24-Jun-14 World View -- Egypt's Kangaroo Court

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24-Jun-14 World View -- Egypt's Kangaroo Court

Post by John »

24-Jun-14 World View -- Egypt's Kangaroo Court finds Al-Jazeera journalists guilty with no evidence

Ebola virus is 'out of control' in western Africa

** 24-Jun-14 World View -- Egypt's Kangaroo Court finds Al-Jazeera journalists guilty with no evidence
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e140624

Egypt's Kangaroo Court finds Al-Jazeera journalists guilty with no evidence
Boomers have no one to sell their stocks and real estate to
Ebola virus is 'out of control' in western Africa

Generational Dynamics, Egypt, Kangaroo Court,
Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Jazeera, Qatar,
Boomers, Generation-X, Generation-Y,
Ebola, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia,
Médecins Sans Frontières, MSF, Doctors without Borders,

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Re: 24-Jun-14 World View -- Egypt's Kangaroo Court

Post by mannfm11 »

Not only will some generation not buy into the stock market at these prices, the market itself will collapse under the weight of the debt taken on by corporations to inflate their own stocks. Plus, there is now more margin debt than there is extra money in accounts. The idea of cash on the sidelines is a tale told by an idiot.


Re: 24-Jun-14 World View -- Egypt's Kangaroo Court

Post by Guest »

Don't worry. All the illegal immigrants pouring into the country will buy the overpriced assets of the spoiled and self-destructive Baby Boomers.

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Re: 24-Jun-14 World View -- Egypt's Kangaroo Court

Post by CrosstimbersOkie »

Doesn't it boil down to this? If we can't come up with a viable cohort who can afford (and is willing to place that generational bet) to buy Baby Boomer assets at current bubble-level prices, then it follows that as the first Boomers start selling their assets, prices will fall as there is nobody left to buy them, at least at these valuations.
Good time to already be in cash, eh?

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Re: 24-Jun-14 World View -- Egypt's Kangaroo Court

Post by CrosstimbersOkie »

Guest wrote:Don't worry. All the illegal immigrants pouring into the country will buy the overpriced assets of the spoiled and self-destructive Baby Boomers.
Sure they will, just not at the prices you want. You shouldn't have borrowed so much in order to buy so high. A semi-literate illegal immigrant from the Yucatan Peninsula has more sense than to do that.

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Re: 24-Jun-14 World View -- Egypt's Kangaroo Court

Post by CrosstimbersOkie »

mannfm11 wrote:Not only will some generation not buy into the stock market at these prices, the market itself will collapse under the weight of the debt taken on by corporations to inflate their own stocks. Plus, there is now more margin debt than there is extra money in accounts. The idea of cash on the sidelines is a tale told by an idiot.
Cash, cash cash!

About a year ago a 7-11 clerk in a store that I often stop off at in the wee hours after work told me of an old man who routinely comes in and buys all of the dollar coins in his till. He thought that the guy was just weird. I wonder if the guy is just smart. In a deflationary environment a currency that the world trusts is king, and the most durable form of that currency is the Emperor. Coins don't rot, mice don't eat them and they aren't overpriced assets like gold and silver.

No doubt many believe that the Dollar will crash any day now, or that it will be dropped as the world's reserve currency. I've been listening to that for six years. I'm still waiting. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy about it. If it were not for people believing that I wouldn't have made so much money dealing gold coins--buying at >$900 an ounce in 2008 and selling <$1,800 in 2011.


Re: 24-Jun-14 World View -- Egypt's Kangaroo Court

Post by Guest »

CrosstimbersOkie wrote:
Guest wrote:Don't worry. All the illegal immigrants pouring into the country will buy the overpriced assets of the spoiled and self-destructive Baby Boomers.
Sure they will, just not at the prices you want. You shouldn't have borrowed so much in order to buy so high. A semi-literate illegal immigrant from the Yucatan Peninsula has more sense than to do that.
I'm debt free. I don' believe in buying on credit.

A semi-literate illegal from the Yucatan just steals everything he wants. Everyone knows that. Even you.


Re: 24-Jun-14 World View -- Egypt's Kangaroo Court

Post by Guest »

CrosstimbersOkie wrote:
Guest wrote:Don't worry. All the illegal immigrants pouring into the country will buy the overpriced assets of the spoiled and self-destructive Baby Boomers.
Sure they will, just not at the prices you want. You shouldn't have borrowed so much in order to buy so high. A semi-literate illegal immigrant from the Yucatan Peninsula has more sense than to do that.

You really are a low life. You wallow in criminality and think uneducated and unskilled illegals flooding into the country as a good thing. Karma will catch up with you. It always does.

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Re: 24-Jun-14 World View -- Egypt's Kangaroo Court

Post by CrosstimbersOkie »

Guest wrote:
A semi-literate illegal from the Yucatan just steals everything he wants. Everyone knows that. Even you.
I don't know it. What I do know is that in Kansas City where I live virtually every construction crew I see is manned by people from the Mexico portion of Yucatan Peninsula and they are some of the hardest working and honest people I've ever met. Everyone knows that. Even you.

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Re: 24-Jun-14 World View -- Egypt's Kangaroo Court

Post by CrosstimbersOkie »

Guest wrote:
CrosstimbersOkie wrote:
Guest wrote:Don't worry. All the illegal immigrants pouring into the country will buy the overpriced assets of the spoiled and self-destructive Baby Boomers.
Sure they will, just not at the prices you want. You shouldn't have borrowed so much in order to buy so high. A semi-literate illegal immigrant from the Yucatan Peninsula has more sense than to do that.

You really are a low life. You wallow in criminality and think uneducated and unskilled illegals flooding into the country as a good thing. Karma will catch up with you. It always does.

Sweetheart, you wouldn't say that in person. You would tuck your tail up in the vicinity of your hairy snatch and slink off to your boyfriend.

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