Generational Dynamics World View News

Discussion of Web Log and Analysis topics from the Generational Dynamics web site.
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Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:07 pm

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

John wrote:Be careful, you two.
D'ohhhh,.. DAD...!!! CUMMMON.....! You never let us have ANY fun.....
(( <snicker, chuckle!> ))

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by josa0512 »


Why do you have such hatred towards and intolerance of Christians?

Posts: 1313
Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:07 pm

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

josa0512 wrote:FishbellykanakaDude,

Why do you have such hatred towards and intolerance of Christians?

I'm Catholic, my dear deluded, or at least very confused and/or severely misinformed, friend!

WHERE in the heck did you get the idea I'm anti-Christian?


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

FishbellykanakaDude wrote:
josa0512 wrote:FishbellykanakaDude,

Why do you have such hatred towards and intolerance of Christians?

I'm Catholic, my dear deluded, or at least very confused and/or severely misinformed, friend!

WHERE in the heck did you get the idea I'm anti-Christian?
Your posts are a mess, Fishy. No one knows what you are really trying to say and if what your are saying should be taken seriously. You an apostate, at best.

Burner Prime

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Burner Prime »

John wrote:** 16-Apr-2019 The Notre Dame Cathedral fire is Trump's fault
Tom Mazanec wrote: > Ron Conte, Jr. says the fire is a sign from God of a great
> disaster coming to the Church:
> ... -from-god/
The Notre Dame Cathedral fire occurred in Paris, so I disagree. I
contend that the fire occurred because of Climate Change, and
specifically because Donald Trump withdrew from the Paris Climate
Change treaty. Donald Trump is to blame for the fire.
Most excellent...true Mad Lad...

Burner Prime

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Burner Prime »

Guest wrote: Your posts are a mess, Fishy. No one knows what you are really trying to say and if what your are saying should be taken seriously. You an apostate, at best.
Fish is a gamma, the Secret King, the smartest man in the room:
Definitions (partial). You will find he exhibits every one of the classical behaviors:

* In the past year you can’t recall a single serious online discussion you were wrong about anything.
* In the past two years you can’t recall one discussion with any friends or family in which you were wrong about anything.
* When you are having an argument with someone and it appears you are wrong, the most common belief and defense is the other person simply doesn’t understand what you are saying.
* When discussing matters with someone and you think you are maybe, possibly being shown to be wrong you start to get snarky, crack lame jokes, and immediately try to change the subject.
* If someone holds an opinion contrary to yours, and you don’t think you have a good defense immediately to hand you start to look for unrelated ways to disqualify the other person as at least knowledgeable about the subject, and even going so far as to disqualify them as a good person or even a person at all.
* The thought of being at the center of a comedy roast fills you with dread.
* You think width of knowledge is more important than depth of knowledge.
* You are an expert on everything and always ready to give your opinion even when you aren’t sure—then again a Gamma is always sure of his knowledge so you probably give your opinion on most everything all of the time.
* If someone says they aren’t interested in your opinion you take it as a personal slight, they aren’t interested in you, and probably hate you as well.
* If someone tells a story you immediately have to follow up that story with one of your own, which may or may not be related to the topic, and of course is more interesting, more important and longer. If you don’t have a good story you’ll say something snarky afterwards to diminish the other story.

Posts: 1313
Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:07 pm

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

Guest wrote:
FishbellykanakaDude wrote:
josa0512 wrote:FishbellykanakaDude,

Why do you have such hatred towards and intolerance of Christians?

I'm Catholic, my dear deluded, or at least very confused and/or severely misinformed, friend!

WHERE in the heck did you get the idea I'm anti-Christian?
Your posts are a mess, Fishy. No one knows what you are really trying to say and if what your are saying should be taken seriously. You an apostate, at best.
Your lack of reading comprehension, or disinterest in finding out what other people mean by what they say, is not my problem. I realize it takes a little effort and communicative ability to suss out things you don't understand, but are you REALLY that fnerkin' lazy?

How do you come to the conclusion that I'm an "apostate"?

Posts: 1313
Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:07 pm

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

Burner Prime wrote:
Guest wrote: Your posts are a mess, Fishy. No one knows what you are really trying to say and if what your are saying should be taken seriously. You an apostate, at best.
Fish is a gamma, the Secret King, the smartest man in the room:
Definitions (partial). You will find he exhibits every one of the classical behaviors:

* In the past year you can’t recall a single serious online discussion you were wrong about anything.
* In the past two years you can’t recall one discussion with any friends or family in which you were wrong about anything.
* When you are having an argument with someone and it appears you are wrong, the most common belief and defense is the other person simply doesn’t understand what you are saying.
* When discussing matters with someone and you think you are maybe, possibly being shown to be wrong you start to get snarky, crack lame jokes, and immediately try to change the subject.
* If someone holds an opinion contrary to yours, and you don’t think you have a good defense immediately to hand you start to look for unrelated ways to disqualify the other person as at least knowledgeable about the subject, and even going so far as to disqualify them as a good person or even a person at all.
* The thought of being at the center of a comedy roast fills you with dread.
* You think width of knowledge is more important than depth of knowledge.
* You are an expert on everything and always ready to give your opinion even when you aren’t sure—then again a Gamma is always sure of his knowledge so you probably give your opinion on most everything all of the time.
* If someone says they aren’t interested in your opinion you take it as a personal slight, they aren’t interested in you, and probably hate you as well.
* If someone tells a story you immediately have to follow up that story with one of your own, which may or may not be related to the topic, and of course is more interesting, more important and longer. If you don’t have a good story you’ll say something snarky afterwards to diminish the other story.
The (pretty much only) problem with your theory is that I have no interest in being right,. or wrong for that matter.

I don't defend what I say. I simply say what I mean. I couldn't care less if you are convinced by what I say or not.

..although, my one possible flaw is that I do like to keep conversations going, and just HAVE to keep lobbing that ball back over the net. It's true, I like the play. So sue me! :)

Now, are you referring to the "gamma personality" as per (for example) this description: ... le-female/ which case, uh,.. thanks, I guess. :)
  • A Gamma male is a healthy combination of the best of Beta and Alpha males. Like an Alpha male, a Gamma male sets the frame and is the leader of his relationships. He sets strong boundaries and doesn’t accept bullshit from women, but also treats women well and meets their needs for both excitement and security. The Gamma male makes it a priority to keep his woman comfortable, though he never supplicates to her.

    As a result, the Gamma male is the cream of the crop – the romantic ideal for a woman. He has options, but when he commits he makes a woman happy across the board. The Gamma male is the only guy a high-quality “Gamma” woman will settle for.
I don't claim to be an expert in much of anything. I simply have opinions. I like to share them.

If you don't like people sharing their opinions, what are you doing in internet forums?


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by zzazz »

Hang in there fish. I have no idea what your critics are actually saying (because they are so incoherent) or what their backgrouds are, but I suspect they are the results of home schooling. Instead of getting a real education, they filled out a bunch of coloring books where the dinosaurs and the saber cats took a boat ride on Noah's Ark. Mommy gave them an A+ and they've considered themselves geniuses ever since. At least that is how they come across. Little barbarians and dunces one and all.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

zzazz wrote:Hang in there fish. I have no idea what your critics are actually saying (because they are so incoherent) or what their backgrouds are, but I suspect they are the results of home schooling. Instead of getting a real education, they filled out a bunch of coloring books where the dinosaurs and the saber cats took a boat ride on Noah's Ark. Mommy gave them an A+ and they've considered themselves geniuses ever since. At least that is how they come across. Little barbarians and dunces one and all.
Homeschooled students do better then gov school students.

I'm sure much of this is due to the gov schools having to cater to the lowest common denominator.

No matter how much money you throw at gov schools it will not fix the problems.

Members of the religion of equality do not have the mental capability to understand statistics.

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