2-Dec-18 World View -- Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agree to a 90 day moratorium in trade war

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2-Dec-18 World View -- Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agree to a 90 day moratorium in trade war

Post by John »

2-Dec-18 World View -- Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agree to a 90 day moratorium in trade war

G-20 Summit meeting in Buenos Aires ends with multiple compromises

** 2-Dec-18 World View -- Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agree to a 90 day moratorium in trade war
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e181202

G-20 Summit meeting in Buenos Aires ends with multiple compromises
The G-20 Final Communiqué -- the 'breakthrough'
Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agree to a 90 day moratorium in trade war

Generational Dynamics, G-20, Brazil, China, India, and Russia,
G-7, United States, Britain, France, Japan, Germany, Italy, Canada,
Vladimir Putin, Kerch Strait, Ukraine, Mohammed bin Salman, MBS,
International Monetary Fund, IMF, Christine Lagarde, Theresa May,
Angela Merkel, Xi Jinping, World Trade Organization, WTO


Re: 2-Dec-18 World View -- Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agree to a 90 day moratorium in trade war

Post by Guest »

"Donald Trump and Putin had originally scheduled a bilateral meeting with each other, "on the sidelines," but Trump canceled it because of Russia's brutal violation of international laws, seizing Ukrainian ships outside the Kerch Strait, and torturing the seamen and forcing them to admit to crimes they did not commit, and then sending them off to jail in Moscow. When Trump and Putin passed each other, they had very choreographed head positions so that they would not even glance at each other."

No. That is not true. Is this what the American media is reporting? So why are you so inherently racist towards Russians? If you’re not paid to be like this then what reason do you have for your hatred? I am actually curious in what makes someone act like you.Why do you promote uninformed stuff like that? It displays zero understanding of what happened in the Kerch Strait. It displays subservience to American Russophobia, the ugly stuff Theresa May closely embraces. We do not get understanding that way. We do not get a better world that way.

Please, every time a Russian ship passes clearly in international waters, you guys chirp about the Royal Navy going out to accompany them. Here we have genuine outlaw behavior by Ukraine. Three ships broke known rules. They ignored Russian Border Control. They had some substantial weapons on board. And they had members of Ukraine’s secret service aboard.

There are no issues here at all in Russia’s behavior. No one was killed unlike the weekly killings in Gaza of unarmed civilians who never set foot in Israel, something I do not see decried by the press, as it very well should be.

The Ukrainians literally got away with murder when they shot down flight MH17 they now think they’re Rule Britannia. Best send them a stern message Russia. 20 year sentences for all the Ukrainian bandits captured invading illegally and 5 years for those tug boat play-actors.


Re: 2-Dec-18 World View -- Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agree to a 90 day moratorium in trade war

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote:"Donald Trump and Putin had originally scheduled a bilateral meeting with each other, "on the sidelines," but Trump canceled it because of Russia's brutal violation of international laws, seizing Ukrainian ships outside the Kerch Strait, and torturing the seamen and forcing them to admit to crimes they did not commit, and then sending them off to jail in Moscow. When Trump and Putin passed each other, they had very choreographed head positions so that they would not even glance at each other."

No. That is not true. Is this what the American media is reporting? So why are you so inherently racist towards Russians? If you’re not paid to be like this then what reason do you have for your hatred? I am actually curious in what makes someone act like you.Why do you promote uninformed stuff like that? It displays zero understanding of what happened in the Kerch Strait. It displays subservience to American Russophobia, the ugly stuff Theresa May closely embraces. We do not get understanding that way. We do not get a better world that way.

Please, every time a Russian ship passes clearly in international waters, you guys chirp about the Royal Navy going out to accompany them. Here we have genuine outlaw behavior by Ukraine. Three ships broke known rules. They ignored Russian Border Control. They had some substantial weapons on board. And they had members of Ukraine’s secret service aboard.

There are no issues here at all in Russia’s behavior. No one was killed unlike the weekly killings in Gaza of unarmed civilians who never set foot in Israel, something I do not see decried by the press, as it very well should be.

The Ukrainians literally got away with murder when they shot down flight MH17 they now think they’re Rule Britannia. Best send them a stern message Russia. 20 year sentences for all the Ukrainian bandits captured invading illegally and 5 years for those tug boat play-actors.
Negro, please.

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Re: 2-Dec-18 World View -- Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agree to a 90 day moratorium in trade war

Post by John »

Guest wrote: > So why are you so inherently racist towards Russians?
You're confusing two things here. Russians are great people.
I love them.

But Putin is a vile person. He lies about everything -- and
I've listed his lies many times and will do so again if I have
to. He arranges for Novichok to kill people in Britain and
he lies about it and smirks about it. There are many people
who hate Trump and/or Obama and still like the American people.
Similarly, my dislike for Putin does not extend to the Russian

It's become clear to me that the Russian PEOPLE have vitriolic
hatred for the Ukrainian PEOPLE, and this hatred goes well
beyond the leadership. Do not assume that just because you
hate the Ukrainian people, that therefore Americans hate
the Russian people. It's your president who's the problem.
Guest wrote: > The Ukrainians literally got away with murder when they shot down
> flight MH17 they now think they’re Rule Britannia. Best send them
> a stern message Russia. 20 year sentences for all the Ukrainian
> bandits captured invading illegally and 5 years for those tug boat
> play-actors.
No, you're wrong. MH17 was shot down by Russian soldiers in East
Ukraine with a Russian-made Buk missile. And your vitriolic hatred
for "Ukrainian bandits" shows how your hatred is so great that
it's completely destroyed your judgment.

Going back to your original remark, people like you call people
"racist" when you can't deal with the facts. Your inability to deal
with facts and see past your vitriolic hatred of Ukrainians is your
problem. That makes you the racist.


Re: 2-Dec-18 World View -- Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agree to a 90 day moratorium in trade war

Post by Guest »

The Russian troll sounds gay. Really gay. Oh, snap!

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Re: 2-Dec-18 World View -- Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agree to a 90 day moratorium in trade war

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

Is this "hatred" between Russians and Ukrainians because Ukraine contains Kiev, which is (supposedly) the origin of the Rus' (Kievian Rus' c.882), and Russians don't like that their "hometown" is in Ukraine?

..I shall have to do some research, apparently.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_o ... East_Slavs

Hmmmm,.. looks like Novgorod (c.860) first under Rurik, then south to Kiev with Igor (son) and Sviatoslav (grandson), and with Sviatoslav's downfall the "viking" ("varangian") head and ruling nobility were rather extinguished, leaving the Slavs (the locals) in charge about the 950's-ish.

Anyway,.. thoughts?

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Re: 2-Dec-18 World View -- Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agree to a 90 day moratorium in trade war

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

Do I have to post yet ANOTHER Отава Ё video to chill the room a bit!?

Do I,.. really?

..eyeah, I'll do it anyway. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbBU06irWT8

I'm sorry,.. all you slavs are just lazy-assed proto-Irish that couldn't keep up your stamina to make it to the west coast!


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Re: 2-Dec-18 World View -- Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agree to a 90 day moratorium in trade war

Post by John »

FishbellykanakaDude wrote: > Is this "hatred" between Russians and Ukrainians because Ukraine
> contains Kiev, which is (supposedly) the origin of the Rus'
> (Kievian Rus' c.882), and Russians don't like that their
> "hometown" is in Ukraine?

> ..I shall have to do some research, apparently.

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_o ... East_Slavs

> Hmmmm,.. looks like Novgorod (c.860) first under Rurik, then south
> to Kiev with Igor (son) and Sviatoslav (grandson), and with
> Sviatoslav's downfall the "viking" ("varangian") head and ruling
> nobility were rather extinguished, leaving the Slavs (the locals)
> in charge about the 950's-ish.

> Anyway,.. thoughts?
I think the hatred developed in wars over the centuries since then.
Take special note of Stalin's enormous Holodomor famine inflicted on

** UK honors the journalist who documented Stalin's man-made 1932-33 Holodomor famine in Ukraine
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e091122

There's also a very bitter clash going on today between the Ukraine
Orthodox and Russian Orthodox churches.

** 12-Oct-18 World View -- Constantinople grants Ukrainian Orthodox Church independence, causing historic split with Russia
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e181012

None of this will end well.

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Re: 2-Dec-18 World View -- Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agree to a 90 day moratorium in trade war

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »


This IS the age when everybody feels SUPERIOR if they can find those handy reasons to hate somebody close and similar to themselves, but over their borders, so that their ACTUAL neighbor a house over becomes less likely to try to kill them because they are somehow "different".

'Tis the age of paranoia and resentment, after all.

Doesn't mean nasty crap didn't happen, of course, but the motivation for fluffing up the hatred and resentment is the interesting bit to me.

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Re: 2-Dec-18 World View -- Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agree to a 90 day moratorium in trade war

Post by shoshin »

Yes, everybody IS superior! There's a chapter in Harari's new book ("21 Lessons for the 21st Century") called "Humility." Did you know that the Abraham invented yoga? Yes, those poses are all derivatives of Hebrew letters! Among other delicious insights, it's a wonderful read.

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