6-Jul-18 World View -- Sec of State Pompeo visits North Korea amid reports that sanctions will be softened

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Re: 6-Jul-18 World View -- Sec of State Pompeo visits North Korea amid reports that sanctions will be softened

Post by John »

Looks like the wheels are coming off the charm offensive train. No
NBC News wrote: > Jul 07, 2018

> Sec. Pompeo said he had 'productive conversations' in North
> Korea. But leaders there said the talks were 'regrettable.'

> Secretary of State Mike Pompeo departed Pyongyang, North Korea,
> Saturday after engaging in tense negotiations over the dismantling
> of the country’s nuclear weapons program. He met with Vice
> Chairman Kim Yong Chol, but did not meet with North Korean leader
> Kim Jong Un.

> “We had many hours of productive conversations,” Pompeo told
> reporters shortly before departing for Tokyo. “These are
> complicated issues but we made progress on almost all of the
> central issues. Some places a great deal of progress, other places
> there’s still more work to be done.”

> But in a statement issued after Pompeo had landed in Japan, North
> Korea said the talks were “regrettable” and accused Washington of
> trying to unilaterally pressure the country into abandoning its
> nukes.
Which of the following will occur next?
  • Trump will order resumption of the canceled military drills.
  • Trump will offer a new concession.

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Re: 6-Jul-18 World View -- Sec of State Pompeo visits North Korea amid reports that sanctions will be softened

Post by John »

This is a major turning point in the North Korea "negotiations."

Recall that Trump canceled the summit negotiations six weeks ago:

** 25-May-18 World View -- North Korea suffers diplomatic defeat as Trump cancels summit
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e180525

One of the things that triggered Trump's cancelation was continued
criticism of and contempt for Trump in the NK media. Since the
cancelation, the NK media have been consistently "nice" to Trump and
the US.

So today's criticism is extremely significant because it's the first
hostile comment in the NK media since the cancellation. In a sense it
represents NK's first real counter-response to Trump's cancellation.

One thing that's strange about NK's statement today is that it came a
few hours after Pompeo had said the meetings had gone well, and there
was no need to make this statement today. I've said in the past that
if Kim tried to really denuclearize, then he'd be shot and killed by
his own generals. The denuclearization negotiations must have, at the
very least, caused bitter disagreements in NK's leadership, much like
what's happening in London with Brexit or in Berlin over migration.

So today's statement, when it wasn't even necessary, is a sign that
the faction opposing the negotiations has just gained the upper hand.
This is probably the real significance of today's statement, and it
means an end to current track of negotiations.

The South Korean's must have seen this coming, because they've been
urging the US to soften its demands on NK. This would have mean
making concessions without any denuclearization steps by NK, so it had
to be rejected, but this is the result.

There's one more thing that has to be remember: This is still a
generational Crisis era, where nationalism and xenophobia are at the
highest points. So it wouldn't take much to reach a tipping point for
the North Koreans to abandon the negotiations.

(People always point to the East-West Germany reunification talks in
1991 as examples that could be followed. But that example is
completely irrelevant, since those talks occurred during a
generational Unraveling era, where nationalism and xenophobia are at
the lowest points.)

The other thing that's going on, as I pointed out in my 7/6 World View
article is that the Chinese are furious about the tariffs. The
Chinese are liars and cheaters and criminals, but like the Nazis, they
consider themselves to be the Master Race who have the right to lie
and cheat and extort to get whatever they want, because they have such
total contempt for the West. The statement that NK issued today may
have been encouraged by the Chinese, because of their fury over the

I also pointed out that there's an analogy with the sanctions imposed
on Japan on July 24, 1941, which infuriated the Japanese and motivated
the Pearl Harbor attack on December 7. I can't prove this, of course,
but with nationalism and xenophobia at their peaks, I have the feeling
that a similar dynamic is going on with China and North Korea towards
America and the West.

As for what happens next, I can think of only one thing that Trump can
do to kick the can down the road a bit further, and that's to announce
that Pompeo is being replaced as NK negotiator by someone else.
However, I don't see how that could gain more than few days, since
we're demanding that NK meet its commitments to denuclearization, and
NK leadership is now apparently being controlled by an
anti-denuclearization faction.

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Re: 6-Jul-18 World View -- Sec of State Pompeo visits North Korea amid reports that sanctions will be softened

Post by John »

One more thing: Pompeo did not meet as expected with Kim Jong-un,
indicating that he was snubbed, indicating that despite the upbeat
statement that Pompeo made at the airport, the talks must have crashed
and burned.

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Re: 6-Jul-18 World View -- Sec of State Pompeo visits North Korea amid reports that sanctions will be softened

Post by CH86 »

Guest wrote:From a purely military and strategic point of view, the USA is extremely vulnerable. It doesn't matter how much money Trump flushes down the toilet to the mega corp war machine, what is missing is a unified nation, under God (let's call it the Highest Good that each person seeks in all good faith on a daily basis). This nation is badly divided, and considerably weakened by the third world invasion. The blacks, la raza, antifa, the luciferians, the asians, they won't show up to fight, nor will the fairies and all their homosexual behaviorist sympathizers. And neither will the feminists and social justice warriors, and nor will the rank and file of the demonrat party. And neither will the hollyscum freaks, and all their sycophantic off shoots.

Did I miss anybody?

This nation has no soul. It is a place inhabited by narcissists, nihilists, the decadent and self indulgent, the immoral, and blasphemous, lovers of self and disloyal to everything and everyone except their carnal appetite.

The nation is overrun by the psychologically insane (definitely from a foreign power's point of view, whose mouths are drooling at the prospect of taking the nation for their own), and a government that promotes the insanity.

The only ppl left that might fight will be the handful of hired mercenaries already on the payroll, but they are only a few in number compared to the 2 billion Chinese. What's left of who else might fight are ppl who hate the government because it is a satanic institution riddled with jews who control it and wish for its total annihilation.

You can't save a country like this from an external attack.

And the US has no allies. Push come to shove, all those 'allies' will just step away and watch the destruction of the USA from afar. The jew can find another 'New York' to infest, or, like they did in Poland, made nice with Hitler once they saw Hitler was the man of the hour - the jew will do the same with the Chinese.

In a country where its own declaration of independence is determined to be 'hate speech' by an American corporation, where the nation is so weak as to not obliterate this corporation (fakebook), you tell me, exactly where is the core strength of the nation to defend itself?

I don't see it.

Don't be surprised to wake up one day to nukes and other sorts of bombs and missiles. Hated by all, totally divided within, controlled by lucifer, the USA is ripe for the picking - low lying fruit.
Except that the aggressive Chinese objectives have no interest in the USA territories or any other part of North America. The Objectives China and NK want to conquer after they can declare "we've won" are Taipei and Seoul, not Washington, London or Sydney. You Evangelicals base your findings on looking at the weakness during the carter era (late 1970s) and postulating a continued decline from there. However this is posting from a fantasy world, in the real world planet earth, the US won the Cold war in 1991 and had been visibly winning the cold war since 1984, after which it enjoyed an unparrelleled hegemony. Even in the late 1980s you couldn't admit that the US was winning the Cold war and the Soviet Union was visibly on the wane. Since 2008 there has been recession, but the US is still much stronger relative to its rivals than it was in the late 1970s, and the Soviets and Chinese did not have such plans back then, when we were much weaker than we were today. The Russian and Chinese plans that do exist are partially known and target Eastern Europe and Taiwan and its littoral for conquest. Also Neither the Russian Army, the PLA or KPA are configured in a way that would permit troops to be deployed to conquer far distant objectives, how come their armies consist of traditional ground and air armies.

When 9/11 occured evangelicals rather than admitting that they were caught with their pants down they instead postulated that only a multinational anti-american conspiracy involving the entire middle east implied to have originated in either Moscow or Beijing (or both) were responsible for the attack. The far simpler explanation "occams razor" that Al-Qaeda caught us with our pants down was rejected by you and your wise evangelicals. However the 9/11 commission report and the interrogations of captured Al-Qaeda leaders and documents found on killed leaders all showed that Al-Qaeda acted alone in attacking on 9/11.

Another reason that while its rational and prudent to prepare for things like "world war with China over Taiwan" or "world war with Russia over eastern Europe", it is completely irrational to prepare for "Russian/Chinese invasion of CONUS to execute the final culmination of a multi-generational 60+ year running anti-american plan". This is because its rational to prepare for existing and present threats, its irrational to prepare for things that don't exist. There is no long-range Anti-American plan, the simple reason we know this, is because had such a plan existed it would have required a vast machinery to carry it out, even with secrecy, thousands of people, possibly millions would have had to have some knowledge of the plan. Yet somehow not a single one of them spills the beans, not a single one of them has cold feet. An untold number of defectors have come here from adversarial regimes over the decades, and not a single one of them mentions a long-range conspiracy (some of them from the inner circles of the leadership of various hostile regimes). We've defeated several regimes or organizations in their entirety over the years, yet none of their survivors mentions such a conspiracy. There is no long range deception because too many people would have known about it for it to remain a secret, Bin Laden adopted a cell structure for 9/11 for a reason, 19 hijackers with only six or seven of them knowing the full mission and plus Bin laden himself and his inner circle, and whoever was the ground coordinator for the attacks: No more than 25 people or so knew of the full plan for 9/11, adding any more people increases the risk of someone getting cold feet and spilling the beans exponentially.

Face it, the commies lost the Cold war, We won it in 1991. The commies can go for another round (like WW2 followed WW1), but they would have to start from a position of relative weakness as a result of that aforementioned defeat in the cold war.

The Front line of WW3 if it broke out today are in eastern Europe and the Taiwan littoral, korean peninsula. Air attacks and Missile attacks on the US and Allied territories, possibly including WMD assets and nuclear missiles being used against us, are possible, but postulating an invasion front line within the USA? The possibility of that happening is exactly zero, none of our enemies have any means of projecting ground force into North America, when we talk of North Korea attacking, that means the KPA swarming the 38th parallel. The development of Nukes by NK is dangerous because they can Nuke us or threaten to do so at the same time they swarm across the 38th parallel.

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Re: 6-Jul-18 World View -- Sec of State Pompeo visits North Korea amid reports that sanctions will be softened

Post by John »

CH86 wrote: > Except that the aggressive Chinese objectives have no interest in
> the USA territories or any other part of North America. The
> Objectives China and NK want to conquer after they can declare
> "we've won" are Taipei and Seoul, not Washington, London or
> Sydney.
That's wrong on many levels. First, they also want Doklam, Senkaku,
and other regions in Central Asia and the Pacific that belong to other
people, just as the Nazis wanted chunks of Russia and Eastern Europe
-- and France and Britain and Egypt, etc.

Second, and most important, they see themselves as the Master Race
that will replace America as the major power in the world, and they
understand that they need to defeat America, Europe, Australia, Japan
and the West to achieve that goal. It's totally hallucinatory, and
all it will do is bring massive destruction and ruin to China and much
of the rest of the world, but that's their goal.

Cynic Hero 86

Re: 6-Jul-18 World View -- Sec of State Pompeo visits North Korea amid reports that sanctions will be softened

Post by Cynic Hero 86 »

John wrote:
CH86 wrote: > Except that the aggressive Chinese objectives have no interest in
> the USA territories or any other part of North America. The
> Objectives China and NK want to conquer after they can declare
> "we've won" are Taipei and Seoul, not Washington, London or
> Sydney.
That's wrong on many levels. First, they also want Doklam, Senkaku,
and other regions in Central Asia and the Pacific that belong to other
people, just as the Nazis wanted chunks of Russia and Eastern Europe
-- and France and Britain and Egypt, etc.

Second, and most important, they see themselves as the Master Race
that will replace America as the major power in the world, and they
understand that they need to defeat America, Europe, Australia, Japan
and the West to achieve that goal. It's totally hallucinatory, and
all it will do is bring massive destruction and ruin to China and much
of the rest of the world, but that's their goal.
Doklam is of no concern of the west, Senaku is part of the Taiwan littoral and would probably be attacked the same time as invasion of Taiwan. Going for central Asia brings China into war with Both Russia and India. China is literally surrounded by enemies, and is ringed with military bases even in the regions that could be seen at first glance as most vulnerable to an invasion by China. They would have to break that ring in order to reliably project long-range power. North Korea's goal has remained the same for 65 years; the invasion and conquest of South Korea.

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Re: 6-Jul-18 World View -- Sec of State Pompeo visits North Korea amid reports that sanctions will be softened

Post by John »

CH86 wrote: > Doklam is of no concern of the west
A Chinese attack on Doklam would result in a war with India that would
quickly spread to Kashmir, to Pakistan, and to the Indian Ocean.

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Re: 6-Jul-18 World View -- Sec of State Pompeo visits North Korea amid reports that sanctions will be softened

Post by CH86 »

John wrote:
CH86 wrote: > Doklam is of no concern of the west
A Chinese attack on Doklam would result in a war with India that would
quickly spread to Kashmir, to Pakistan, and to the Indian Ocean.
A tragedy Yes, but not one that would directly involve the west unless the Chinese attack the west. A Sino-Indian war by itself is much more of a concern for Russia than it its for the west. This is because Russia and India have a mutual-defense treaty with each other. India has no such treaty with any western country, the west has no obligation to help India. We would probably just officially ask both sides to respect neutral shipping in such a scenario.

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Re: 6-Jul-18 World View -- Sec of State Pompeo visits North Korea amid reports that sanctions will be softened

Post by John »

And yet, the British declared war on Nazis when they invaded Poland,
even though it didn't concern them.

Cynic Hero 86

Re: 6-Jul-18 World View -- Sec of State Pompeo visits North Korea amid reports that sanctions will be softened

Post by Cynic Hero 86 »

John wrote:And yet, the British declared war on Nazis when they invaded Poland,
even though it didn't concern them.
Britain Had guaranteed polish independence and France had a long-standing defense alliance with Poland. Britain had also recently signed a mutual-defense treaty with Poland. Germany violated these treaties by invading Poland.

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