4-Jul-10 News -- From which country did US win indepedence?

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4-Jul-10 News -- From which country did US win indepedence?

Post by John »

4-Jul-10 News -- From which country did the U.S. win independence?

** 4-Jul-10 News -- From which country did the U.S. win independence?
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 04#e100704

"From which country did the U.S. declare its independence in 1776?"
"UN warns of renewed war between Israel and Hizbollah"
"Additional links"
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The war between the Turks and the PKK Kurds in Iraq is reigniting.
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Re: 4-Jul-10 News -- From which country did US win indepedence?

Post by OLD1953 »

If you are deploring the state of public education then join the club. You'd think anyone who'd listened to the speeches on the fourth would know that one.

OTOH, I also deplore the fact that about 1/3 of our fellow citizens have the intellectual curiousity of a cockroach. No insult to the cockroaches intended.

The Grey Badger
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Re: 4-Jul-10 News -- From which country did US win indepedence?

Post by The Grey Badger »

I put it down to the fact that we've been friends with Britain for 70 years. That's as far back as most people's conscious memory runs, or further.

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