Generational Dynamics World View News

Discussion of Web Log and Analysis topics from the Generational Dynamics web site.
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23-Aug-19 World View -- Syria regime wins major victory in Idilb, after attacking Turkish military convoy

Post by John »

23-Aug-19 World View -- Syria regime wins major victory in Idilb, after attacking Turkish military convoy

Russia admits its ground troops are fighting in Idlib

** 23-Aug-19 World View -- Syria regime wins major victory in Idilb, after attacking Turkish military convoy
** ... tm#e190823

Syria regime and Russia major victory in Idlib, capturing Khan Sheikhoun
Syria attacks Turkey's military convoy
Russia admits its ground troops are fighting in Idlib
Turkey and Russia on a military collision path
Syria: The crucible of a major Mideast war
Other major geopolitical issues

Generational Dynamics, Syria, Bashar al-Assad, Idlib,
Khan Sheikhoun, Al-Hobeit,
Aleppo, Ghouta, Daara, Russia, Vladimir Putin,
Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Astana process,
chlorine gas, Sarin gas, phosphorous, ammonia,
Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, HTS, Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Nusra Front,
Iran, Hezbollah, Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps, IRGC,
Shia Crescent, Iraq, Lebanon,
Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Greece, Poland, Hungary


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by zzazz »

The other shoe dropping? A recent tweet from our lunatic president:
“Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA. I will be responding to China’s Tariffs this afternoon.”


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by zzazz »

It is hard to see any circumstances where China would invade Taiwan because modern missile technology makes a blockade cheap and effective. If a conflict develops, expect all the action to be in the seas and skies with almost nothing on land. It will be like Iran, Cuba, NK, and Venezuela. China probably has a near perfect ability to shutdown all air and sea access to Taiwan right now. The US would either have to "eat it" or strike the Chinese mainland.

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 23-Aug-2019 The Other Shoe
zzazz wrote: > The other shoe dropping? A recent tweet from our lunatic
> president:
>> “Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately
>> start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your
>> companies HOME and making your products in the USA. I will be
>> responding to China’s Tariffs this afternoon.”
Lol! I was watching MS-NBC for a while, and they were in a state of
total hysteria, screaming and blaming Trump for every problem in the
world -- the Brazil forest fires, the stock market, the INF treaty,
and, or course, the US-China trade war.

It's particularly amusing that Trump is at fault for the Brazil
forest fires because he pulled out of the Paris climate treaty.

You must feel right at home with that bunch of idiots.

Still, the world is highly unstable today, deep into a generational
Crisis era, and one wrong move could start a war that spreads to a
world war. As I've said several times in the past, Trump is using the
US-China trade sanctions to derail China's headlong rush to launching
a war with Japan, Taiwan and America, but the trade sanctions could
backfire and trigger that war. I've also said that I'm not going to
criticize Trump for taking steps to prevent World War III, even though
World War III is 100% certain, and cannot be prevented no matter what
Trump does or doesn't do.

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 23-Aug-2019 China attacks Taiwan
zzazz wrote: > It is hard to see any circumstances where China would invade
> Taiwan because modern missile technology makes a blockade cheap
> and effective. If a conflict develops, expect all the action to
> be in the seas and skies with almost nothing on land. It will be
> like Iran, Cuba, NK, and Venezuela. China probably has a near
> perfect ability to shutdown all air and sea access to Taiwan right
> now. The US would either have to "eat it" or strike the Chinese
> mainland.
You're assigning too much rationality to China. It's almost
impossible to overestimate the utter stupidity of the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP), as it lurches from one incredibly
stupid policy to the next.

At any rate, if China attacks Taiwan, then America will defend
Taiwan, and that will be the Regeneracy that launches
World War III.

Asia Guest

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Asia Guest »

Why do people keep saying that Trump is losing the trade war? China is falling apart now. I'm in Asia. I can see it. Panic everywhere among the common people. They can't afford meat or to pay the rent. If China is winning, I can't imagine what it would look like if China started losing.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by CH86 »

John wrote:** 23-Aug-2019 China attacks Taiwan

At any rate, if China attacks Taiwan, then America will defend

No we won't. Taiwan is not a real treaty ally, especially if China blockades rather than lands ground forces. I know you love DC tyranny and hate the very idea of the citizens having autonomous say in what policies the US government carries out. But the fact is that Americans Hate globalist tyranny and free-trade tyranny. Trump will continue using his instincts of using the Trade war to extract concessions for AMERICAN interests and no whining of neocon and neoliberal advisors about needing to take an unequivocal pro-demonstrator stance in Hong Kong would change his mind. The president will continue to ignore Bolton and other globalists who are obsessed with altering other Nations internal systems of government. China has taken note, on a related note and their propaganda op-eds have recently attacked Hillary as a "warmonger" not trump. The Trade war thus suits both governments interests quite well. The goal on our side is decoupling, not behavior correction.

Silent and Boomer Neoliberals and Neocons are like the parents who wants the Kids to eat healthy veggies instead of Candy and Meat. We understand full well what you want us to do and what you consider a "good kid", we just don't care for those preferred options. We are eating the Candy and Meat, and nothing the "wise" mommy/daddies can say will change that. Russia, China and the Assad regime are enforcing their rights and most young people in the west and elsewhere agree with them. The UK and US governments have traditionally been holding the world in a straight-jacket for the past 150 years ( in the UK government's case). Only SJWs agree with you guys and the rest of the young (and just about all of gen-x) despises them. Globalists are trying to turn us into metrosexual fags.

BTW, Germany did nothing wrong (in the first half of the 20th century).

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 24-Aug-2019 World View: Defending Taiwan
John wrote:** 23-Aug-2019 China attacks Taiwan

At any rate, if China attacks Taiwan, then America will defend
CH86 wrote: > No we won't. Taiwan is not a real treaty ally, especially if China
> blockades rather than lands ground forces.
Yes we will. If China attacks Taiwan, then American warplanes
will be in the air and American warships will be mobilized
before you can say Jack Robinson.

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 24-Aug-2019 World View: Losing the trade war?
Asia Guest wrote: > Why do people keep saying that Trump is losing the trade war?
> China is falling apart now. I'm in Asia. I can see it. Panic
> everywhere among the common people. They can't afford meat or to
> pay the rent. If China is winning, I can't imagine what it would
> look like if China started losing.
It's very difficult getting this information from the media.
China is very opaque and lies about unfavorable economic information.
The mainstream media can't say that the trade war is succeeding,
since that would be supporting Trump.

I did write an article six weeks ago about how the trade war
is making companies doing business in China to move out, with
Vietnam gaining:

** 3-Jul-19 World View -- Vietnam to gain from collapse of US-China trade talks
** ... tm#e190703

Another way of looking at it is the per capita annual income in
different countries:

China $10K
Taiwan $25K
South Korea $30K
Japan $40K
Hong Kong $48K
USA $60K

The interesting thing about these figures is that the same Chinese
people live in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, but the per capita income
is far lower in China, reflecting the utter incompetence and stupidity
of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by mps92 »

John what do you think about Joe Biden's involvement with the Chinese govt? Through his son's law firm, he's taken billions of dollars of bribes from the Chinese government. He's been accused of being soft on China while VP. At a campaign rally he stated that China "was not an economic threat" to the United States, characterizing them as inefficient and inept.

If Joe Biden becomes president, I believe that China invades Hong Kong, then Taiwan - and the rest of the dominoes fall.

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