Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

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Post by Guest »

Guest wrote:
Sun Jan 21, 2024 9:40 am
Bob Butler wrote:
Sun Jan 21, 2024 2:11 am
Guest wrote:
Sun Jan 21, 2024 12:36 am
Why didn’t the most heavily armed demographic in the country (Trump supporters) bring guns to the insurrection and use them if they were trying to take over the government?

And how were the insurrectionists going to take over the government, exactly? Sit in desks? Log into computers? Did they have the nuclear codes? Why didn’t the capitol police kill them all?
The people most inclined to use violence - the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys and their ilk - were waiting for Trump to call on them as an official arm of the government. (I have forgotten the exact phrase for it. Not quite the militia, but a similar force of semi governmental part time armed civilians covered by some quasi official status.) Trump never did invoke this. In the meanwhile they were keeping an ample supply of weapons in reserve in Virginia in case he did. Partially too it is normally illegal for civilians to carry or use firearms in DC. If they didn’t carry or flaunt guns, the cops would not use theirs, and the cops could legally carry. The insurrectionists would have lost many lives for little gain. Keeping it at the riot / brawl level worked better for the insurrectionists in terms of disrupting the building and Constitutional procedures.

There were several hopes for keeping Trump in power. If they could bully Mike Pence into accepting the fake electors, that could conceivably do it. An argument seems more likely if he had not been firm. If they could bully Pence into leaving, another leader could take his place, and that leader could try to accept the fake electors. Pence was afraid of that and thus refused to get in a car that could take him from the Capitol. If they could make the election a standoff they could force Congress to decide the president under an unusual rule where each state gets one vote, where a populous state got as much weight as a small state. This put the Republicans at an advantage quite distinct and greater than the popular vote or the Electoral College. They would win such a vote.

I also suspect Trump was more desperate than rational for much of the time. He had planned to be at the Capitol. The Secret Service prevented it. We got an ad - lib.

Sitting in desks or using computers was not going to do it. Most insurrectionists didn’t seem to be part of a (sorta) thought out Trump supported plan. For all but a few, the plan was to be wild. I suspect the Shaman got lots of attention and publicity, but never exchanged notes with the White House people, Proud Boys or Oath Keepers.

The capitol police were more reluctant than enthusiastic about using guns. They only did so in a few cases where they were outnumbered or desperate. For the most part they judged they were supposed to prevent a massacre, not instigate one. At a guess, some insurrectionists had similar thoughts.

You would know all this if you had watched much of the January 6 Committee. I watched it too much and used none of it until now. I expect most of it to be mentioned in the trial.

When I asked for fact and reason, I didn’t expect questions you didn’t know the answer to.
That’s is quite an elaborate fantasy there. And your source is the Jan 6 committee, lol! I truly hope most Americans aren’t as gullible as you.
About half of us are--but most of that half are POCs dependent on welfare.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FullMoon »

That’s is quite an elaborate fantasy there. And your source is the Jan 6 committee, lol! I truly hope most Americans aren’t as gullible as you
They've become inculcated into believing anything the government or certain media outlets tell them. And are unable to seriously consider opposing viewpoints. There's lots of psychological studies about this kind of thinking. We all do it to some degree. But Trump derangement is pathological and this cult is willing to destroy democracy in order to 'save' it. This is no endorsement for any candidate. I hope we get a quality outsider as Navigator has suggested.

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Bob Butler
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Post by Bob Butler »

FullMoon wrote:
Sun Jan 21, 2024 10:39 am
That’s is quite an elaborate fantasy there. And your source is the Jan 6 committee, lol! I truly hope most Americans aren’t as gullible as you
They've become inculcated into believing anything the government or certain media outlets tell them. And are unable to seriously consider opposing viewpoints. There's lots of psychological studies about this kind of thinking. We all do it to some degree. But Trump derangement is pathological and this cult is willing to destroy democracy in order to 'save' it. This is no endorsement for any candidate. I hope we get a quality outsider as Navigator has suggested.
And yet Fox plead guilty to defamation, saying they will tell any lie as long as it increased their ratings and thus profits. Trump was 60 - 0 in court cases on the Big Lie. It goes on aplenty. There is little or none of that in the main stream media. Given the choice between Earth 1 and Earth 2, it is clear which one is full of it. Granted, if one worldview is bogus, that does not indicate the other isn't as well. One should consider one's own facts questionable as well.

I consider the Republicans to be an alliance of bigots, fanatics and the rich. That gives them motive enough. Often enough they don't believe it either, but pretend to in order to achieve their goals, to impede other cultures, to harass, impede and hate the different.

I can agree people can become tied to certain perverse worldviews. The lies have been called 'Earth 2'. Worldviews defend themselves, editing the facts they allow so that the worldview can survive unscathed. Some care about the authenticity of what they are about. This is rare here. Too many dwell in lies.


Re: Lies

Post by guest »

Bob Butler wrote:
Sun Jan 21, 2024 11:09 am
FullMoon wrote:
Sun Jan 21, 2024 10:39 am
That’s is quite an elaborate fantasy there. And your source is the Jan 6 committee, lol! I truly hope most Americans aren’t as gullible as you
They've become inculcated into believing anything the government or certain media outlets tell them. And are unable to seriously consider opposing viewpoints. There's lots of psychological studies about this kind of thinking. We all do it to some degree. But Trump derangement is pathological and this cult is willing to destroy democracy in order to 'save' it. This is no endorsement for any candidate. I hope we get a quality outsider as Navigator has suggested.
And yet Fox plead guilty to defamation, saying they will tell any lie as long as it increased their ratings and thus profits. Trump was 60 - 0 in court cases on the Big Lie. It goes on aplenty. There is little or none of that in the main stream media. Given the choice between Earth 1 and Earth 2, it is clear which one is full of it. Granted, if one worldview is bogus, that does not indicate the other isn't as well. One should consider one's own facts questionable as well.

I consider the Republicans to be an alliance of bigots, fanatics and the rich. That gives them motive enough. Often enough they don't believe it either, but pretend to in order to achieve their goals, to impede other cultures, to harass, impede and hate the different.

I can agree people can become tied to certain perverse worldviews. The lies have been called 'Earth 2'. Worldviews defend themselves, editing the facts they allow so that the worldview can survive unscathed. Some care about the authenticity of what they are about. This is rare here. Too many dwell in lies.
You really take cake.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

FullMoon wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2024 2:47 pm
Cool Breeze wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2024 1:14 pm
FullMoon wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2024 8:49 am

Probably because you're rude, smug, annoying, condescending brashful and lacking in life experience to know the difference. The other annoying one isn't censored as much probably to show how far off the deep end the Leftist lunatics are.
You call me names but can't recognize who runs the institutions and propaganda presses.

Hmmm, who's lacking in knowledge, logic, and experience really?

If you can't see things for what they are, you are hamstrung. All of you guys are. Burner realized it long ago, and it has been proven by me countless times since.
I'm assuming this hasn't been deleted because it proves my point. Both you and Bob are as John has said many times.
You and John can't even admit who owns the courts, the media, the money printers, etc.

How could you get any other analysis right, then?

You are lost. And your conflating me with someone like Bish should be the first clue, but you are totally lost at this point.

You'll get the price you deserve.

Cool Breeze
Posts: 2960
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Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

spottybrowncow wrote:
Sun Jan 21, 2024 10:44 pm
I watched this recently, and, unfortunately, it is no longer free, but I would encourage readers of this forum to view it if they can. ... ry-4596670

The Epoch Times grew from the anti-CCP Falun Gong movement in China. They are described as "far-right" by some, but I have found them to be only slightly right, mostly neutral. They do make very slick productions, much better than the J6 committee show-trial production. Unlike the committee production, they also include unbiased analysis.

The interesting thing about this documentary is that it contains a huge amount of video from either body cams or cellphones of the capitol police, and the videos are accompanied by analysis from experts with impeccable credentials. Of course, little if any of the video included in this documentary was presented in the J6 committee.

I'll just say that after watching this, if you had any doubt before, you will no longer have any doubt that the official narrative of J6 is sorely lacking.
Spotty, the site is dead. It censors free speech and is indirectly controlled as a result by the obvious people I've pointed out. Burner realized it long ago. I stuck around but it's not worth anyone's time anymore here. Bish is a distraction. John has given up and thinks his personal opinion matters. It doesn't.

The only escape hatch from the world, the matrix, the enslavement to those who run the world, is Jesus Christ.

Those that currently run things hate me for saying it, I am their enemy #1. They could not care less about generational dynamics or other theories. After all, they control the money. But they do not control those of us who will not give up on God. And they never will.

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Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by FullMoon »

Bob Butler wrote:
Tue Jan 23, 2024 5:42 am
Guest wrote:
Mon Jan 22, 2024 5:23 pm
Why were so many comments deleted?
A bunch were moved to Cool Breeze's thread. At a guess, too much personal attack and liberal perspective.
I thought you were a progressive? You've used that term to validate your perspective almost every time. And it's probably true. Because you are bigoted and intolerant, which are clearly manifesting through lots of people claiming progressivism.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

Guest wrote:
Mon Jan 22, 2024 5:23 pm
Why were so many comments deleted?
They don't allow the truth about who runs things in the world. Which is odd for a geopolitics site.

Just look around.

Cool Breeze
Posts: 2960
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Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

jdcpapa wrote:
Fri Jan 19, 2024 1:08 pm
Guest wrote:
Fri Jan 19, 2024 12:44 pm
I find the high polling numbers for Biden to be unbelievable. He has lost the Muslim, Latino, and Black votes. He's lost most of the Feminist vote too. These people will vote for RFK Jr. and defacto re-elect Trump. Biden has screwed himself for those ingrates in Tel Aviv.

I still think Trump will be blocked from running effectively.

RFK Jr. might pull it off.
You may want to check how the polling numbers were tabulated. See if the margin of error was applied against the polling. For example: The media reports the polls show Trump up over Biden by 4 points. Look at the actual results: If the actual results show Trump over Biden by 8 with a margin of error of 4 plus or minus, then the media reported it as Trump over Biden by 4.
jdc was the last voice of reason on this site

Higgie knows better but he also stops short of stating the truth for reasons of censor and upsetting John, who can't embrace the truth of Jesus Christ and is either a perennialist or egalitarian.

I pray for him as he had the treasure of the orthodox faith, but never pursued it. He'd rather rely on his own intellect.

Cool Breeze
Posts: 2960
Joined: Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:19 pm

Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

FullMoon wrote:
Tue Jan 23, 2024 2:36 pm
Bob Butler wrote:
Tue Jan 23, 2024 5:42 am
Guest wrote:
Mon Jan 22, 2024 5:23 pm
Why were so many comments deleted?
A bunch were moved to Cool Breeze's thread. At a guess, too much personal attack and liberal perspective.
I thought you were a progressive? You've used that term to validate your perspective almost every time. And it's probably true. Because you are bigoted and intolerant, which are clearly manifesting through lots of people claiming progressivism.
Yes, this is a funny one.

As I've told you, we know who his Father is.

It could be that he is unaware, as the deluded and those in deep delusion or are deceived by the Father of Lies are commonly seen in circles that Bish walks in.

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