the 19 countries that
supported China by not attending the Nobel Peace prize ceremony:
China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Colombia, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan,
Serbia, Iraq , Iran, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Venezuela, the Philippines,
Egypt, Sudan, Ukraine, Cuba and Morocco.

I really don't know how much to make of this list, but in some cases
it may be used in conjunction with other evidence to draw a
likely conclusion.


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Re: 18-Dec-10 News -- North Korea threatens new artillery st

Post by thomasglee »

Not that it's that important, but curious why on your home page you still have NK war shown as a "medium" risk?
Psalm 34:4 - “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”

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