Negentroponesia - Isles of Madness and Hope

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Negentroponesia - Isles of Madness and Hope

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

... you've washed up on the wet sands of a tiny island.

Will you fight for the Summit-Beast? The hope and madness of the muck underfoot, the trees overhead, and the strange fellow with the pointy stick in your face.

Are you the Summit-Beast? Is pointy stick guy the Summit-Beast?

Is there a choice NOT to fight for the Summit-Beast?

Why all the goofy questions for the poor soggy half-drowned guy being threatened with impalement?

The Isles of Negentroponesia have a purpose,.. or they don't. Why is there muck underfoot? Why the trees? Why the pointy implements?

..where is it all going?

The questions and the decisions are all that last past one lifetime. We are all pitiful threatened half-drowned soggy persons. We can know no other way of being.

So,.. where is it all going?

(( The Physics of Life ))

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Re: Negentroponesia - Isles of Madness and Hope

Post by Heisenberg »

Reality is, it seems, beyond my comprehension. How is it that one could be expected to defend things one struggles to accept? What does it even mean to fight?

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Re: Negentroponesia - Isles of Madness and Hope

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

Heisenberg wrote:Reality is, it seems, beyond my comprehension. How is it that one could be expected to defend things one struggles to accept? What does it even mean to fight?
Very good questions... bravo! :)

Reality is by definition beyond comprehension. Reality AS reality,.. reality qua reality, that is.

But the organism that can "relax" enough to allow the "tides" within the surrounding world to "show" it where it should be spending it's "decision energy" will get the greatest opportunity to recreate something quite similar to itself,.. which then in turn has to do the same thing.

The organism that can't relax and "despairs", and thus freezes up trying to hold onto "security", proves it can't surf for shit, and gets it's head ripped off on the reef.

We never defend things we don't accept. It may LOOK that way, but that's not defense we're seeing. It's habit.

And we don't struggle to accept anything. We either accept "it" or not. The apparent "struggle" is just more of that habitual behavior that comes from despair and the inability to relax and allow the world to show itself as it is.

..but that's all obvious and rather trivial. The real question is how does a being RELAX in the face of "reality"!?

Aloha! :) <shaka nui!>

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Re: Negentroponesia - Isles of Madness and Hope

Post by Heisenberg »

This is madness indeed. Even if there are some strange coincidences there is far from anything (that I know of) to solidly attribute one person's actions as part of a grander motive.

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