26-Jul-10 News-Markets shrug off flawed Europe stress tests

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26-Jul-10 News-Markets shrug off flawed Europe stress tests

Post by John »

26-Jul-10 News -- Markets shrug off flawed European stress tests

** 26-Jul-10 News -- Markets shrug off flawed European stress tests
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 26#e100726

"Markets shrug off flawed European stress tests"
"The Rule of 20"
"Additional links"
Safeway forecasts reduced earnings, cites price deflation
Former Fed Governor Lawrence Lindsey predicts 'deflation trap'
H1N1 swine flu virus mutation in the midwest U.S.
Syrians flocking to Turkey for shopping
China developing land-based anti-ship missiles
U.S. will object to China's nuclear reactor sale to Pakistan
Use of internet among Kashmir rebels is growing
Situation in Somalia continues to deteriorate
Switzerland WW II bunkers

Tom Acre
Posts: 94
Joined: Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:48 am

Re: 26-Jul-10 News-Markets shrug off flawed Europe stress tests

Post by Tom Acre »

The magnitude of the calamity unfolding within the unholy nexus of global banking, government and other interests is rivaled only by events in Central Asia.

One author concludes in agreement w/ Generational Dynamics:

"... The United States would be better advised to stop the game now and seek an open alliance with India, the world's largest democracy and America's natural partner in Central Asia."

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