Religion / End Times

Topics related to theology.
Cool Breeze
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Re: Religion / End Times

Post by Cool Breeze »

JDav wrote:
Wed Aug 09, 2023 9:47 pm
I have a couple of questions. As a Catholic I admit that I don't understand some of your beliefs.

1) If God sent His only Son, Jesus, and He was rejected, why would he bother sending more prophets? If people didn't believe the Son of God, why would they then believe a prophet that was sent 1800 years later. Jesus came "in the fullness of time" according to the Bible, which means exactly when God desired it. See also the parable about the owner of the vineyard, who first sent his servants (prophets) who were roughed up, then his son (Jesus) who was killed. He didn't send anyone else after that.

2) The Catholic Church, though not recognized by that name for several centuries, has been in existence for 2000 years. In fact, today's Mass largely resembles the liturgy practiced by the Apostles from the earliest days (see the writings of Justin Martyr, who died around the year 167 AD). Admittedly, the Church is in need of restoration (though it's a Divine institution it's still run on earth by mortal men), but not Restoration. There is an unbroken chain of authority passed on from Jesus to Peter to Linus to Cletus, Clement, Sixtus, Cornelius, etc. If you read the Epistles, all the Christian enclaves recognized Peter as the head of the Church, having been granted that authority by Jesus Himself. Even Paul recognized it.

I've encountered many Protestants over the years who seem to imply that Christianity disappeared for centuries until their particular person (Joseph Smith, Luther, et al.) restored it. Or that the Catholic Church was good until it got corrupted, especially during the time of Luther. But even those arguments can't overcome the fact that the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, or the Sacraments, have been in existence and practiced by Christians since the time Jesus instituted them.

You seem to say that the Church died when the Apostles did, but I find that hard to believe, especially given the rich history and writings of its greatest saints. Not trying to start an argument - just truly curious about how you arrive at your beliefs.
1) is the point. They don't know who Jesus Christ is, and this shows it to the greatest degree. He is the fulfillment of the law, psalms, and prophets. Exactly. Once Jesus of Nazareth lived, died, and rose from the dead, history was over. We have all that we need, but we do have to do our part - to live in synergy and repentance with God, because our lives still exist in time and space, until the final judgment.

JDav may be a holier man than I, this I do not know, but I'm guessing he is. However, the only unchanged church is the one that looks like the people still practicing in the original areas, and hasn't changed its doctrine or practice (or the creed, or the altar, or holy communion, etc). These are what is called the eastern orthodox churches. Now even they are under attack. Catholicism falling was always a western tragedy, but its schism brought forth western materialism, atheism, and also, ironically protestantism (which is similar to islam in its "read this manual that fell from the sky").


Re: Religion / End Times

Post by Guest »

JDav wrote:
Wed Aug 09, 2023 9:47 pm
I have a couple of questions. As a Catholic I admit that I don't understand some of your beliefs.

1) If God sent His only Son, Jesus, and He was rejected, why would he bother sending more prophets? If people didn't believe the Son of God, why would they then believe a prophet that was sent 1800 years later. Jesus came "in the fullness of time" according to the Bible, which means exactly when God desired it. See also the parable about the owner of the vineyard, who first sent his servants (prophets) who were roughed up, then his son (Jesus) who was killed. He didn't send anyone else after that.

2) The Catholic Church, though not recognized by that name for several centuries, has been in existence for 2000 years. In fact, today's Mass largely resembles the liturgy practiced by the Apostles from the earliest days (see the writings of Justin Martyr, who died around the year 167 AD). Admittedly, the Church is in need of restoration (though it's a Divine institution it's still run on earth by mortal men), but not Restoration. There is an unbroken chain of authority passed on from Jesus to Peter to Linus to Cletus, Clement, Sixtus, Cornelius, etc. If you read the Epistles, all the Christian enclaves recognized Peter as the head of the Church, having been granted that authority by Jesus Himself. Even Paul recognized it.

I've encountered many Protestants over the years who seem to imply that Christianity disappeared for centuries until their particular person (Joseph Smith, Luther, et al.) restored it. Or that the Catholic Church was good until it got corrupted, especially during the time of Luther. But even those arguments can't overcome the fact that the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, or the Sacraments, have been in existence and practiced by Christians since the time Jesus instituted them.

You seem to say that the Church died when the Apostles did, but I find that hard to believe, especially given the rich history and writings of its greatest saints. Not trying to start an argument - just truly curious about how you arrive at your beliefs.
As an Anglican, I can tell you that you are trapped in the Vatican tunnel. God does not have mortal gate keepers (Catholic priests). Man need only pray to be heard by God. No bishops or Pope necessary.

The end.


Re: Religion / End Times

Post by Guest »

The Catholic Church, though not recognized by that name for several centuries, has been in existence for 2000 years. In fact, today's Mass largely resembles the liturgy practiced by the Apostles from the earliest days
Except that the current Pope aggressively protects homosexual pedophiles and says that even atheists who publicly and openly reject God can still enter Heaven...

Cool Breeze
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Re: Religion / End Times

Post by Cool Breeze »

Francis is cray cray and the Anglicans are to a large degree rainbow flag flyers

sad stuff

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Re: Religion / End Times

Post by JDav »

Guest wrote:
Fri Aug 11, 2023 12:29 am
The Catholic Church, though not recognized by that name for several centuries, has been in existence for 2000 years. In fact, today's Mass largely resembles the liturgy practiced by the Apostles from the earliest days
Except that the current Pope aggressively protects homosexual pedophiles and says that even atheists who publicly and openly reject God can still enter Heaven...
The current pope will suffer spiritual punishment for all his sins, just as you and I will. However, for all his lovey-dovey talk about homosexuals and atheists, when backed into a corner he has always defended church doctrine about homosexuality, abortion, heaven, etc. Church doctrine and teaching on those things has never changed.

BUT, what does that have to do with my statement about the Mass?

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Re: Religion / End Times

Post by JDav »

Guest wrote:
Fri Aug 11, 2023 12:26 am

As an Anglican, I can tell you that you are trapped in the Vatican tunnel. God does not have mortal gate keepers (Catholic priests). Man need only pray to be heard by God. No bishops or Pope necessary.

The end.
Do not the Anglicans have priests? Do you need those, even if you don't need Catholic ones? If not, why do you have them?

Here is an example of what I was talking about. The founder of the Anglican Church - King Henry VIII - wanted to sin against his Catholic faith but the Church wouldn't condone it, so he decided to start his own church. That doesn't negate the sin, just makes the sinner feel better about himself. In fact, that's why most people leave the Church. But I digress - the Anglicans, Lutherans, etc., proceeded to deny the previous 1500 year history of Christian doctrine and teaching.

You appear to be saying that Jesus, along with Peter, Paul, James & John, et al throughout the centuries, got Christianity wrong, and it was only set straight by a lustful and adulterous man in the 1500s. Ever read about Martin Luther's (formerly a Catholic priest) last years? He literally went insane. I don't know, but maybe that could have been punishment for causing probably the greatest schism in the Church?

I'm pretty sure that Jesus intended His Church to be united as one body (His body), not 40,000 different denominations with 40,000 different sets of beliefs as Christianity is today. The question we all need to be asking is - which denomination has the fullness of the faith that Jesus bequeathed us? It doesn't make sense that all 40,000 are correct; nor that just two are. There must be only one. Which one? And what method of reasoning have you used to determine that? I, like many, left the Church as a teenager because I didn't like the rules. I "felt" my way out. Like many, in later years, I "reasoned" my way back. The Catholic faith is not built on faith alone, but faith AND reason. It's not just me saying that - feel free to check out what St. Augustine or St. Thomas Aquinas, two of the intellectual giants of the Church, say about faith and reason. Incidentally, Augustine was a pagan who, through reason and study, became a great saint.

So, why are you an Anglican? Is it because you truly believe to the depths of your being that it is the one true church on earth created by Jesus Christ? Or is it because it aligns with your personal political, social, and moral beliefs? Is it easy being Anglican? Being Catholic is hard, not because of any "rules", but because doing the things that it takes to get to heaven go against our sinful human natures, yet with Jesus' example He showed us the way through this narrowest of gates.


Re: Religion / End Times

Post by Guest »

Protestants know they can walk away from their churches and priests if they go insane, just as I did with the Anglican church. As have a lot of people.

Long story short.

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Bob Butler
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Re: Religion / End Times

Post by Bob Butler »

Cultures and morality evolve faster than religions. If God is perfect, how can he change? If God approved an old doctrine, how can he keep up with humanity? In my youth I had an argument with God, even if he chose not to participate. In the end I came to describe myself as a devout agnostic. Does one cleave to old and once honorable thought, or adopt to what man has found best? Lots of earnest and devoted people and organizations have positioned themselves at either extreme, and all points between.


Re: Religion / End Times

Post by GUEST »

JDav wrote:
Fri Aug 11, 2023 4:14 pm
Guest wrote:
Fri Aug 11, 2023 12:26 am

As an Anglican, I can tell you that you are trapped in the Vatican tunnel. God does not have mortal gate keepers (Catholic priests). Man need only pray to be heard by God. No bishops or Pope necessary.

The end.
So, why are you an Anglican? Is it because you truly believe to the depths of your being that it is the one true church on earth created by Jesus Christ? Or is it because it aligns with your personal political, social, and moral beliefs? Is it easy being Anglican? Being Catholic is hard, not because of any "rules", but because doing the things that it takes to get to heaven go against our sinful human natures, yet with Jesus' example He showed us the way through this narrowest of gates.
I think I just threw up in my mouth.

The RC church's own pope refuses to follow the rules; is it because he has reasoned his way out of it? The Catholic church is littered with evil popes. Francis is not the first pope to go off the reservation. :roll: The Catholic church has too many holes in it now for anyone inside it to judge others and declare their church unfit. (Insert vomiting smiley face here)

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Re: Religion / End Times

Post by JDav »

Guest wrote:
Sat Aug 12, 2023 1:35 am
Protestants know they can walk away from their churches and priests if they go insane, just as I did with the Anglican church. As have a lot of people.

Long story short.
Walk away from their churches and priests, but toward what? Is your faith in the doctrines of your church, or in the men who lead your church? Because man is sinful by nature, thanks to Adam, the two are often not the same. Is your faith that weak and fungible? Or do you have faith at all?

I don't understand why Francis says what he does, but I'm only obligated to agree with and obey him when he's acting as the head of the teaching Magisterium of the Church. That is where my faith lies. He has never spoken with his Magisterial authority against any Church doctrine, though I am terribly dismayed by the confusion he causes by his public statements. I personally believe that he does it because of his (natural) tendency as a man to be liked and admired by other men.

Do not place your trust in princes, for they can not save.

I'm not trying to pick a fight here. The times ahead will be trying, and the best way to survive them will be to hone your faith. Now is the time to figure out what you believe, and why. Know it, love it, live it.

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