Criticism of Generational Dynamics

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Bob Butler
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Re: Criticism of Generational Dynamics

Post by Bob Butler »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Tue Feb 02, 2021 2:28 pm
When the reasons are unfounded entirely, or just come out of the blue in some desired utopian mindset that lacks all reality and application in the real world, it's impossible to have dialogue.

You just suck us in for more trolling. That's why we just give up and stop rewarding you with attention.
Maybe you could invalidate Polyticks because some people can't defend their worldviews? ;)

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Re: Criticism of Generational Dynamics

Post by Bob Butler »

John wrote:
Wed Feb 03, 2021 9:02 pm
Now I realize that I've been too kind. Snowflakes are so stupid that they don't know anything at all. No matter what an unbelievable idiot AOC is, and proves it every time she opens her mouth, I now realize that she is brilliant compared to the rest of the snowflakes that are running the country in the Biden administration.
When one can’t comprehend what other people are saying, one call them names. It is not Intelligence which is the difference. This bunch is as bright on average as one would expect. It is a difference in worldview which causes the rejection, the lack of comprehension, the scrambling of an otherwise perfectly fine brain. It is not for example AOC’s fault that she is not being understood, it is the listener’s fault that he is not bothering to take the effort to understand.

It’s a broad problem. Many here reject anything that is incompatible with their perspective, and will start throwing names around before trying to understand. It is not stupidity. It is a rejection of anything that contradicts one’s way of looking at things, an inability to learn and grow.

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Re: Criticism of Generational Dynamics

Post by Bob Butler »

You know? I can almost sympathize with John trying to keep the General Dynamics Thread clean of flame. If people can't defend their worldview by fact and logic, they start hurling insults. Lots of people here can't defend their worldview. Result?

Perhaps John should make the General Dynamics News thread a moderator only thread? Censor everybody! Why limit it only to people that disagree with him? Make another thread open for comments? It may be the only way to keep flame posts out of the thread?

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Re: Criticism of Generational Dynamics

Post by John »

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Re: Criticism of Generational Dynamics

Post by spottybrowncow »

Bob Butler wrote:
Tue Feb 09, 2021 9:31 pm
You know? I can almost sympathize with John trying to keep the General Dynamics Thread clean of flame. If people can't defend their worldview by fact and logic, they start hurling insults. Lots of people here can't defend their worldview. Result?

Perhaps John should make the General Dynamics News thread a moderator only thread? Censor everybody! Why limit it only to people that disagree with him? Make another thread open for comments? It may be the only way to keep flame posts out of the thread?
It looks like everyone but you on this forum is here because they see value in Generational Dynamics, and are using it to help interpret world events, as well as predict what's coming. No one thinks it's the gospel, we're too sophisticated for that. It's just another useful tool. You are the only one who is relentlessly attacking it.

Why do you stay here? We're all so damn stupid! Wouldn't you rather hang out with the elite intellectuals who think like you do?

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Re: Criticism of Generational Dynamics

Post by Bob Butler »

spottybrowncow wrote:
Wed Feb 10, 2021 7:41 pm
Bob Butler wrote:
Tue Feb 09, 2021 9:31 pm
You know? I can almost sympathize with John trying to keep the General Dynamics Thread clean of flame. If people can't defend their worldview by fact and logic, they start hurling insults. Lots of people here can't defend their worldview. Result?

Perhaps John should make the General Dynamics News thread a moderator only thread? Censor everybody! Why limit it only to people that disagree with him? Make another thread open for comments? It may be the only way to keep flame posts out of the thread?
It looks like everyone but you on this forum is here because they see value in Generational Dynamics, and are using it to help interpret world events, as well as predict what's coming. No one thinks it's the gospel, we're too sophisticated for that. It's just another useful tool. You are the only one who is relentlessly attacking it.

Why do you stay here? We're all so damn stupid! Wouldn't you rather hang out with the elite intellectuals who think like you do?
I too see some virtue in Generational Dynamics. Some parts of the world are still dominated by a tribal thinking and Industrial Age perspective. Some people are too much into modern thinking to understand these parts of the world. Some of the research is great.

Unfortunately John does not comprehend WEIRD and Information Age thought and has extremely biased attitudes towards blues. You cannot trust his understanding of motivations.

I am also a veteran of mixed sites, dedicated more to turning theory rather than red, blue, or other perspectives. I am accustomed to discussions with folk with a wide variety of opinions. It is not unusual to bump heads with a Marxist, viewing everything through the prism of capitol. At one time I exchanged post with a fundamentalist, one who assumed every word of the Bible was true, and based his perspective on cherry picking from Agricultural Age thought. With the recent interruption of the MyBB turning site, the Facebook sites being too free of red believers, and COVID giving me too much time on my hands, this site would hopefully provide an honest difference of opinion.

You guys really should not keep yourself so isolated from ideas. You have created a nice safe place to bounce your ideas around, but have not learned to defend them. Censorship and insults will not cut it in the wider world. A belief that wars and collapse are happening in the middle of a regeneracy is not the only possible perspective. What is collapsing is the conservative world view. Still, most folks here are more into Industrial Age crisis war trends while most reds need to free the party from racist and elite biases that are not dominant factors here.

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Re: Criticism of Generational Dynamics

Post by spottybrowncow »

Bob Butler wrote:
Thu Feb 11, 2021 5:55 am
A belief that wars and collapse are happening in the middle of a regeneracy is not the only possible perspective. What is collapsing is the conservative world view. Still, most folks here are more into Industrial Age crisis war trends while most reds need to free the party from racist and elite biases that are not dominant factors here.
Your belief that a huge portion of the world is "liberated from tribal thinking" is erroneous. The people with whom you interact who appear to be "liberated from tribal thinking" comprise a minute fraction of the world's population. Generational Dynamics posits that large scale events are caused by masses of people believing certain things. What a relatively small group of people think does not really have much impact in the great scheme of things, even if the small group is educated and wealthy. It is impossible to test these theories, or argue to a firm conclusion. Only time will tell. Best prepare yourself.

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Re: Criticism of Generational Dynamics

Post by Bob Butler »

spottybrowncow wrote:
Thu Feb 11, 2021 7:34 am
Bob Butler wrote:
Thu Feb 11, 2021 5:55 am
A belief that wars and collapse are happening in the middle of a regeneracy is not the only possible perspective. What is collapsing is the conservative world view. Still, most folks here are more into Industrial Age crisis war trends while most reds need to free the party from racist and elite biases that are not dominant factors here.
Your belief that a huge portion of the world is "liberated from tribal thinking" is erroneous. The people with whom you interact who appear to be "liberated from tribal thinking" comprise a minute fraction of the world's population. Generational Dynamics posits that large scale events are caused by masses of people believing certain things. What a relatively small group of people think does not really have much impact in the great scheme of things, even if the small group is educated and wealthy. It is impossible to test these theories, or argue to a firm conclusion. Only time will tell. Best prepare yourself.
I am not sure if you can be ‘liberated from tribal thinking’. You are either a reader are you are not. Your mind is either structured towards people and cultures or abstract ideas. You either see a culture as being oriented towards a particular set of people hostile to the other such groups, or you buy into the concept of all men being created equal under law. Switching would be hard. Understanding that there are other ways of perceiving things ought to be less hard. Assuming that everyone thinks like you should be questionable.

I have noted that there have been no major power crisis wars. Nukes, proxy wars and insurgent wars have changed the nature of warfare in the Information Age. The role of leaders and elites is considered weak in Generational Dynamics. Thus, you can come up with erroneous thoughts which do not consider how power is sought. Thus, many assume there is no change in the pattern of how civilizations behave with a switch in ages. This is very debatable.

It is possible to test these theories. We are pretty close to wading through a crisis configuration of generations without a crisis war being triggered. With COVID, we have a general poverty of cultures great and small, not an optimal time for adventurism. The current US crisis issues seem to be COVID, the economy, racism, red violence and global warming. None are crisis wars.

Thus, Generational Dynamics may well be obsolete. Not totally so. It can be very informative. It is just not the only way of looking at things. The assumptions it is built on are questionable.

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Re: Criticism of Generational Dynamics

Post by Bob Butler »

JCP wrote:
Tue Feb 16, 2021 11:07 am
John wrote:
Mon Feb 15, 2021 1:09 pm
I'll just close by repeating the "straw that breaks the camel's back" analogy.

If someone keeps piling straw on the camel's back, then you know that the camel's back will break at some point. But if the camel has an especially strong back, then it may not break for a very long time. But that doesn't change the bottom line: If you keep piling straw on the camel's back, then the back must eventually break, even if it's a strong back, and takes a long time.
Today Martin Armstrong was interviewed and he used the exact same idiom. He said that the impeachment of Trump may be the straw that broke that camel's back. He said the second impeachment of Trump was unconstitutional and that's why Judge Roberts refused to preside over it. He thinks it is the end of constitutional government. He thinks that honest elections are probably at an end too.
I was going to write a short story about a camel merchant going up to a guy putting one straw at a time onto a camel, and the camel responding by spitting on the guy each time. The merchant asks, why one straw at a time, and gets cussed at. The merchant mentions he is already overloading the camel, and he would make more money making multiple trips with the camel not overloaded, and gets cussed at. The merchant offers to sell the guy more camels, and gets cussed at. The merchant offers to buy the extra straw, and gets cussed at. The merchant mentions calling the society for the prevention of cruelty to animals. The camels take turns spitting.

Not quite sure how to end the story. A stampede?

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Re: Criticism of Generational Dynamics

Post by Bob Butler »

Hmm. You are being a bit too creative in the General Dynamics thread.

The definition of insurrection by Mirrim Webster is “A violent uprising against an authority or government.” While you guys seem to be into doublespeak, changing the meaning of words according to ideological bias, got to call you on this one.

A cop shot a criminal in the process of committing a crime. Another cop was assaulted with bear spray, which is not authorized for use on humans, as if assaulting cops doing their job is ok. This clearly indicates John and other members of this site are against rule of law?

The Democrats organized an insurrection carrying Trump signs and centered on racist red organizations seeking to stop a formality in a constitutional process that gives Democrats the White House? I don’t think so. Could you at least come up with believable conspiracy theories? It is necessary to create anti factual conspiracy theories to believe in a continuation of what conservative thought has become of late. It is harder and harder to find followers of actual conservative thought, rather than racist or elitist folks.

No, I don’t see black ‘handlers’, but I do see weight given to voters and party members who have long contributed to the cause. Some people seem to object to it, apparently out of an irrational fear of minorities, but responding to the will of the voters is supposed to be how a healthy democracy works.

But what would conservatives know about healthy democracies?

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