Generational Dynamics World View News

Discussion of Web Log and Analysis topics from the Generational Dynamics web site.
Cynic Hero 86

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cynic Hero 86 »

Trump by backing down on the wall with mexico and simultaneously, with the government embracing globalism abroad with the recent incidents with Venezuela, China's Huawei, Taiwan and Ukraine, the walking back on pulling out of Syria, by doing these; the Trump administration seriously harmed its chances of being reelected in 2020. The American people hate globalism and Soros.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 28-Jan-2019 Malaysia cancels China's BRI railway project

China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has suffered another blow, as
Malaysia has cancelled the East Coast Rail Link (ECRL) project, which
China, because of the cost of the project. There have also been
accusations of graft.

Just the interest on the money loaned to Malaysia for the
project would have amounted to $120 million per year.

Malaysia's economics minister Mohamed Azmin Ali: "We cannot afford to
bear this, so this project needs to be terminated without affecting
our good relationship with China."

The amount of compensation for the cancellation was not announced.

In August, Malaysia cancelled another BRI project, a natural gas
pipeline in the East Malaysia state of Sabah.

There have been a number of recent reports that China's economy is
slowing, that China's foreign reserves are falling too quickly, and
that China is loaning too much BRI money that isn't being repaid to
too many countries. If this is true, then Malaysia's cancellation may
be welcome by China. ... il-project
(Bloomberg) ... SKCN1PK03P

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

John wrote:** 27-Jan-2019 Japan's Tokugawa era (1603-1868) - before clash of civilizations with China
Here's some text from my book:

...In order to maintain peace and prevent a return
to warring states, in 1615 Tokugawa Ieyasa instituted a system of
political management known as the "baku-han" system. The "baku" part
refers to the Bakufu, which is the central Tokugawa government. The
"han" refers to the 244 autonomous han, or estates of daimyo
(landowners), sometimes called feudal fiefdoms. ...

In brief, the banu-han system was as follows:
  • ..
A crucial component of the banu-han system was the family "hostage"
requirement. ...
Spellcheck: Is it "Bakuhan" or "Banuhan"

..loved the explanation, by the way!

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

FishbellykanakaDude wrote:Spellcheck..!!
Spellcheck: Is it "Bakuhan" or "Banuhan"

..loved the explanation, by the way!
It's Baku-han. Thanks for the correction.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by zzazz »

Prediction: within two years, Maduro and hundreds of his allies will be dead.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

zzazz wrote: > Prediction: within two years, Maduro and hundreds of his allies
> will be dead.
This is a possibility, but one other possibility that's being
discussed more and more is to move Maduro to another country, where he
can live out the rest of his life in luxury accommodations.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 29-Jan-2019 Director of National Intelligence warns of China-Russia alliance

On Tuesday, Dan Coats, U.S. director of national intelligence,
appeared before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and
presented the 2019 Worldwide Threat Assessment, which says the
> "China and Russia are more aligned than at any point since the
> mid-1950s, and the relationship is likely to strengthen in the
> coming year as some of their interests and threat perceptions
> converge, particularly regarding perceived US unilateralism and
> interventionism and Western promotion of democratic values and
> human rights."
The media have been quoting this with enormous alarm. One web site
reader once wrote to me and described people like this as believing
that "History always begins this morning."

In other words, China and Russia are both criminal outlaw states.
They're both using (trying to use) the United Nations Security Council
to control US policy by vetoing any US policy that requires UNSC
approval. China and Russia are allied in a marriage of convenience.

The Russians have hated the Chinese ever since the Mongols defeated
the Chinese in 1206, and then went on to attack and conquer almost all
the Russian principalities, and made them bitter vassals of the Mongol
Empire, in a relationship called the "Mongol Yoke." This hated
period, two centuries long, has defined the relationship between the
Russian and Chinese people forever. There is no possibility that
China and Russia will remain "strategic partners" for long. In fact,
Soviet Russia and China almost went to full-scale war as recently as
the 1960s.

There is no way that China and Russia are going to be united in a war
with the US. Russia will be an ally of the US just as Stalin was an
ally of the US. China is eyeing Lebensraum in Russia's Far East, just
as it's annexed the South China Sea for Lebensraum.

The 2019 Worldwide Threat Assessment assessment also says the
> Pyongyang [North Korea] has not conducted any nuclear-capable
> missile or nuclear tests in more than a year, has declared its
> support for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, and has
> reversibly dismantled portions of its WMD infrastructure. However,
> we continue to assess that North Korea is unlikely to give up all
> of its nuclear weapons and production capabilities, even as it
> seeks to negotiate partial denuclearization steps to obtain key US
> and international concessions. North Korean leaders view nuclear
> arms as critical to regime survival, according to official
> statements and regime-controlled media.
Long-time readers are well aware of this. As I've said many times,
from day one, Generational Dynamics predicts that North Korea will
never give up its nuclear weapons. I've suggested that if Kim Jong-un
ever seriously wanted to get rid of its nuclear weapons, then he would
be shot dead by his own generals.

The media have been laughing at this, quoting President Trump as
saying that North Korean's nukes are no longer a threat, and implying
that Trump has a disagreement within his own administration. As
usual, these are people who are completely baffled by Trump's
policies. Trump is well aware that war with China and North Korea is
coming, and that North Korea will never denuclearize, but he plays an
"Art of the Deal" strategy hoping to prevent a war. However, this
isn't working, as North Korea continues nuclear missile development
(except for public testing), and China emulates WW II Japanese
barbarians more and more every day.

As I continue to do research for my book on China, I continue to
believe that China and North Korea don't really want war with America.
What they want is the most horrific, barbaric war possible against
Japan, but they know that war with Japan means war with America. ... --SSCI.pdf
(Director of National Intelligence, PDF) ... e-updates/
(CBS) ... ns-1133969

--- Related:

** 12-Sep-18 World View -- Russia's 'strategic alliance' with China evokes memories of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
** ... tm#e180912

** 31-Mar-18 World View -- Russia's Far East, Siberia and Vladivostok under threat from China
** ... tm#e180331

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

John wrote:
zzazz wrote: > Prediction: within two years, Maduro and hundreds of his allies
> will be dead.
This is a possibility, but one other possibility that's being
discussed more and more is to move Maduro to another country, where he
can live out the rest of his life in luxury accommodations.
It certainly won't be two years, and he can bunk with Idi Amin Dada Oumee in splendor!

..although I hear Idi has lost considerable weight, since August of 2003.

But that's a good thing! More room for Maduro and crew. Win win, yeah..!?

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

John wrote:...
As I continue to do research for my book on China, I continue to
believe that China and North Korea don't really want war with America.

What they want is the most horrific, barbaric war possible against
Japan, but they know that war with Japan means war with America.
WHOA..!! I've never even THOUGHT of this,.. much less heard anyone say it..!!

Dang, man,.. this may be the key to every darn thing!

If they (the Chinese and Koreans [both North and South]) could be convinced that Japan will eventually "age out" of being an effective "threatening" society, then we wouldn't have to worry about this "World War" thing, would we?

Actually, no,.. as there's no "satisfaction" for a resentful mad-person/nation in seeing a pathologically hated enemy "simply" become decrepit and drown in it's own incontinence, is it?


But,.. this insight may help present (illuminate?) a way to make the upcoming conflict(s) a little less uncomfortable,.. for the non-Japanese, at any rate.

..I shall cogitate on this further...


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

FishbellykanakaDude wrote:
John wrote:...
As I continue to do research for my book on China, I continue to
believe that China and North Korea don't really want war with America.

What they want is the most horrific, barbaric war possible against
Japan, but they know that war with Japan means war with America.
WHOA..!! I've never even THOUGHT of this,.. much less heard anyone say it..!!

Dang, man,.. this may be the key to every darn thing!

If they (the Chinese and Koreans [both North and South]) could be convinced that Japan will eventually "age out" of being an effective "threatening" society, then we wouldn't have to worry about this "World War" thing, would we?

Actually, no,.. as there's no "satisfaction" for a resentful mad-person/nation in seeing a pathologically hated enemy "simply" become decrepit and drown in it's own incontinence, is it?


But,.. this insight may help present (illuminate?) a way to make the upcoming conflict(s) a little less uncomfortable,.. for the non-Japanese, at any rate.

..I shall cogitate on this further...
Yeah, this knocked me sideways too.

John, of all the insightful things you have written, this one might just be the most important of the bunch.

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