Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 25-Jul-2019 World View: Han chinese
Guest wrote: > Mainlanders speak Mandarin, but they are made up of all kinds of
> people like Manchus, Koreans, Mongolians, Tibetans, Hakkas,
> etc.Ethnic minorities have their own languages and
> dialects. Saying someone is 'Chinese' is like saying someone is
> 'European'. Han Chinese dominate, but even they are divided
> too. Shanghai has it's own dialect, and the Shanghaise have fought
> back against attempts by Beijing to destroy their language and
> culture.

> China will break up, but it will not be a clean North/South break
> like you envision. The 1920s was not a clean break
> either. Regionalism is stronger now that it was 25 years ago. As
> communism has weakened, regionalism has strengthened. Life was
> much better for the common Chinese in the 1980s. Now most people
> are hungry and unhappy. Even most of the Han Chinese are angry. I
> don't know if the Beijing mafia will be able to redirect the anger
> of the poor against Canto Hong Kongers. Poor Chinese are not
> stupid.
That's an interesting analysis, and obviously correct, but it does go
against the CCP's Master Race message identifying Han Chinese in the
Middle Kingdom as "yellow race, black hair, brown eyes, yellow skin,"
and the rest of the world as barbarians.

There's a new story today about clashes in Australia between Hong
Kongers and mainlanders:

** Hong Kong and mainland China students clash at rally at Australian university ... australian
(SCMP, 24-Jul-2019)

Also, protesters are getting trolled by mainlanders. Here's a
cartoon from Facebook:

  • A reaction image posted by Chinese online trolls on Facebook
    on July 22. The caption reads: “No matter how much chaos you guys
    make, China is still your dad.” The Di Ba watermark says: Di Ba
    Central Army Special Seal. ... rotesters/

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 25-Jul-2019 Disgusting Boomers
Cynic Hero '86 wrote: > Face it disgusting boomer, you don't want any kind of civilization
> to exist after the "boomer era" is over, you and other elite
> boomers like you hate humanity and want it to die along with your
> subpar generation.
What happened to you? Your rants seem even more hysterical and
dysfunctional than usual. Did something change? Did your father
finally disown you because you're a complete idiot?

Posts: 11485
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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 25-Jul-2019 War with China
David Horn wrote: > OK, fair enough. I'll accept your self characterization as
> definitive, because everyone gets to be who they wish to be.
The reason that you think that I and Generational Dynamics are
"conservative" is because Neil Howe and David Kaiser are far left

During the 2008 presidential campaign, Barack Obama took some policy
decisions that I've described many times as completely delusional.

He was going to heal the world as soon as he took office. He would be
guided by facts, not like President Bush, who was guided by ideology
and ignored facts. He would cure global warming, close Guantánamo,
become friendly with Iran and North Korea, bring a two-state solution
to Palestinians and Israelis, beat the Taliban and al-Qaeda in
Afghanistan, reflate the real estate and stock market bubbles and, of
course, provide universal health care.

In June 2008, he said, "I am absolutely certain that generations from
now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was
the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to
the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to
slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a
war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best
hope on Earth."

Possibly my greatest single shock about the campaign occurred after
Obama won the election. Instead of moving to the center and
repudiating some of the looniest promises, he repeated them, and added
that the world was going to change on January 21, 2009. I believe the
exact words that went through my mind were, "Omigod!! He actually
believes his campaign rhetoric!!" After 8 years of an Obama
presidency, it's clear that I was right to call him completely

However, Howe and Kaiser extended the delusions one step further.
Kaiser completely adopted Obama's delusions, but extended the delusion
to the view that Obama's delusional policies would bring about major
social changes, and this would be the Fourth Turning crisis that their
1990s book predicted. That's about as delusional as you can get, but
it's what they believed.

This led to what is essentially an amendment to the 1990s TFT theory.
In the 1990s theory, the three previous crisis eras featured full-scale
wars -- the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and World War II -- and
so there would be a new war in the 2005-2025 time frame that America
might not survive.

That view was OK during the Clinton administration, but during the
Bush administration it was no longer politically correct for TFT
theory to predict a war, since that would support the
neo-conservatives and other Republicans. Theory had to change, in
order to bend to politics and ideology. So TFT theory was amended to
say there wouldn't have to be a war, and during the Obama
administration this was further amended to say that Obama's delusions
would be the Fourth Turning crisis. Since Howe and Kaiser despised me
and GD anyway, this provided a convenient way to distinguish TFT from

So the reason that you and other TFT acolytes believe that I'm
conservative is because GD predicts that there will be a war with
China with 100% certainty. This however is not the "conservative"
position. The conservative position is that war with China will be
avoided through military strength.

So from the point of view of Generational Dynamics, both sides (the
TFT/Democratic/Liberal side vs the Republican/neo-conservaitve side)
are completely delusional, since both sides hold the delusion that
a world war with China can be avoided.
David Horn wrote: > Cutting defense would be wise on two fronts, one in your
> wheelhouse. Starting there, no nation state can be effective if
> it's unable to self finance, and we're already at the point that
> self finance of the massive debt we have makes that
> questionable. Let's not add to the problem. Second, there is no
> justification for the spending, based solely on results. Are we
> getting anything close to the value of the money spent? I doubt
> it. That's unquestionable in the contracting realm, where it's
> easy to just OK every cost overrun or missed commitment. The
> defense budget is simply larded to the point it's defeating its
> own purpose. That' needs to be addressed, and no time is better
> than the present.
Spending on the military would be justified if it allowed us
to defend against the the certain preemptive attack by China.
David Horn wrote: > As far as spending on social programs, they have one redeeming
> virtue that defense spending lacks: the money is put back into the
> economy quickly and efficiently. The poor spend their money. The
> rich, and by extension large corporations, tend to horde their
> wealth. Worse, the products they create and the services they
> perform are isolated from the economy, and only benefit the
> providers. No one, to my knowledge, is in the market for an F-35
> or a guided missile cruiser.
No, that's completely wrong. The money creates a generation of
victims who think that everything should be free, and who are
incapable of functioning in society.
David Horn wrote: > And finally, your guilting me and others on making the nation less
> safe is a joke. China has no interest in starting a war with
> us. They want to dominate the Pacific Rim and what remains of the
> Third World. This they are doing thorough their Belt and Road
> initiative, not by threatening war. If there is any potential risk
> of war, its miscalculation by the world's chest beaters, and our
> defense budget has zero impact on that. More to the point, our
> ability to respond is not enhanced by more spending
> either.
I wrote a whole book on this subject, based on thousand of hours of
research. China has no interest in a war with the US, and yet they've
been preparing for it by developing one weapon system after another
with no purpose except to destroy American cities, aircraft carries
and bases. They don't want a war with the US, but they do want a war
of revenge with Japan, and a war of annexation with Taiwan, and they
know that the US will defend Japan and Taiwan.

Also, the chaos in Hong Kong could easily spread to a war between
China and Britain, which we'll be drawn into.

I would add that the Chinese Communist Party is pursuing some of the
stupidest policies of any nation in the history of the world, even
stupider than Nazi Germany's or Imperial Japan's, and so they're going
to start a war whether they want to or not.

So there is definitely a war with China in sight. If you'd like to
learn what's actually going on in the world, you should definitely
read my book, "World View: War Between China and Japan: Why America
Must Be Prepared" (Generational Theory Book Series, Book 2) Paperback:
331 pages, with over 200 source references, $13.99


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

I agree with every point you made, John. Bravo.

Posts: 1313
Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:07 pm

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

John wrote:** 25-Jul-2019 Disgusting Boomers
Cynic Hero '86 wrote: > Face it disgusting boomer, you don't want any kind of civilization
> to exist after the "boomer era" is over, you and other elite
> boomers like you hate humanity and want it to die along with your
> subpar generation.
What happened to you? Your rants seem even more hysterical and
dysfunctional than usual. Did something change? Did your father
finally disown you because you're a complete idiot?
I'm even more firmly convinced that CH (all of them) is a not-overly-lovely little "guy" in the body of a not-overly-lovely "gal" who has SERIOUSLY hefty "Daddy Issues" ("Daddy won't accept my love so I'll DESTROY him!"), whose projected overly generalized "emotional issues" fall onto all those who seem similar to "Dad".

..but then,.. I could be wrong.

..'cept I'm probably not.

In any case, it IS obvious that there ARE some pretty serious "daddy issues" involved, though.

..quite the conundrum for CH. Best luck in working things out, buddy!

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by CH86 »

Globalist boomers talk about war between China and Japan being America's business. No that is China and Japan's fault line not the US'. The only reason the defense of Japan is currently a US responsibility is a fetishistic obsession with "pacifist disarmed Japanese" on the part of America's leadership Class. If future Chinese aggression forces re-militarization of Japan, that would not be a defeat for the US as Japan would then be an independent great power beyond any Chinese control. We can live with a re-militarized Nuclear armed Japan, and such would be a stabilizing factor in world politics, Pearl Harbor was 78 years ago, In the present day there is no reason why Japan should be kept demilitarized.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Obviously, if there is a Civil War coming to America, it will be...

The Idiot-Morons vs. the Thinker-Sages.

Which side are you on? Who will win?

A different Guest

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by A different Guest »

Guest wrote:Obviously, if there is a Civil War coming to America, it will be...

The Idiot-Morons vs. the Thinker-Sages.

Which side are you on? Who will win?
Easy: the idiot-morons from south of the border.

America won't exist in ten years. In 20 years it will be a collection of impoverished Latino enclaves riddled with disease, drug addled, overflowing with rampant sexual abuse, and wracked by violent crime. It will be called Mexifornia. Electricity will be a rarity for most. The narcos will be elected to high office. The police will be gang members covered in tats.

And everyone, even the blacks and Latinos will say, " This was once a beautiful country called America. Now it's a shit hole."

Who's fault will that be? Hint: look in the mirror.

I won't be here. I'll be living overseas in one of the world's last remaining pockets of civilization. I won't tell you where; you would follow and bring your problems with you.

I won't wish you luck.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

I think American is over too. But I have a family, and I want us to escape and survive. I'm white.

I think it is too late to pretend that everything will be peachy. I see what goes on in my office with the 'woke' business culture. I know people that have already left the US, but they did it over a decade ago. It's not so easy anymore. I wish I had left with them.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by shoshin »

John, where did "david Horn" post his comments, I can't find them? Since I agree with him, I'd like to read the whole posting.

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