Generational Dynamics World View News

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Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

thinker wrote:
Fri Oct 20, 2023 10:43 pm
On the thing with the boomers. The boomers have some blind spots. They have lots of experience and a lot of knowledge but they are very disconnected from a lot of things. Boomers live in a different reality than gen x, millenials and gen z. I am not putting blame on any generation as this is a total waste of time since it wont help with what is coming our way. I am just pointing out that this difference in realities is a real thing.
You are correct that silents and boomers are different, but even wiser to realize putting labels on generations is overall foolishness except to just explain the trajectory of a country. A good example is that I'm a very successful American, and have lived through Gen X and whatever they call the next generation (I don't agree with millenials), so I'm very aware of what America used to be like and have lived through what it has become. Any given man can be wise, but it will have nothing to do with materialism, especially when the probability that you have opportunity (like the boomers had) is effectively nil. That's why I always talk about the younger people having a dim future by and large, because the older people have all the money and the system was made for them and benefits them, and they are still around. America has become debased and all material, with financial repression now that the money is running out. Only elites and boomers, getting taxpayer grift/funds (until they don't which is soon), can absorb the decreasing standard of living to any real degree, since "future" doesn't exist for them (they have and have had house, family, kids).

What people need to understand is that America had a good run, forget about its conservative and constitutional principles, and became a Leviathan government behemoth. That behemoth worked on debasing the family, culture, and monetary system. It's really quite simple and obvious. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, and nothing that made America the way it used to be exists any longer, in any of the categories I just mentioned. Mostly, this is related to the post 1965 immigration where the identity of the country was changed from european christian to multicultural madness, and just became an economic zone. If you see the people who pushed for that, you'll immediately see everything.

Cool Breeze
Posts: 2960
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

jdcpapa wrote:
Sat Oct 21, 2023 8:34 am
Guest wrote:
Fri Oct 20, 2023 11:31 pm
jdcpapa wrote:
Fri Oct 20, 2023 10:57 pm
The realities are the same. It is awareness and perspective that differs within the subject realities Boomers are the children of the "greatest generation". Name the blind spots.
Boomers were young during the good times and had it easy. Gex X was able to enjoy the 80s, and the 90s, which were great. The millenials and gen z have had the crumbs and have only known war, social media, and recessions.Your experiences shape you.
Young during the good times? The first Boomers were 7 years old during the Korean war. The war resulted in a truce. They were 17 years old when John Kennedy was assassinated. Most of the country was in mourning then. When boomers were 20 years old, Martin Luther King was assassinated.

As a consequence there were riots, looting, burning of large cities, forced busing and physical altercation in the schools. During the 1960s Boomers were drafted into the military to serve in a thankless war in Vietnam. When they returned from war they were spat on and shamed by protesters. Lets not forget the assassination of Robert Kennedy in the late 60s when boomers were about 22 years old which created further uncertainty and confusion.

Then when they were 26 years old: the US withdrew from Nam in shameful humiliation, Nixon resigned, there was a recession, gasoline shortages and long lines at the pump, interest rates at 18%+. Between 26 and 30 years old, US embassy staff were held hostage in Iran, Jimmy Carter's failed attempt to rescue them resulted in additional humiliation and embarrassment for the country.

Please name the "blind spots".
This post is very amusing to me. It proves the original post and that boomers are constantly worried about things outside themselves and thus pinballed by the powers that be, that they paid no attention to, but complained about. They also gave up all tradition and sanctity, and did drugs and free love became the new thing (of course that was thrust upon them according to the plan). The point is that they had the luxury to complain about all of these things since they had no worries in life and survival at home. No?

The ultimate question and proof of this all, and the funniest, is that if the 50s-60s-70s weren't the greatest time (all in all) to live in the wealthiest country maybe of all time, when the hell was? Hysterical.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by jdcpapa »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Sat Oct 21, 2023 9:27 am
jdcpapa wrote:
Sat Oct 21, 2023 8:34 am
Guest wrote:
Fri Oct 20, 2023 11:31 pm

Boomers were young during the good times and had it easy. Gex X was able to enjoy the 80s, and the 90s, which were great. The millenials and gen z have had the crumbs and have only known war, social media, and recessions.Your experiences shape you.
Young during the good times? The first Boomers were 7 years old during the Korean war. The war resulted in a truce. They were 17 years old when John Kennedy was assassinated. Most of the country was in mourning then. When boomers were 20 years old, Martin Luther King was assassinated.

As a consequence there were riots, looting, burning of large cities, forced busing and physical altercation in the schools. During the 1960s Boomers were drafted into the military to serve in a thankless war in Vietnam. When they returned from war they were spat on and shamed by protesters. Lets not forget the assassination of Robert Kennedy in the late 60s when boomers were about 22 years old which created further uncertainty and confusion.

Then when they were 26 years old: the US withdrew from Nam in shameful humiliation, Nixon resigned, there was a recession, gasoline shortages and long lines at the pump, interest rates at 18%+. Between 26 and 30 years old, US embassy staff were held hostage in Iran, Jimmy Carter's failed attempt to rescue them resulted in additional humiliation and embarrassment for the country.

Please name the "blind spots".
This post is very amusing to me. It proves the original post and that boomers are constantly worried about things outside themselves and thus pinballed by the powers that be, that they paid no attention to, but complained about. They also gave up all tradition and sanctity, and did drugs and free love became the new thing (of course that was thrust upon them according to the plan). The point is that they had the luxury to complain about all of these things since they had no worries in life and survival at home. No?

The ultimate question and proof of this all, and the funniest, is that if the 50s-60s-70s weren't the greatest time (all in all) to live in the wealthiest country maybe of all time, when the hell was? Hysterical.
Lol! "Cool Breeze" coming my way. When I was in junior high school the blacks nicknamed me "Cool Breeze". What is your excuse? You missed the point and the target.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by guest »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Sat Oct 21, 2023 9:15 am
thinker wrote:
Fri Oct 20, 2023 10:43 pm
On the thing with the boomers. The boomers have some blind spots. They have lots of experience and a lot of knowledge but they are very disconnected from a lot of things. Boomers live in a different reality than gen x, millenials and gen z. I am not putting blame on any generation as this is a total waste of time since it wont help with what is coming our way. I am just pointing out that this difference in realities is a real thing.
You are correct that silents and boomers are different, but even wiser to realize putting labels on generations is overall foolishness except to just explain the trajectory of a country. A good example is that I'm a very successful American, and have lived through Gen X and whatever they call the next generation (I don't agree with millenials), so I'm very aware of what America used to be like and have lived through what it has become. Any given man can be wise, but it will have nothing to do with materialism, especially when the probability that you have opportunity (like the boomers had) is effectively nil. That's why I always talk about the younger people having a dim future by and large, because the older people have all the money and the system was made for them and benefits them, and they are still around. America has become debased and all material, with financial repression now that the money is running out. Only elites and boomers, getting taxpayer grift/funds (until they don't which is soon), can absorb the decreasing standard of living to any real degree, since "future" doesn't exist for them (they have and have had house, family, kids).

What people need to understand is that America had a good run, forget about its conservative and constitutional principles, and became a Leviathan government behemoth. That behemoth worked on debasing the family, culture, and monetary system. It's really quite simple and obvious. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, and nothing that made America the way it used to be exists any longer, in any of the categories I just mentioned. Mostly, this is related to the post 1965 immigration where the identity of the country was changed from european christian to multicultural madness, and just became an economic zone. If you see the people who pushed for that, you'll immediately see everything.
Yes, yes, and yes.

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Tom Mazanec
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Tom Mazanec »

AGW is more likely than thermonuclear holocaust and is almost as likely to reverse the liberalization of America as people blame their growing troubles on an angry God. When times turn rough people do nasty things…hyperinflation and depression paved the way for Hitler.
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »



Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Puerto Pollo wrote:
Wed Oct 18, 2023 9:43 am
Guest wrote:
Wed Oct 18, 2023 1:06 am
The Israeli consulate in Puerto Rico (didn't know they had one there) is under attack by a violent mob right now.

Biden can kiss the PR vote off too.
Yeah, I'm sure that on your cousin's Telegram Puerto Rico is burning right now. A revolution is sweeping the whole island because Biden supported Israel.
Meanwhile, on the real world, no one give a damn.

Some people in the real world give a damn. ... rcna121513

'I will never vote Biden': Some Muslim Americans in a key swing state feel betrayed by the president
Muslim and Arab Americans say their support was critical to Biden’s winning Michigan in 2020. Some warn they won’t back him again over his blanket support for Israel.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

“That’s the plan right now,” Farhat said. “I think there’s going to be a lot of people that remember when you won Michigan years ago by a razor-thin margin, when you won Georgia with a razor-thin margin, when you won Arizona by a razor-thin margin — do not be surprised if there are consequences for your actions.”

Others have heard from constituents who are planning to vote Republican because they feel that at least Republicans were honest with them about their carte-blanche support for Israel, while they feel duped and used by Democrats.
Or they could vote for Bobby Kennedy Jr.

The window is opening.
Al-Hanooti, who is Palestinian American, said she’s heard many people say they either won’t vote for president in 2024 or they’ll vote third party.

Peanut gallery

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Peanut gallery »

Why do people get so bent out of shape by RFK Jr? I think he comes across well in interviews. I've been vaxed 3 times for Covid, and I don't care If others refuse it. It's healthy for democracy to have someone like this guy win once and a while.

The Democrats and Republicans have both run out of gas. We wed new parties in this country.

If RFK Jr. Is on the ballot,. I'll vote for him. And herein lies the problem: both parties are conspiring to keep the opposition off the ballot. Democracy in America is dead. It's time to restore democracy...

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Bob Butler
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Out of gas?

Post by Bob Butler »

Peanut gallery wrote:
Sat Oct 21, 2023 11:26 pm
The Democrats and Republicans have both run out of gas. We wed new parties in this country.

If RFK Jr. Is on the ballot,. I'll vote for him. And herein lies the problem: both parties are conspiring to keep the opposition off the ballot. Democracy in America is dead. It's time to restore democracy...
I agree the Republicans are out of gas, or at least the MAGA faction. They seem to care more about old issues than the people. The Democrats are still trying to govern.

In a crisis some old ideas fail and are forgotten (nobility, slavery) while others are introduced (government regulation of the economy, containment). What to one seems like collapse of traditional values to another seems a new birth of freedom. All men becoming more equal could be considered good or bad depending on whether one is on the high or low side of the old inequality. Thus, a white supremacist or believer in European religions might reject the idea that all cultures should be on a more equal footing. The idea that everything is collapsing likely indicates an allegiance with a group on the high side of inequality.

It seems natural to me that each candidate is trying to suppress all the others. The whole idea is to be the one who ends up on top. Thus, it is not unusual or unique that Biden and Trump are using various hooks to suppress opposition. Of course, the 14th Amendment section 3 could reverse this.

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