Swine Flu Pandemic - Preparation

Learning about and preparing for what now appears to be the "Great H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic of 2009"
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Re: Swine Flu Pandemic - Preparation

Post by gerald »

I am not saying that the above is a cure for all things, as many things need to be taken in moderation, a person can kill one's self by drinking too much water, which has happened on a recent radio show. What I am trying to say is much information is suppressed, and for many reasons. Recently they have come out with wireless and battery less electric home appliances.http://www.cnet.com/8301-13553_1-10146859-32.html. It should be noted this technology is at least 70 years old http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gt8Y93k0pB0 I could go on, but I think you get the picture, this is just another example of a form of corruption.

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Re: Swine Flu Pandemic - Preparation

Post by Witchiepoo »

A lack of oxygen makes it difficult for cells to burn fuel and carry out whatever functions they are designed to do. t does not cause DNA changes, which (as far as we know at this time) are what lead to cancer.

Having seen what hydrogen peroxide does when applied to flesh, I would not willingly ingest it, even diluted.

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Re: Swine Flu Pandemic - Preparation

Post by Amon »

Yeah...sorry gerald, but that was not the best idea you've had.

7 Better Ways Medicine Can Beat Back Swine Flu

This may be the most sobering news on this particular pandemic that I've heard, in that it may erase my panic altogether. I don't want to believe any good news on the H1N1 just yet, but right now the experts, at least according to this article, seem to be implying that we may have dodged a major bullet while detailing how things should have been done to have a more effective preparation.

Opinions or challenges, anyone?

EDIT: Also, it seems like I may have a higher resistance to flu viruses and other temporary illnesses than normal. I plan to get tested asap to see if this really is the case...since, I can't be certain, but it may appear as though I managed to get a mild enough case of H1N1 that it went away less than 36 hours after catching it.

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