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10-Aug-18 World View -- Discontent with China's president Xi Jinping continues during 'trade war'

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 12:52 am
by John
10-Aug-18 World View -- Discontent with China's president Xi Jinping continues during 'trade war'

China uses increasing violence to suppress criticism

** 10-Aug-18 World View -- Discontent with China's president Xi Jinping continues during 'trade war'
** ... tm#e180810

Discontent with China's president Xi Jinping continues during 'trade war'
Backlash from the US-China 'trade war'
China uses increasing violence to suppress criticism

Generational Dynamics, China, Xi Jinping,
Chinese Communist Party, CCP,
Karl Marx, Communist Manifesto, Cuba,
Cambodia, Syria, Iran, Cameroon, Congo, Burundi,
Deng Xiaoping, Tiananmen Square,
Soviet Communist Party, mass incidents, Lu Yuyu,
White Lotus Rebellion, Taiping Rebellion, Communist Revolution

Re: 10-Aug-18 World View -- Discontent with China's president Xi Jinping continues during 'trade war'

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 11:12 am
by Silent Guest 2
China in turmoil repressed by the oppressive state. If any possible benefit to Chinese peasants issued from the regime's double-down foreign loan scams, perhaps a whisper of good intent could be implied. Not so. Considering the military control exercised, even with available technology, the possibility of massive revolution seems remote.
Everytime I shop I check shelf facings: how many items are available behind the first. As the trade war escalates, Chinese shoppers will see and have less. Xi should be concerned about regime support. He is treading a thin line.

Re: 10-Aug-18 World View -- Discontent with China's president Xi Jinping continues during 'trade war'

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 1:08 am
by Salvaders
China's president Xi Jinping is considered to be one of the most powerful men in the world, but it seems that Xi's popularity has been steadily declining ever since he took over as the country's leader. At least according to a new huff post poll out from Yale University just released today.