22-Jul-10 News -- US/S.Korean naval exercises begin Sunday

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22-Jul-10 News -- US/S.Korean naval exercises begin Sunday

Post by John »

22-Jul-10 News -- US/S.Korean naval exercises begin Sunday

** 22-Jul-10 News -- US/S.Korean naval exercises begin Sunday
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 22#e100722

"US / South Korean naval exercises to begin on Sunday"
"United States announces new sanctions on North Korea"
"Korean Air Lines terrorist bomber visits Tokyo"
"Plight of ethnic Koreans living in Japan"
"Additional links"
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New statue of Kim Jong-il sparks rumors that he is near death
What's causing the fall in the Baltic Dry Index?
China says that the outlook for exports is 'grim'
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac require much larger bailouts
Housing market is stalling again
Ban Ki-Moon's aides circle the wagons after personal attack
Iran's shippers crippled by US/UN sanctions
David Cameron criticized for saying UK was WW II 'junior partner'
India walks a tightrope between Israelis and Palestinians

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