19-Jul-10 News -- The NAACP versus the Tea Party movement

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19-Jul-10 News -- The NAACP versus the Tea Party movement

Post by John »

19-Jul-10 News -- The NAACP versus the Tea Party movement

** 19-Jul-10 News -- The NAACP versus the Tea Party movement
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 19#e100719

"NAACP versus the Tea Party movement"
"Egypt pressures Abbas to agree to direct talks with Israel"
"Baltic dry index continues its collapse"
"Additional links"
Hong Kong tour guides abusive towards mainland China shoppers
A drug cartel in Ciudad Juarez uses a car bomb for first time
Women were more fully involved in the Holocaust than thought
N. Korean poster appears to boast about Cheonan sinking
China asks U.S. to mediate with South Korea
Thailand's foreign minister denies ethnic problems
Voluntary militias gaining power in Kyrgyzstan
OSCE wants to intervene in Kyrgyzstan
Donald Trump wants to build a Trump Tower in Tblisi, Georgia

The Grey Badger
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Re: 19-Jul-10 News -- The NAACP versus the Tea Party movement

Post by The Grey Badger »

That there were women involved in the Holocaust is no news to anybody my age or older, at least not to those whose parents followed the news and commented on it. The surprise is the number of volunteers who went out into the conquered territories as the article outlines. And in retrospect, the only surprise is that there was that degree of civilian involvement. But then, post-war Germans had a vested interest in downplaying the civilian involvement, didn't they? Sigh. The ease with which people can go bad in that sort of situation doesn't surprise me, but it's still saddening.

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Re: 19-Jul-10 News -- The NAACP versus the Tea Party movement

Post by ridgel »

What I found most interesting about the article was that I read about 100 of the comments, and all but 5 or 6 seemed to condemn the NAACP for making the blanket condemnation of the Tea Party as racist.

I had the same thought when I read the comments. Usually the only thing that will make comments that one-sided in the NYT is a link from Drudge. Not sure if there was one or not.

In any case, white men of my generation have born the brunt of affirmative action and accusations of racism since we were in high school. It's not surprising that many are tired of the race baiters. My generation has seen first generation Asians and Indians reach the top of their fields despite their language or family backgrounds. The natural question is what's wrong with blacks. I imagine that their collective lot in life will improve once they stop blaming boogie men like institutional (imaginary?) racism and start getting their young men to stay in school and marry the mothers of their children.

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