20-Jul-10 News -- Hungary, Ireland--new financial problems

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20-Jul-10 News -- Hungary, Ireland--new financial problems

Post by John »

20-Jul-10 News -- Hungary and Ireland face new financial problems

** 20-Jul-10 News -- Hungary and Ireland face new financial problems
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 20#e100720

"Hungary rebuffs IMF on austerity and will no longer receive aid"
"Moody's downgrades Ireland's debt"
"European Union will release results of stress tests on Friday"
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Re: 20-Jul-10 News -- Hungary, Ireland--new financial problems

Post by Raynote »

Isn't the response of the Hungarian government (apparently approved by the Hungarian citizens) to the IMF typical of a certain generation? I'm guessing the boomers, the "prophet" generation ;) ...

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