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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 8:05 pm
by Guest
American liberalism has already destroyed this country. Mass third world immigration has already derailed large parts of the economy and left tens of millions of Americans unemployed, underemployed, and struggling to survive on low wages that are being driven further down by mass immigration. I've seen it with my eyes; many have. That's why Trump won.

American blacks are about to get pounded by Latinos. Everyone who lives in a community with large numbers of blacks or Latinos knows how they feel about each other. Many posters have commented about their own experiences. American blacks have played the race card for decades and have contributed to the destruction of America. Karma is catching up with them. Karma is also catching up with the liberals. The cards are worn out.

It's interesting; eventhough Biden is becoming President, the elites continue to pack up and move with many seeking second passports. I know many people who keep their second passports secret. I have a friend who has a second passport and told me that it won't be necessary to pay the $5500 dollars and be financially raped by the IRS before renoucing his US citizenship because he fully expects the US to collapse and be unable to pursue him. The elites will flee and leave the rest of us to die. America is finished. Game over. How will we absorb 30 million illegals and their tens of millions of anchor abaies? We won't.

America will be more like South Africa with a huge amount of racial violence. Brazil will be safe and happy place compared to America. In Brazil the police don't mess around and they enjoy vast public support. In America the police have been defanged and the public left to the mercy of criminals. I see crime exploding in my once safe college town. It's shocking what is happening. Mexicans (many of them illegal) and blacks (who were less than 1% of the local population in 2019) have appeared out of nowhere and are committing shocking crimes. It's open season on decent Americans. AMERICA IS OVER.

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 8:50 pm
by DaKardii
Guest wrote:
Tue Jan 19, 2021 8:05 pm
America will be more like South Africa with a huge amount of racial violence. Brazil will be safe and happy place compared to America.
If we're headed in that direction, then we may not make it that far.

While everyone's talking about immigration and how that's gonna change America forever, few people are paying attention to the national debt. Perhaps the only thing standing in the way of our economy collapsing like a house of cards right now is the petrodollar. And as I've established before, we may not be able to keep that system alive unless we continue to fight wars in the Middle East.

One day, the situation in the Middle East is going to become so grave that we will have to re-instate the draft to make sure it goes the "right" way. And our government will have no choice but to explain why it's sending our young men to die in the desert yet again and this time on an unprecedented scale. Once the people are fully aware that (1) it has always been about debt; and (2) if they don't sacrifice their sons then the government will have no choice but to let the economy bottom out and resort to mass asset confiscation, what will they do?

In my opinion, in this scenario many people will become extremely angry that the government got us into this mess, and they will resolve to (1) refuse to let their sons enlist; and (2) refuse to give up their assets in the event of an economic collapse. At that point, there will be a people vs. government standoff that won't end well either way.

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 9:00 pm
by DaKardii
DaKardii wrote:
Tue Jan 19, 2021 8:50 pm
If we're headed in that direction, then we may not make it that far.

While everyone's talking about immigration and how that's gonna change America forever, few people are paying attention to the national debt. Perhaps the only thing standing in the way of our economy collapsing like a house of cards right now is the petrodollar. And as I've established before, we may not be able to keep that system alive unless we continue to fight wars in the Middle East.

One day, the situation in the Middle East is going to become so grave that we will have to re-instate the draft to make sure it goes the "right" way. And our government will have no choice but to explain why it's sending our young men to die in the desert yet again and this time on an unprecedented scale. Once the people are fully aware that (1) it has always been about debt; and (2) if they don't sacrifice their sons then the government will have no choice but to let the economy bottom out and resort to mass asset confiscation, what will they do?

In my opinion, in this scenario many people will become extremely angry that the government got us into this mess, and they will resolve to (1) refuse to let their sons enlist; and (2) refuse to give up their assets in the event of an economic collapse. At that point, there will be a people vs. government standoff that won't end well either way.
Of course, all of the above assumes that this scenario occurs before we go to war with China.

If it occurs while we're at war with China, then the people will probably back down, having already united in the name of defeating the CCP.

But if it occurs before we go to war with China, then the chances of the people uniting when war with China finally breaks out will be slim to none. Because with the government already (basically) blackmailing them into choosing between sacrificing their sons and sacrificing their assets before we went to war with China, many will refuse to fight, and some will even collaborate with the CCP out of spite. It won't matter how left-wing and right-wing these people are; they all will agree with each other on how much legitimacy they believe the government has left. The pro-CCP left and pro-CCP right will thus have their ranks increase exponentially.

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 11:35 pm
by Stevealger
John wrote:
Tue Jan 19, 2021 9:07 am
** 19-Jan-2021 World View: Web Site simplicity
Stevealger wrote:
Tue Jan 19, 2021 3:46 am
> Just a quick question for John , you often speak about your
> computer skills. Why is your website so rudimentary? Not trying
> to pick a fight just curious.
Well, I wrote the web site code in the early 2000s in a couple of
hundred thousand lines of Perl code. I implemented an enormous amount
of functionality (very sophisticated for that time), and it's served
me very well for almost 20 years. Over the years I've set up about
ten complete web sites using the same core code. I used a layered
approach so that the entire web site is described by ascii files. So
I can set up a whole new web site in a day, and I've done that several
times. The web site code is very powerful, and does everything that I

Also, Perl itself is powerful and simple. Languages like Java, C++,
and even Php are constantly coming out with new versions, new upgrades
and new libraries that require the web site to changed or at least
recompiled. That's not a problem with my web site. Also my web site
could run on a Windows, Linux, or any other server, with no changes.

So sure, I could spend a month rewriting the web site in C++ or Java,
with all kinds of bells and whistles, but why would I ever want to do

And then there's this point:
spottybrowncow wrote:
Tue Jan 19, 2021 8:02 am
> Not answering for John, but your comment prompts an observation on
> my part. Simplicity is really, quite often, a virtue in and of
> itself. I think people are drawn to this website purely by the
> ideas expressed on it.
Absolutely! It's probably a generational thing, but I dread it when I
receive an e-mail message from an online service I've been using, and
it says: "Get ready for a whole new online experience!! Our new web
site will be up next week, and you'll be dazzled and thrilled by what
you see!! Just wait -- you're going to be soooooo happy and excited."

I dread those announcements because I know that the new web site will
be bloated, buggy, slow and barely usable, with all kinds of gifs and
videos popping up all over the place getting in way of getting work
done. Then of course since the new web site was probably written by a
kid who knows nothing about software engineering except how to set up
a web page, the new web site will link to about 50 other web sites
through Javascript, which means that the web site will be unusable
unless I enable javascript for those 50 other sites. All in all,
those web sites are a piece of crap for several months until the bugs
are worked out.

Sooooooo, as spotty points out, I like the simplicity of my web site.
The people who come to my web site are interested in content. Would I
get more clicks if the web site were more dazzling? I would be
interesting in somebody trying to make that argument, but I don't
think so.
JCP wrote:
Tue Jan 19, 2021 8:48 am
> I like the website as it is. Keep it simple.
Me too. Thanks.
Okay it was just a question and now I have the answer and will continue to read and enjoy your post, thanks for all you have done. By the way where is fish belly?

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 12:49 am
by John
20-Jan-21 World View -- Pompeo bashes China over genocide, virus, Taiwan on last days of Trump administration

China calls Pompeo 'Mr Liar' displaying 'final hysteria'

** 20-Jan-21 World View -- Pompeo bashes China over genocide, virus, Taiwan on last days of Trump administration
** ... tm#e210120

Pompeo bashes China over genocide, virus, Taiwan on last days of Trump administration
Pompeo calls for investigation of China's Wuhan virology laboratory
Pompeo lifts restrictions on American officials in Taiwan
China calls Pompeo 'Mr Liar' displaying 'final hysteria'
Pressure on the Biden administration

Generational Dynamics, China, Mike Pompeo, State Department,
East Turkistan, Xinjiang, Uighurs,
Covid-19, Wuhan Virology Lab, Li-Meng Yan, Taiwan,
Eric Swalwell, Dianne Feinstein, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 4:10 am
by Guest
China Joe Biden has already sold out the Taiwanese and the South Koreans. It's a done deal and Biden's family is already spending the loot.

You voted for this.

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 7:43 am
by Guest
Billionaire and gangster-vampire squid hedge fund manager Paul Singer pulled out of Hong Kong today. If he thinks it is no longer possible to make much money there, then it's over. A mass exodus of Western firms is no expected to bail on conquered and enslaved Hong Kong.

The dominoes are starting to fall...

Okay, everyone asks this, but, does anyone have any guesses to when China attacks Taiwan and South Korea (via there pitbull North Korea)?

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 8:42 am
by Guest
Welcome to the Third World country known as America.

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 8:45 am
by Guest
Welcome to the Third World country known as America.

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 1:34 pm
by DaKardii
So... now what?