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Re: Climate Change

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 12:12 am
by gerald
I should add however -- the problem is -- to obtain objective facts and take logical actions based upon All FACTS, -- but --- human greed, egoes, power, need for control, information suppression , stupidity, etc. causes problems.
Some would say we are F'd

Re: Climate Change

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 12:15 pm
by gerald
CLIMATE CHANGE !!!!!!!!!!!
IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!
From Washington DC, The logic free zone ------- ... stitution/

CLIMATE CHANGE forces women into PROSTITUTION - US politicians

Is there anything bad it doesn't cause?
By Lewis Page • Get more from this author

Posted in Science, 1st May 2013 05:06 GMT
Free whitepaper – Hands on with Hyper-V 3.0 and virtual machine movement
A group of American politicians has introduced a resolution into Congress saying that climate change (among many other bad things it does) forces women into prostitution, and that as a result the USA should use "gender sensitive frameworks" in battling the scourge of global warming.

House Concurrent Resolution 36 of the 113th Congress ("Recognizing the disparate impact of climate change on women and the efforts of women globally to address climate change"), dated April 26, can be read here. It says:

Whereas women will disproportionately face harmful impacts from climate change ...

... insecure women with limited socioeconomic resources may be vulnerable to situations such as sex work, transactional sex, and early marriage that put them at risk for HIV, STIs, unplanned pregnancy, and poor reproductive health ...

So yes, women will be forced into prostitution by climate change. And something should be done:

Now, therefore, be it resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That Congress ...

... encourages the use of gender-sensitive frameworks in developing policies to address climate change, which account for the specific impacts of climate change on women ...

A concurrent resolution - should it be passed in due course by the House and Senate - does not have force of law, and indeed this one merely "encourages" the President to "support women globally to prepare for, build resilience for, and adapt to climate change". It will probably not have much impact on the US government or the climate debate generally should it be passed - except, of course, that it would become the official position of the US Congress that climate change doesn't just mean crop failure, rising sea levels, death to polar bears etc: it actually forces hapless women into prostitution as well.

The resolution was introduced by a group of Democratic congresspersons led by Representative Barbara Lee of California. ®

Gee ---

We better ban Dihydrogen Oxide -- ... en%20oxide

Clowns to the left jokers to the right

Re: Climate Change

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 8:46 am
by gerald
Climate change -

“Has there ever in history been such an almighty disconnect between observable reality and the delusions of a political class that is quite impervious to any rational discussion?”

To the Horror of Global Warming Alarmists, Global Cooling Is Here

Containing lots of historical data, and the effect of the sun -- ... is-here/2/

Re: Climate Change

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 10:30 pm
by gerald
space weather affecting earth - temperature, etc. daily updates

Re: Climate Change

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:12 pm
by gerald
2899 Record cold temps vs 667 record warm temps in U.S. — From July 24 to August 19 ... ps-in-u-s/

Re: Climate Change

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 12:01 pm
by gerald
Antarctica — Once a Tropical Paradise -- from the electric universe --- ... -paradise/

Is it possible the Antarctic ice sheet is only a few thousand years old?

There are three intriguing contradictions that challenge the hoary age of the Antarctic ice sheet. They seem bizarre and hard to explain. Two antique maps, that of Piri Reis and Oronteus Finaeus (circa 1500 A.D.), weirdly show Antarctica ice-free. But this was a time before Antarctica was discovered! Even more curious, Turkish Admiral Piri Reis’s map, was apparently sourced from the Pharaoh’s libraries in Alexandria 2000 years ago.

The Oronteus Finnaeus maps were even more comprehensive and show the whole of Antarctica ice free!

At the bottom of ice sheets have been found flora. Does this suggest that Antarctica was covered by snow in one rapid event? Was it a sudden catastrophic move from the tropics to ultra cold? Certainly the snap frozen mammoths of Siberia suggest a similar worldwide event. From tropics to paralyzing cold with flora and fauna locked in death throes seems insurmountable evidence for global catastrophic events!

Re: Climate Change

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 8:01 pm
by gerald
“Most Severe Winter Start In 200 Years!” + Euro Municipalities Now Ignoring Foolish Predictions Of Warm Winters
By P Gosselin on 12. Oktober 2013

German RTL television last night here (starting at 4:30) called it the “most severe start of winter in 200 years!“, saying many meteorologists were caught by surprise. Up to half a meter of snow fell at some locations.

Gone are the mild winters of the sort Europe seen in the 1990s and early 2000s. Indeed for central Europe the last 5 consecutive winters have all been colder than normal – a record!

See more at: ... nQNnT.dpuf

And the global warming experts were saying what?

The experts said what about the climate? the economy? technology? etc. ---Why believe what the self proclaimed "experts" say?
Nature holds all of the trump cards and plays them as she see fit ---- South Dakota ranchers reel after 'catastrophic' storm leaves up to 100,000 cattle dead ... 00-cattle/

Re: Climate Change

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 3:03 pm
by at99sy
gerald wrote:“Most Severe Winter Start In 200 Years!” + Euro Municipalities Now Ignoring Foolish Predictions Of Warm Winters
By P Gosselin on 12. Oktober 2013

And the global warming experts were saying what?

The experts said what about the climate? the economy? technology? etc. ---Why believe what the self proclaimed "experts" say?
Nature holds all of the trump cards and plays them as she see fit ---- South Dakota ranchers reel after 'catastrophic' storm leaves up to 100,000 cattle dead ... 00-cattle/
and today I read this: ... ering.html

"In 1992, it was thought that volcanic degassing released something like 100 million tons of CO2 each year. Around the turn of the millennium, this figure was getting closer to 200. The most recent estimate, released this February, comes from a team led by Mike Burton, of the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology – and it’s just shy of 600 million tons. It caps a staggering trend: A six-fold increase in just two decades.

These inflating figures, I hasten to add, don't mean that our planet is suddenly venting more CO2.

Humanity certainly is; but any changes to the volcanic background level would occur over generations, not years. The rise we’re seeing now, therefore, must have been there all along: As scientific progress is widening our perspective, the daunting outline of how little we really know about volcanoes is beginning to loom large."

Who knew! Volcanoes emit large amounts of CO2?



Re: Climate Change

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 12:07 am
by gerald
at99sy wrote:
gerald wrote:“Most Severe Winter Start In 200 Years!” + Euro Municipalities Now Ignoring Foolish Predictions Of Warm Winters
By P Gosselin on 12. Oktober 2013

And the global warming experts were saying what?

The experts said what about the climate? the economy? technology? etc. ---Why believe what the self proclaimed "experts" say?
Nature holds all of the trump cards and plays them as she see fit ---- South Dakota ranchers reel after 'catastrophic' storm leaves up to 100,000 cattle dead ... 00-cattle/
and today I read this: ... ering.html

"In 1992, it was thought that volcanic degassing released something like 100 million tons of CO2 each year. Around the turn of the millennium, this figure was getting closer to 200. The most recent estimate, released this February, comes from a team led by Mike Burton, of the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology – and it’s just shy of 600 million tons. It caps a staggering trend: A six-fold increase in just two decades.

These inflating figures, I hasten to add, don't mean that our planet is suddenly venting more CO2.

Humanity certainly is; but any changes to the volcanic background level would occur over generations, not years. The rise we’re seeing now, therefore, must have been there all along: As scientific progress is widening our perspective, the daunting outline of how little we really know about volcanoes is beginning to loom large."

Who knew! Volcanoes emit large amounts of CO2?


CO2 is chicken feed ---

Krakatoa 1883 --

The explosions hurled an estimated 11 cubic miles (45 cubic km) of debris into the atmosphere darkening skies up to 275 miles (442 km) from the volcano. In the immediate vicinity, the dawn did not return for three days. Barographs around the globe documented that the shock waves in the atmosphere circled the planet at least seven times. Within 13 days, a layer of sulfur dioxide and other gases began to filter the amount of sunlight able to reach Earth. The atmospheric effects made for spectacular sunsets all over Europe and the United States. Average global temperatures were up to 1.2 degrees cooler for the next five years.

Sorry I can't find a link but Krakatoa in the 1883 eruption produced an equivalent 100 years of peak global human production of hydrofluorocarbons.

However -- in 1816

Tambora is the only eruption in modern history to rate a VEI of 7. Global temperatures were an average of five degrees cooler because of this eruption; even in the United States, 1816 was known as the “year without a summer.” Crops failed worldwide,

Nature holds all of the trump cards, and we are fools if we forget.


Re: Climate Change

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 8:45 am
by at99sy
Indeed. One major eruption can do surpass all of mankind's efforts. Not sure if the anthropocentric argument is due to hysteric foolishness or
hysterical agendas, but I repeat myself.
